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Player housing : please add gameplay to it

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As far as player housing is concerned, please add gameplay to it. If it's only about putting flower pots skins in a small instance where my home instance nodes have moved and where i have no additional reason to go to, i won't care the slightest bit.

Please make it possible to cultivate new plants around the house (linked to cooking, let's hope for legendary cooking later since it's not done there it seems) make some husbandry (animals, bees), maybe an aquarium to raise fish (that have a gameplay use again, not just fish skins to go stare at all day)


Maybe furniture that has some kind of use too : buffs and so on.


I'm already not that much anticipating the new weapon : as an engineer main, using a prehistoric weapon doesn't hype me much so far. Please don't miss the housing part, since it's like the only new type of content being added.

Edited by GEGEZZ.7563
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I would also love an option for a library to store all of the books that we have been able to collect over time. I love going back and reading over what I have, and I think it would be great to add a place for that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/4/2024 at 6:40 PM, GEGEZZ.7563 said:

linked to cooking, let's hope for legendary cooking later since it's not done there it seems

We already have 500 cooking what more do you want...

We also have garden plots, you can get 1 in achievements and 2 more in the gem store, also a cooking stove from achievements. As for animals you can get cats... lots of cats... So everything you can think to ask is already available in the core game home instance...

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My preference would be crafting and customizable placement of decorations, home harvesting nodes, crafting stations, vendors, bank access, and portals all locked behind the new undisclosed crafting profession similar to those of Scribing.

It would provide progression towards a goal and a way to sink investment and time in return for QOL and functionality.

It would also be great if there's a way to toggle on a setting that allows your guildmates and/or friend list players to openly visit your homestead and use the amenities.

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On 6/4/2024 at 1:40 PM, GEGEZZ.7563 said:

I'm already not that much anticipating the new weapon : as an engineer main, using a prehistoric weapon doesn't hype me much so far.

You might want to check out the new preview video. Engi spear looks pretty hype to me...

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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On 6/4/2024 at 6:40 PM, GEGEZZ.7563 said:



As far as player housing is concerned, please add gameplay to it. If it's only about putting flower pots skins in a small instance where my home instance nodes have moved and where i have no additional reason to go to, i won't care the slightest bit.

Please make it possible to cultivate new plants around the house (linked to cooking, let's hope for legendary cooking later since it's not done there it seems) make some husbandry (animals, bees), maybe an aquarium to raise fish (that have a gameplay use again, not just fish skins to go stare at all day)


Maybe furniture that has some kind of use too : buffs and so on.


I'm already not that much anticipating the new weapon : as an engineer main, using a prehistoric weapon doesn't hype me much so far. Please don't miss the housing part, since it's like the only new type of content being added.

What a silly little post.  The gameplay for housing  is collecting not buffs.  

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On 6/4/2024 at 12:40 PM, GEGEZZ.7563 said:


I'm already not that much anticipating the new weapon : as an engineer main, using a prehistoric weapon doesn't hype me much so far. Please don't miss the housing part, since it's like the only new type of content being added.

How is spear any more prehistoric than any other non gun weapon? Speargun would be the closest we have since it is a gun...that shoots spears. Engineers have hammer which is just as prehistoric.

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If ANet adds "too many gameplay buffs" to the Homestead, they will pull people out of existing hub locations. Most of the "player hubs" we got in the past have never been really established areas, e.g.
- Original EotN - it only had the legacy trader from switching over from GW1, but did not bring your old achievments over (like the collections that have been displayed there); also, it was a single player instance
- Guild HQ in LA - This one only serves as a stop to select a GH to unlock. Once you have a GH, there is hardly any reason to enter; The only one is the NPC, where you can buy banners and guild siege, but that one onlocks later in the guild progression and most likely, you will visit the GH andf not go to LA for the trade (so it is not useable for small / one-person guilds).
- Sun's Refuge - POF's idea of a personal hub, which developped a bit via the story/living world, but it is too vast and unconvenient to serve as a real hub and expanding it never worked out.
- EotN now - The IBS version of a hub, that was centered about DRMs and Strikes and should be the central starting point for us, for those. Individual players have some convenient options to get there, but who really invested more than a merchant? It lost its player hub character with more starting points to get into Strikes (we now have LA, Arborstone, Wizard's Tower)
- Arborstone - The EOD hub. As far as I can see the best performing hub we have now, due to crafting stations, access to core Tyria (LA) and the Well Rested buff. Bank, Trading post and Mystic Forge close together.
- Wizard's Tower - The SotO hub. OK, you have access to the NPCs connected to all the legendary crafting, but if you don't go for that, it isn't that interesting outside of needing to get to a Convergence (and the trash item NPC you can unlock to clean those out every week, once). You get Well Rested there too.
- PvP lobby - has some basic things, but mostly is a place for bloated egos to type in map chat or to finish daily damage dealt at that small arena.
- Gem store hubs (Armistice bastion, Pavilion etc.) -  Well, they are locked behind a gem pay wall, so not everybody can get to those.

