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Warrior: The "Cuck" since 2013. -- Vote With Your Wallet.


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On 6/13/2024 at 8:09 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Feel free to try FF14. My pal swears it picks up really good after level 50...

Don't do it!  That game is awful for the first 50 levels (and that's as far as I got!).  The combat feels like absolute garbage.  On most classes you're stuck with the equivalent of an auto-attack chain and a couple of cooldowns for at least the first 30 levels.  No dodge, of course.  You just stand there trading hits with enemies while pushing the next button in the chain every 2.5 seconds (You heard that right!  There is a forced 2.5s wait between using skills!) and watching Netflix to try not to fall asleep.  The story at least consistently guides you unlike GW2 drip-feeding it every 10 levels, but it's more a vessel to send you on annoying fetch quests (the NPCs even make a joke of it at points!) than an actual story.

I'm assured the story, the combat, and everything else improves dramatically in the later game, but I can't think of a worse leveling experience in any MMO I've played.  FFXIV leveling takes the crown of garbage gameplay for me!

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3 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Don't do it!  That game is awful for the first 50 levels (and that's as far as I got!).  The combat feels like absolute garbage.  On most classes you're stuck with the equivalent of an auto-attack chain and a couple of cooldowns for at least the first 30 levels.  No dodge, of course.  You just stand there trading hits with enemies while pushing the next button in the chain every 2.5 seconds (You heard that right!  There is a forced 2.5s wait between using skills!) and watching Netflix to try not to fall asleep.  The story at least consistently guides you unlike GW2 drip-feeding it every 10 levels, but it's more a vessel to send you on annoying fetch quests (the NPCs even make a joke of it at points!) than an actual story.

I'm assured the story, the combat, and everything else improves dramatically in the later game, but I can't think of a worse leveling experience in any MMO I've played.  FFXIV leveling takes the crown of garbage gameplay for me!

Hence my statement that you quoted. My pal swears it picks up after level 50... Prior to that the combat is garbage.

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25 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Don't do it!  That game is awful for the first 50 levels (and that's as far as I got!).  The combat feels like absolute garbage.  On most classes you're stuck with the equivalent of an auto-attack chain and a couple of cooldowns for at least the first 30 levels.  No dodge, of course.  You just stand there trading hits with enemies while pushing the next button in the chain every 2.5 seconds (You heard that right!  There is a forced 2.5s wait between using skills!) and watching Netflix to try not to fall asleep.  The story at least consistently guides you unlike GW2 drip-feeding it every 10 levels, but it's more a vessel to send you on annoying fetch quests (the NPCs even make a joke of it at points!) than an actual story.

I'm assured the story, the combat, and everything else improves dramatically in the later game, but I can't think of a worse leveling experience in any MMO I've played.  FFXIV leveling takes the crown of garbage gameplay for me!


first 50 levels are awful now, because they removed skills after expansions, else the number of skills will be so bloated

level 50 before is clearly more fun than level 50 now, because the standard fun level now is level 90, this is one of FF14 con but there's really no way around it as more expansions coming

what's good for me about FF14 is you can also find people for old content, and people wouldn't mind for you being new, gw2 old raid/cm content you only see farm party and they kick you the momement they see you make mistake..

and classes feel equally nice..instead of having all these gw2 warrior situation and huge power creep and all this bullcrap, probably due to them keeping the classes simple, instead of having a trillion useless weapons and utilities to customize with, which you never will use, because they are useless..

Edited by Lighter.5631
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1 hour ago, Pianotamer.4790 said:

Feel free to try any of the 30 other class archetypes instead of whining about how one class is the least favored 

but we like warrior and want it to be effective as well. Ideally each of the 9 professions should be equally represented in all game modes.

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16 hours ago, Pianotamer.4790 said:

Feel free to try any of the 30 other class archetypes instead of whining about how one class is the least favored 

Bro came to the warrior forums to police the topics about warrior 💀

It's either 
"your class is oppressive in" (this one specific scenario that anet keeps buffing specifically while nerfing the other playstyles)


"Go play something else/whine about something else if it's so bad"

Not a soul wants to sit down and make sure playing warrior isnt annoying for at least one person involved lmao, goalpost is three miles that way 👉

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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IMO I think warrior in GW2 is a bit... weirdly designed or they haven't got a clear idea about warrior's direction design.

