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So this sucks

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Server stackers, bandwagoners, call them what you will, are going to feel the pain of WR most acutely. WR is specifically designed to kill that sort of thing. I've no sympathy.

If organising to play together with up to 500 like-minded players, friends, and friends of friends is either beyond people, or isn't enough, I dunno what to tell you.

Edited by T G.7496
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9 hours ago, Essence Snow.3194 said:

I got placed in some random matchup as well, so I feel ya. Went into WvW and just didn't feel like playing it. I had been with same server since launch. We all joined alliance guilds just for this , but no dice...with randos.

I sent in a support ticket and was transferred overnight.

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5 hours ago, T G.7496 said:

Server stackers, bandwagoners, call them what you will, are going to feel the pain of WR most acutely. WR is specifically designed to kill that sort of thing. I've no sympathy.

If organising to play together with up to 500 like-minded players, friends, and friends of friends is either beyond people, or isn't enough, I dunno what to tell you.

"Like a captain who steers his ship into a storm to prove he was correct about the weather forecast, he finds satisfaction in being right even as his vessel is battered by the tempest."

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On 6/15/2024 at 7:49 AM, DeWolfe.2174 said:

Worlds were likely 5,000+ active WvW accounts. 500 accounts in a guild doesn't even come close to being able to recreate it to properly "organize yourselves".

Maybe it was simply luck of the draw but, previous beta's seemed to keep core players from worlds together. This beta seems to have purposefully spread everyone out. Maybe its adding the 5th tier??? Either way, the outcome isn't acceptable for me.

Because you have 5000+ friends you actually play with, sure...

The system hasn't really changed since the betas, join a WvW Guild to be matched together, otherwise be placed wherever you/your Guild fit.

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6 hours ago, T G.7496 said:

Server stackers, bandwagoners, call them what you will, are going to feel the pain of WR most acutely. WR is specifically designed to kill that sort of thing. I've no sympathy.

If organising to play together with up to 500 like-minded players, friends, and friends of friends is either beyond people, or isn't enough, I dunno what to tell you.

You do realize... majority of the stackers were just multiple guilds moving right? and then some extra followers or friends which would be less than the guilds moving. There is no pain for them to feel, it's a bonus they can move for free, together, forever, now.

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On 6/15/2024 at 1:49 AM, DeWolfe.2174 said:

Maybe it was simply luck of the draw but, previous beta's seemed to keep core players from worlds together.

Nope, that's not true.

I had some RL things happening across the timeframe of the some of the first beta tests and didn't select my guild; that didn't happen at all - if you never selected your guild and matched with all your pals anyway, that was luck.

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43 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

You do realize... majority of the stackers were just multiple guilds moving right? and then some extra followers or friends which would be less than the guilds moving. There is no pain for them to feel, it's a bonus they can move for free, together, forever, now.

If that's true, then great!

But I'm not sure that's entirely all we've experienced - certainly in the worst cases - over the lifetime of servers, links and transfers.

And except now they will have no agency at all about where they are moved to, and who else they will be teamed with, every four weeks. Zero agency. That's a fundamental difference.

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My own experience has been very different than the OP's or of that from posts I've read in other threads. The friendly guilds on my guild's server formed an alliance, set up an alliance guild, and also invited guilds they knew on other servers to join that alliance guild. So far I haven't heard anything about anyone in the alliance guild being put on a wrong server (or shard, or whatever). Saturday morning, before my guild started their regular run, I did some solo roaming, just to see what was happening out there. Roamed comfortably for about 45 minutes, doing roamer things, then joined my guild for their run. Yesterday, Saturday, and today, Sunday, we did our normal two hour run. There were some hard fights, with us winning some and losing some of those fights. We weren't fighting totally unknown people either. We were fighting some old foes in guilds we recognized. So I was running with the people I wanted to run with, was involved in some fierce fighting against people my guild knew, and I never particularly felt like things were all that different than they were before the start of this beta. Oh, and except for some bugs right at reset, this beta seems to be going smoother than other betas. At least that's my own experience.

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16 hours ago, Nidome.1365 said:

Anet really need to get their act together and sort both population imbalance as well as hacking/glitching in WvW.