That brings us to the new Homesteads. Any feature that will draw people from the places mentioned above, will make those places more empty than they already are. I have doubts that the intention of a MMO should be to draw people into private locations, when they are not actively playing. Adding gameplay to the Homestead that takes a longer time (than e.g. harvesting some nodes), like actual events seems to be counter productive. The only place the Homestead really will compete with is the personal home instance, because you can decorate there. That could boost Scribe, but I doubt it will have game play impact.

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5 hours ago, Gorani.7205 said:

- Gem store hubs (Armistice bastion, Pavilion etc.) -  Well, they are locked behind a gem pay wall, so not everybody can get to those.


With the gold faucet from wizards vault how cant not everybody get their hands on a gem store pass?

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Call it a hunch, but it's peculiar that they gave us a command table as a decorative piece in our homestead for the deluxe edition. Most newer skins that players get from deluxe editions are skins that cover something highly functional that the player notices right away. It wouldn't surprise me if they gave us a dinky little command table with a functional use inside of our homestead, with this shiny command table being an option.

Some ideas that I think would be nice to have in a homestead that wouldn't be too intrusive to the game:

  • It would be neat if they gave us things like our bloodstone brick oven. It's already in our home instance, so having it in our homestead wouldn't be bad.
  • A jade bot workbench, since those are scarce in newer content. It currently exists in guild halls as a decoration, but they aren't crazy important and would be more noticeable to players inside of their own homestead.
  • We still use Portable United Legions Waystations to buy more Portable United Legions Waystations, so maybe they could give us one of those as a decoration? It's nice to wrap up the little things like those into a nice little package to manage our more out of the way items.
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39 minutes ago, Quench.7091 said:

Call it a hunch, but it's peculiar that they gave us a command table as a decorative piece in our homestead for the deluxe edition. Most newer skins that players get from deluxe editions are skins that cover something highly functional that the player notices right away. It wouldn't surprise me if they gave us a dinky little command table with a functional use inside of our homestead, with this shiny command table being an option.

Some ideas that I think would be nice to have in a homestead that wouldn't be too intrusive to the game:

  • It would be neat if they gave us things like our bloodstone brick oven. It's already in our home instance, so having it in our homestead wouldn't be bad.
  • A jade bot workbench, since those are scarce in newer content. It currently exists in guild halls as a decoration, but they aren't crazy important and would be more noticeable to players inside of their own homestead.
  • We still use Portable United Legions Waystations to buy more Portable United Legions Waystations, so maybe they could give us one of those as a decoration? It's nice to wrap up the little things like those into a nice little package to manage our more out of the way items.

What if the command table is like wow was it legions were you sent npcs out from your garrison to gather stuff?

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Back to the topic of "gameplay" inside / with the Homestead. ANet could add gameplay via the daily tasks of the WIzard's Vault (PvE section), where you have to craft/place a certain type of decoration inside the homestead. That would require the Homestead having a scribing station like in the GH. (btw, we still do not know how decorations in the homestead are handled. Are they like regular GH decorations that require the scribing profession or are they like PvP arena decorations, which can be places unlimited once they got unlocked via a GH upgrade). That would be on the same level of players going to the homeinstance now doing lumber, mining or harvesting for dailies.
We also do not know if Homesteads are account based or character based, which could mean your Charr could set up a steam punk workshop and your Sylvari could turn into a vast garden. Individual Homesteads would have the potential to serve as gem store items, because it could created more reasons to customize for each character slot.

