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Join the EU/NA Alliance Discord Servers!

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WvW Enthusiasts! 

As we are just a few days away from perpetual WvW Restructuring, I thought I'd pass along a bit of information.  If you aren't aware, two WvW Community (Restructuring/Alliance) Discords have been created so that both the NA and EU communities have a space to connect, coordinate maps, and recruit new players and/or alliances.

These Discord servers are a great resource for all WvW players in Guild Wars 2, offering:

  • A place for WvW communities to connect.
  • Communication and organization for teamwork.
  • Finding team players and guilds within your matchup.
  • Recruitment opportunities for both guilds and alliances.
  • A place to find answers to all your WvW questions.
  • Get help navigating the Mists in Guild Wars 2.

What you'll find on these Discord servers:

  • Global world/team text channels to chat with the entire community.
  • Specific world/team voice and text channels for communication with teammates.
  • A little something for everyone, no matter if you're a solo player or part of a grand alliance.

Click the link below for your region (EU or NA) and when Restructuring goes live, you'll have the option to choose the team/server you were placed on. Be a part of the action and connect with your fellow team players within your matchup!

Join the EU/NA Alliance Discord Server corresponding to your region:

EU Alliance Server - https://discord.gg/QPHHe8GZrD

NA Alliance Server - https://discord.gg/26k9WRZsua

See you in the mists!

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