First Elite Spec: Berserker, the elite themed weapon is Torch when released. While you can opted power, the condi version is Sword+Torch/Longbow, I think this is the first time I saw "Berserker" themed class with such weapon. And the berserker doesn't feel Berserk? I mean the gameplay is just doing spam of the primal burst with Axe/Axe. I think by comparisson, Fury Warrior from WoW is feel more "berserk" with the animation.
Also the difference between berserker and core aside from utility it's just you can primal burst instead of normal, not changing that much.

Second Elite Spec: Spellbreaker, designed to remove boon and counter some spell but they somehow manage to keep nerfing it.

Third Elite Spec: Bladesworn, well the idea is interesting based on Samurai's Iaijutsu but... they make it quite immobile which is hard to use in WvW.

And now is Ranged Spear, while most people happy that we got more ranged weapon. Ranged spear for Warrior seems.... weird.. I mean if you talk about ranged spear, at least for me the first come into mind is for Ranger not Warrior.  Maybe unpopular opinion but I'd rather they fix the Long Bow and Rifle, maybe adding Shortbow then make Spear to be Melee and make it Dragoon Style.

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If I have to guess, people think Warrior is the "Average Joe" profession in the world of supernatural beings and all that stuff, so of course they would get all kinds of "mundane" stuff.

Berserker is literally just a very angry Warrior.

Spellbreaker is thematically more interesting, but ultimately they are just Core Warriors with boon rips and damage gained from spamming cc.

Bladesworn is literally just a Warrior who managed to get their hands onto a volatile and probably unsafe weapon somehow.

And with the consensus regarding Warrior spear being..."mundane"? It only proves more and more to me about what I said above.

(though by that virtue, I also like playing it *because* it's an Average Joe class. I don't need magic to hit stuff till it dies.)

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On 6/15/2024 at 8:09 PM, Pianotamer.4790 said:

Feel free to try any of the 30 other class archetypes instead of whining about how one class is the least favored 

I've done that and every time I went to a new class and got them up to speed that class was attack relentlessly in the forums. You know with the same tired old trope of being carried by this or that, unfun, unskilled... All in a bid to get that class nerf in one way or another. So going to another class just bring more heat especially in the competitive game mode. Better off just letting them have it and even that don't work, because then they start creeping into the pve game mode being hooliganlistic..

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On 6/17/2024 at 4:27 AM, Guy.9207 said:

If I have to guess, people think Warrior is the "Average Joe" profession in the world of supernatural beings and all that stuff, so of course they would get all kinds of "mundane" stuff.

Berserker is literally just a very angry Warrior.

Spellbreaker is thematically more interesting, but ultimately they are just Core Warriors with boon rips and damage gained from spamming cc.

Bladesworn is literally just a Warrior who managed to get their hands onto a volatile and probably unsafe weapon somehow.

And with the consensus regarding Warrior spear being..."mundane"? It only proves more and more to me about what I said above.

(though by that virtue, I also like playing it *because* it's an Average Joe class. I don't need magic to hit stuff till it dies.)

The problem with the mundane stuff is that it just wont cut it anymore to "hit stuff till it dies" (in open world pve maybe that still works) 

If all the other classes get 3 effects tagged onto each skill while warrior only has 1 effect tagged onto a skill they drown. 

Some classes you cant even see anymore what the hell is going on, or atleast its heavily obscured while warrior is clear as day for everybody to see what kills them, so easy to play around. And warrior keeps getting nerfed to the ground because noobs die to it. (or atleast used to die to it quickly) 

Good players almost never lost to warris, while noobs got stomped and cried "OP! NERF!" 

And now we got a toothless wet noodle wielding boi


So much so that my wvw guild cut warrior completely out of their gvg setup, since its going to cele hybrid condi meta, and warrior is useless there. 

