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Suffused Obsidian: Collect Rift Energy Bugged

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Posted (edited)

As the title states, I was at 120ish rift energy out of 250 when the buff showing my progress disappeared upon switching maps. After doing another rift the buff reappeared but only counted my progress for that rift. Taking the runestone out of my inventory and restarting the game doesn't fix this issue, switching maps is still resetting my progress. I'm unsure if it's just a visual bug with the energy still being counted in the background or if my progress is being reset to 0 every map change...

EDIT: It's just a visual bug, the progress is still counted in the background.

Edited by Akisai.5140
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Posted (edited)

happened to me too, switching map sometimes resets progress.  Started day at 43 on counter, joined a rift group in Malchors and did a few rifts and was near 170 or so.  went to amnytas for meta to work on that part of suffused achieve and did a T1 rift there before meta started and noticed rift energy counter now at "2".  whoa!  did meta. joined a group in Bloodstone fen and no counter anymore.  now thinking i probably have to stay on one map to get it done.

Update:  right after posting, went and did another rift in BF and took waypoint to get there.  noticed rift energy counter now gone (was really going to get pissed if taking wp resets it, ugh).  Did another rift and noticed counter didn't reappear.  checked achieve and saw i had it completed now.  I think somewhere behind the scenes its actually is keeping track of the total progress, but the counter shown is bugged.  Still needs to be fixed.


Edited by DeadMeat.8724
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