Yes, its ridiculous that they nuked Worlds before simple terrain fixes to prevent glitching, especially on red bl. 🙄

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12 hours ago, T G.7496 said:

Server stackers, bandwagoners, call them what you will, are going to feel the pain of WR most acutely. WR is specifically designed to kill that sort of thing. I've no sympathy.If organising to play together with up to 500 like-minded players, friends, and friends of friends is either beyond people, or isn't enough, I dunno what to tell you.

Well... I never transferred servers.

My server's community/alliance guild is almost at the 500 player limit and requires that only players who really play WvW regularly join. However, my main guild with many friends is a PvE guild. We have been going into WvW from time to time and play together on our server. But I chose the community/alliance guild as my WvW guild because those are the people I play WvW with the most. But that means that I can no longer play with my guildmates from my main guild (from time to time). So my "community" is split in a way.

I don't want to complain or anything. The example is just to illustrate that the changes also have a negative impact on players who are not server stackers or bandwagoners.


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19 hours ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

Yes, I set my WvW guilds on all my accounts. In previous Beta's I always still paired with other JQ guilds that I usually run with like HK, DENT, or GONE. Now my accounts are all over the place without any logical sense.

Even funnier to me is that I've got a couple accounts on Mosswood and Tombs of Drascir who are steamrolling their matches. I asked for two of them to be moved to Throne of Balthazar who's getting wrecked in Tier 5 and the Dev's said no.

Anyone with the slightest sense of fairness and balance would be like, "yeah, go help them out".
Instead the Dev's have gone all authoritarian and basically saying, "play here or don't play at all."

The difference between this beta and previous ones is that many started to form an alliance guild with the 6th guild slot , and just more people were aware. So some of these guilds may not register as their own guild, and got registred under whatever alliance they formed.

So in the past you may have been placed with others like you that didn't select anything or forgot, but since they selected something and you didn't, then you got placed with the randoms that didn't.

Also previous betas tended to have more bugs where people did not get placed with their guilds.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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17 hours ago, Nidome.1365 said:

Apparently outnumbering everyone isn't enough for Mirror of Lyssa - they have to hack/glitch into stuff as well. saw a MoL player capping NE alpine tower when all walls and gate were fully intact and no siege. - just didn't make it to ring in time to contest.
Anet really need to get their act together and sort both population imbalance as well as hacking/glitching in WvW.

First of all it is the absolutely most boring match i ever played. I have been on for an hour each day and there is nothing to do. We just roll over everything. About cheating, if anyone on our world or what ever it is called now cheats then screw them and report. Not that it matters Anet don't care so that also sucks but i would still report. 

I can say though that your server and the other one is also cheating jumping in to towers and also to keeps porting people in. Seen several doing that. killed them many times, but since we no longer  are a server i seem to not be able to care that much, there is no reason anymore so i reported the few of them and the rest well fluff them and then i logg off and play something else.

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On 6/15/2024 at 9:04 AM, DeWolfe.2174 said:

There was almost 400 accounts active in WvW or waiting in the queue at reset. That's just one 2 hours skirmish and it can almost fill an entire guild. Now imagine 24/7/365. Add in players that play only on weekends or a couple times per week. Add in players with multiple accounts. Worlds are likely several thousand accounts.

I mean in EU we where sitting in the loading screen for a good 40+ min so i would not really look at reset numbers to make any sort of asumption 😛

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43 minutes ago, Leaa.2943 said:

I mean in EU we where sitting in the loading screen for a good 40+ min so i would not really look at reset numbers to make any sort of asumption 😛

So that's all the activity shown on gw2mists? Hackers! 😂👍

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Haven't heard of anyone in our alliance getting placed on other random servers, and our alliance is pretty big. 

WR has been amazing so far in our experience.  We had a 50v50v50 fight last night for maybe 2 hours. Each team won and lost. 

Gamers will always whine about something. 

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1 hour ago, Evenge.4067 said:

Haven't heard of anyone in our alliance getting placed on other random servers, and our alliance is pretty big. 

WR has been amazing so far in our experience.  We had a 50v50v50 fight last night for maybe 2 hours. Each team won and lost. 

Gamers will always whine about something. 

It definitely happened but the OP has no understanding of how the system worked because it hasn't changed. He's talking about it being 'different' this time from the betas. It wasn't.

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