Edited by RedShark.9548
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1 hour ago, RedShark.9548 said:

The problem with the mundane stuff is that it just wont cut it anymore to "hit stuff till it dies" (in open world pve maybe that still works) 

If all the other classes get 3 effects tagged onto each skill while warrior only has 1 effect tagged onto a skill they drown

Issue isn’t mundane stuff, warriors don’t need to take on magic or anything to have more mechanics, they’re susposed to be weapon masters

Spear has 2 mechanics 

abilities effects alter based on distance - this could be really cool, IF the next 2 abilities shown gain benefit from being further from the target. That’s the issue there. For a mechanic like this it needs a reason to consider BOTH Range and melee. 

spear fragments upon impact, could be cool if you could interact with the way fragments do dmg in any way. 

the issue isn’t not being flashy, the issue is the mechanics don’t have interactive gameplay.

if distance had pros and cons to both remaining ranged and being in melee I.e benefits based on each side that scale based on distance the concept could be cool. 

if fragments had any more gameplay past passive cleave, again could be really cool 

problem is as of so far, neither of the mechanics for warrior matter. 

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4 hours ago, Magmi.6723 said:

Issue isn’t mundane stuff, warriors don’t need to take on magic or anything to have more mechanics, they’re susposed to be weapon masters

Spear has 2 mechanics 

abilities effects alter based on distance - this could be really cool, IF the next 2 abilities shown gain benefit from being further from the target. That’s the issue there. For a mechanic like this it needs a reason to consider BOTH Range and melee. 

spear fragments upon impact, could be cool if you could interact with the way fragments do dmg in any way. 

the issue isn’t not being flashy, the issue is the mechanics don’t have interactive gameplay.

if distance had pros and cons to both remaining ranged and being in melee I.e benefits based on each side that scale based on distance the concept could be cool. 

if fragments had any more gameplay past passive cleave, again could be really cool 

problem is as of so far, neither of the mechanics for warrior matter. 

Why take away the triple spin then?! (too strong or no brains to balance?)

With how rifle and longbow is do we really think spear is going to be good? 

Look at staff release, look at pistol off hand lol

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3 hours ago, Vepa.6073 said:

With how rifle and longbow is do we really think spear is going to be good

Depends on what you mean by good, 

If we are talking performance it has every chance to be either great or awful. That will be chances of all the spears. 

if you mean playstyle wise, well yeah. What we have been shown so far seems very basic mechanically compared to other options. 

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Warrior also has no channeled skills that goes through combo moves (staff 1 don't fit) every attack takes input from from the player. No hitting a skill sit back and letting it do it's thing, and adrenalin is a joke. If a player is ready to throw down he /she should already pumped up  to lay the hammer down, it don't take any magic attributes, instead of being after a bunch of weak hits then it's [alright here it comes]. For a class that benefit mostly from making contact with the target it sure does miss allot, especially with all the nerfs to it's targeting and precision mechanic. It's bad enough the projectile skills got the speed of a drunk turtle on fire, there's just not enough of them.

It's sad actually to see so many people needing a crutch from the company in order to feel as if they're making a difference. The old tropes of [get guud, change classes, do more crafting] just don't seem to apply to some people, so they have to run to daddy Anet for help.

Very disturbing.

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I cannot overstate how much I want to like this game and recommend it to my friends, and how, REPEATEDLY, ANet's Balance Devs make that impossible through their blatant lack of understanding of how things will work/synergize/play on classes like Warrior, Engi & Thief.


I'm fine with plain Visuals. But mechanically the range-varriant threshold thing is just awful and will ONCE AGAIN (Think: Delayed, Dragon Trigger 2 vs 1&3 Timings) make both playing WITH and AGAINST it be an unmitigated nightmare. Not to mention the fact that the auto is only ranged and hits 5 targets up-close, means that it's basically unusable in WvW Zerg clashes that ensure that you're not only cleaving your own party via-reflects, you're doing so literally better than anything else in the game. I used to think that it was just apathy towards Warrior that filed these decisions, but more & more it's feeling like malice Where someone got paid YOUR MONEY to actively go:

     "Hey, I've got to to tick' this box and design something unique for Warrior. I freaking hate that class. How do I design something that looks to the "Unga Bunga" (kinda racist meme lords) on paper, but is frankly so awful to play against we'll have 'no choice's but to nerf it out of existence. Because Lord knows, we're not giving Warriors any utility or anything unique on their Weapon, only damage.