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4 hours ago, Gorani.7205 said:

We also do not know if Homesteads are account based or character based, which could mean your Charr could set up a steam punk workshop and your Sylvari could turn into a vast garden. Individual Homesteads would have the potential to serve as gem store items, because it could created more reasons to customize for each character slot.

From the launch announcement we do know that it's an account wide instance so we'll have one homestead for the entire account. There's no reason why we can't unlock more in the future but they'll most likely also be account wide.

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1 minute ago, kiroho.4738 said:

You mean like the offensive/defensive jade bot protocol buff from EoD?
Or the karma, magic find and skiff buff from EoD?
Or the speed buff in towns you get from central tyria mastery (which requires at least one expansion)?
Or the fractal singularity, that also requires a mastery -> expansion?

There already are dozens of what you call "pay to win" features in the game, since years. And none of them is pay to win. 🙂 

There is a power creep issue for combat that certain perks have provided in the past, like Jade Bot vitality being 235 and it being bad if they were to provide such a thing every expansion. The ones you've listed are good examples of tame perks that nobody would really complain about. It's true that there is a line that the developers can simply choose to not cross. There are things that they can do that won't disrupt the gameplay.

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5 hours ago, Gorani.7205 said:

Back to the topic of "gameplay" inside / with the Homestead. ANet could add gameplay via the daily tasks of the WIzard's Vault (PvE section), where you have to craft/place a certain type of decoration inside the homestead. That would require the Homestead having a scribing station like in the GH. (btw, we still do not know how decorations in the homestead are handled. Are they like regular GH decorations that require the scribing profession or are they like PvP arena decorations, which can be places unlimited once they got unlocked via a GH upgrade). That would be on the same level of players going to the homeinstance now doing lumber, mining or harvesting for dailies.
We also do not know if Homesteads are account based or character based, which could mean your Charr could set up a steam punk workshop and your Sylvari could turn into a vast garden. Individual Homesteads would have the potential to serve as gem store items, because it could created more reasons to customize for each character slot.

To add to that, we know that the decorations can be crafted using a profession separate from scribing. It's in the tooltip of the Wayfinder's Versatile Table and was clarified further here:


Edited by Quench.7091
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2 hours ago, Quench.7091 said:

There is a power creep issue for combat that certain perks have provided in the past, like Jade Bot vitality being 235 and it being bad if they were to provide such a thing every expansion. The ones you've listed are good examples of tame perks that nobody would really complain about. It's true that there is a line that the developers can simply choose to not cross. There are things that they can do that won't disrupt the gameplay.

Let's be honest, even the vitality buff from jade bot didn't cause a noticable power creep. A single balance patch has much more impact.

However, nobody said is has to be a combat related buff. There are tons of stats to buff and neat effects to give that doesn't affect combat.

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3 hours ago, Quench.7091 said:

To add to that, we know that the decorations can be crafted using a profession separate from scribing. It's in the tooltip of the Wayfinder's Versatile Table ...

Thanks for the information. But does that mean we need a "free" crafting profession slot? I kind of want to have it on my main and not on one of the alts, who still have not chosen a second profession. Or it could be tied to a mastery line, having nothing to do with the classic crafting professions at all. 

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On 6/15/2024 at 10:49 AM, Gorani.7205 said:

Or it could be tied to a mastery line, having nothing to do with the classic crafting professions at all. 

I'm thinking it might be a mastery line that allows you to unlock/buy recipes for stuff, which then feed into both the Mystic Toilet and the existing crafting lines.

With Scribe being an underwhelming and limited-use kind of craft skill, this might be a way to give it some more utility.

Creating a completely new crafting skill to make decorations for a homestead when that already exists for Guild Halls seems to fall right into that "putting a hat on a hat" space they said they wanted to avoid.


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1 hour ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

I'm thinking it might be a mastery line that allows you to unlock/buy recipes for stuff, which then feed into both the Mystic Toilet and the existing crafting lines.

With Scribe being an underwhelming and limited-use kind of craft skill, this might be a way to give it some more utility.

Creating a completely new crafting skill to make decorations for a homestead when that already exists for Guild Halls seems to fall right into that "putting a hat on a hat" space they said they wanted to avoid.


What do that video got to do with anything you wrote mate?

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