And someone got paid money to do this, remember. Your money.

Unless Bladesworn gets reworked/finished/fixed. No, spear add nothing for me, even if it is the rifle rework we were all promised in disguise, so I will not be buying Janthir Wilds. Even then it's super questionable based on ANet's track record.


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4 hours ago, FellFalls.3750 said:

I cannot overstate how much I want to like this game and recommend it to my friends, and how, REPEATEDLY, ANet's Balance Devs make that impossible through their blatant lack of understanding of how things will work/synergize/play on classes like Warrior, Engi & Thief.


I'm fine with plain Visuals. But mechanically the range-varriant threshold thing is just awful and will ONCE AGAIN (Think: Delayed, Dragon Trigger 2 vs 1&3 Timings) make both playing WITH and AGAINST it be an unmitigated nightmare. Not to mention the fact that the auto is only ranged and hits 5 targets up-close, means that it's basically unusable in WvW Zerg clashes that ensure that you're not only cleaving your own party via-reflects, you're doing so literally better than anything else in the game. I used to think that it was just apathy towards Warrior that filed these decisions, but more & more it's feeling like malice Where someone got paid YOUR MONEY to actively go:

     "Hey, I've got to to tick' this box and design something unique for Warrior. I freaking hate that class. How do I design something that looks to the "Unga Bunga" (kinda racist meme lords) on paper, but is frankly so awful to play against we'll have 'no choice's but to nerf it out of existence. Because Lord knows, we're not giving Warriors any utility or anything unique on their Weapon, only damage.


And someone got paid money to do this, remember. Your money.

Unless Bladesworn gets reworked/finished/fixed. No, spear add nothing for me, even if it is the rifle rework we were all promised in disguise, so I will not be buying Janthir Wilds. Even then it's super questionable based on ANet's track record.


Making a "ranged" weapon that requires being in melee for full benefit seems to be something that ArenaNet likes to hit you with. Look at the "golden child" guardian pistol, and that's ignoring all of the skills on ranged weapons that fire projectiles in a spread so you need to be pretty close in to hit all of them on one target. At least warrior spear's benefit from being in close seems to mostly be more AoE potential rather than losing a big chunk of their damage.

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10 hours ago, FellFalls.3750 said:

I used to think that it was just apathy towards Warrior that filed these decisions, but more & more it's feeling like malice Where someone got paid YOUR MONEY to actively go:

     "Hey, I've got to to tick' this box and design something unique for Warrior. I freaking hate that class. How do I design something that looks to the "Unga Bunga" (kinda racist meme lords) on paper, but is frankly so awful to play against we'll have 'no choice's but to nerf it out of existence. Because Lord knows, we're not giving Warriors any utility or anything unique on their Weapon, only damage.

With the track record thats been displayed, I find it very difficult to call it anything other then indifference or malice, or as Azure and Lan stated long ago:

On 12/14/2023 at 7:24 PM, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Methinks it's a little bit of both; like when someone gets called for not doing a thing they should be doing/doing a thing they shouldn't have, and instead of correcting it they decide they don't like the tone of what they got critiqued on and start doing it harder, this time on purpose.

On 12/14/2023 at 7:25 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

*Empties fifth flagon*

Why can't it be both incompetence and targeted malice? Doesn't mean that the targeted malice has to be done well.

*Pours the sixth flagon*

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On 6/14/2024 at 8:16 PM, Reznov.5423 said:

It was 60. They raised it to 70 because of dawn trail. I would say if you finish heaven's ward story in free Trial and are not impressed, you can uninstall the game, unless you play it for Cat girls like me.

It's been 70 for about a year now I think.

Since FF14 has been brought up though, and relating to Warrior. I've always felt like warrior was just incredibly boring to play in GW2. The OOMF just wasn't there with the skill effects in terms of impact and sound. It just doesn't sell the fantasy. It feels too floaty.

On the other hand at some point I tried warriors on WoW and in FF14 and both of them actually ended up being surprisingly fun, which I wasn't expecting coming from GW2. Very satisfying attack patterns, the effects feel punchy and dangerous. The devs should really look at those and take notes.

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On 6/15/2024 at 8:28 AM, AliamRationem.5172 said:

The combat feels like absolute garbage.

This is my biggest problem with most MMO's. Their combat compared to GW2 make me want to slap my monitor. The only combat I liked besides GW2's was Black Desert Online, but money grubbers own it and the amount of grind is so 2010's. I also liked Vindictus, but their level designs left me feeling like I was playing an old PSP game.

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Spear is awful and intentional, varrying target cap / dely on casts / AoE size based on EXACT, arbitrary range thresholds ISN'T FUN to play with or against, and is literally is just putting a hat on a hat'.

Not to mention the auto benefits your enemy Zerg when you get "in close" by cleaving FIVE of your own party when it's reflected by all the projectile hate. -- (You know, getting in close - the thing you're supposed to be rewarded for doing on this weapon, somehow, because it doesn't even have a gap closer, let alone a fancy system or even a skill reset like all the others.)

I would actually rather use rifle. So good job ANet at making rifle appealing by comparison I guess.

 After 11 years of this bullcrap I keep wanting them to get better. But ever since Hugh & Robert G left there's been blatantly no passing interest, let alone passion for designing for Warrior.

So yeah ANet, I may log in every now & then to check on how far things have fallen, but I will not be buying Janthir Wilds.

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On 6/14/2024 at 2:08 AM, SkyRight.2370 said:

 Warrior Spear:

- No use of the "hybrid melee/ranged auto system that Ranger(and others) are getting, despite being "The Weapons Master."

- Rewards you for being in melee when your only movement skill is backwards.

- Ranged auto isn't even a chain.

- Scaling will be done based on "Highest potential damage in PvP" - (Look at Dragon Trigger's dogfood scaling.)

Not to mention: The Redundant Traits: (Warrior currently has 8 that "do the same thing just in different places, e.g. [Opportunist] vs [Merciless Hammer], etc." Hell, Half the crap on Bladesworn just gives Protection or Fury. Even the thing called [Flow Stabilizer]. Not to mention the skills and traits that just straight up don't work: [Heightened Focus,] [Burst Mastery]-on Bladesworn, etc.


 Once Upon a Time:

Warrior had 2 things: CC and Damage. You took all the damage off the CC, and gave TONS of CC to everything else (shared Weapons Training) while Warrior got 3 redundant off-hand Weapons, and a Main-Hand Dagger that scales like dogfood and ALSO had the tracking on both of it's leaps reverted to before it was previously fixed (because it was bugged mid-soto for WvW). -- But none of the devs "in power" play or care about Warrior enough to know this. So it's just another pump on the pile of "Warrior stuff that's never getting fixed."


It's too bad because the rest of Janthir Wilds looks really good. Stuff people have been asking for, for literal years.

But this is a Managmenrt Issue, not a Balance Team issue. If Colin, Josh, Whoever, are content with this level of deliberate investment & balance inequality by CmC and whoever else is actually on the Balance Team,' just because [Hundred Blades] was once the God King of Space, that's not a game I'm willing to support.


Y'all might be content with cuking-it-up for a few more years, but I'm done giving ANet my money to do nothing with my class while everything else gets insta-teleports(Untamed, Necro Spear,) AoE utility (Firebrand, & Literally Everything Else Now,) along with actually functional skills that had more than 3 seconds of thought put in to them. (Staff 3, Rush, and literally everything on Bladesworn.)


*Also I checked, and this post confirms to all of your forum rules. But it'll probably get filtered or ignored anyway. But either way I'm done giving ArenaNet money no matter how many Swimsuits they make.


I hate to say, but you where kitten right from start! Too much Marketing for Warrior and nothing else ... blind eyes ... dust ... death ... pain ... air ...

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If Warrior can throw a big Greatsword like a boomerang for 900 range, Warrior should be able to throw a pointy stick at least 1500 range...

Edited by Doge.5736
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