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10 Years too late adding housing

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6 hours ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Where do you get these statistics from? Is there a graph somewhere that I'm missing?

Not that it matters. What matters has been my own experience on GW2 with the community.

It's too late because my friends left this game a long time ago, and now I'm complaining it's too difficult to make new friends in GW2 because the community is toxic. Because that's been my experience on this game for years. Any sort of statistics you can pull out of thin air comparing GW2 to other MMO's doesn't change what I've experienced..

you get what you project out in the world back dont  you?

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Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

you get what you project out in the world back dont  you?

I don't know what you're getting at.

I criticized something about GW2, a video game. What exactly did I project out into the world? And where does the need for you all to try to turn the argument into personal attacks against me come from?

The truth is; you all don't like being told you are being toxic because it's the Truth. The truth hurts..

This is a daily occurrence on this forum yet you all claim that GW2 has the friendliest community out of any MMO, like somehow it exonerates your toxic behavior. A lot of people are tired of it and it's why this forum is becoming more of an echo chamber every day. Because you all continuously bully anyone who thinks differently into leaving.

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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14 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I don't know what you're getting at.

I criticized something about GW2, a video game. What exactly did I project out into the world? And where does the need for you all to try to turn the argument into personal attacks against me come from?

The truth is; you all don't like being told you are being toxic because it's the Truth. The truth hurts..

This is a daily occurrence on this forum yet you all claim that GW2 has the friendliest community out of any MMO, like somehow it exonerates your toxic behavior. A lot of people are tired of it and it's why this forum is becoming more of an echo chamber every day. Because you all continuously bully anyone who thinks differently into leaving.

This guy said it better.

6 hours ago, Manpag.6421 said:

Sometimes, people see others as "toxic" because they themselves are negative people, and through a combination of attracting similarly toxic people and frustrating others to the point of lashing out, they justify their perception of the world/game.

All I have seen so far is OP attacking and berating people for offering their own experiences and opinions, telling them why they're wrong. If that's how they behave in-game, I'm not surprised they have a very different experience of the player base than others.

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3 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

This guy said it better.

I get it. Anyone who criticizes GW2 is just a negative person. And by posting their grievances about the game on the Forums and "frustrating" people to the point of lashing out (what??), it justifies their negative perception of the game.

To me it just sounds like an excuse to hand wave any criticism of the game away.

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8 hours ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

It's the same thing anytime anyone criticizes GW2.

And yet a solid majority of posts or threads are either critical of the game, of the studio, or are asking for the game to be changed in some way or another. 

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6 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

The real insolence is that after all that world saving we get our house so kitten away from civilization, like "thank you, now go and live in exile".


Ye that kind of rubbed me the wrong way as well. A sizable Salma district house would have been nice, and my charr would be fine RPing as a slumlord in a Gladium Canton apartment as well. 

I shouldn't complain though - my characters have been playing house out in the Verdant Brink guild hall so far, so an actual homestead in the wilds isn't that far off I guess.

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On 6/15/2024 at 7:46 PM, Ashen.2907 said:

Perhaps not new players but I do have some friends that have drifted away from GW2, in no small part due to a lack of goals/things to pursue in game. A few of those friends stay in touch with the guild via discord and are very interested in player housing. Depending on its implementation in GW2 they have expressed an intent to buy Janthir and return to the game specifically for housing.

Now it remains to be seen just how many people will engage with the feature.

12 years is a long time in terms of gaming. It's totally reasonable for people to drift away from games like this over time. Casuals like myself who mostly take their time are able to enjoy the game for longer as opposed to people who rush through content in a week and then complain about having nothing to do.

As far as the housing goes, unless I can build a castle for myself my engagement with housing will be limited. I'd rather work on finishing my legendary armory.

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On 6/15/2024 at 10:06 AM, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

All of my friends who played GW2 with me since launch have already long quit the game. Housing is something we all wanted at that time. Now what's even the point? I have no friends I can invite over.

Yeah, this feature is probably not enough to save the game for you, and that sucks. But keep in mind that this game has lots of players, and it will impact how many of them will enjoy the game.

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1 hour ago, Zera.9435 said:

As far as the housing goes, unless I can build a castle for myself my engagement with housing will be limited. I'd rather work on finishing my legendary armory.

Yeah, at this point I guess I will at least consider getting legendaries for the underwater weapons as it seems likely that speargun and trident will be next on the port-to-land list. Not much otherwise to work on for someone not interested in housing (much as was the case in SotO for those with legendary armor).

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On 6/20/2024 at 11:04 AM, Ashen.2907 said:

Yeah, at this point I guess I will at least consider getting legendaries for the underwater weapons as it seems likely that speargun and trident will be next on the port-to-land list. Not much otherwise to work on for someone not interested in housing (much as was the case in SotO for those with legendary armor).

The underwater ones are definitely worth getting. I made all 3 a couple of years ago and it's nice to not have to worry about my underwater equipment, even if it is sparsely played content. I can jump into the water at any time and I'm good to go.

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Posted (edited)

 Well I signed up for Elder Scrolls Online and I've been playing it exclusively for the past week and over the weekend. Just hit level 20 and starting to dip into the housing feature.

There's no way GW2 will do housing better and as in-depth as what I'm seeing so far in ESO. It's genuinely well done and doesn't seem like an afterthought like what I'm expecting housing in GW2 to be. Especially with ANet's new commitment to these smaller expansions.

To me personally, it appears Housing in Janthir Wilds is nothing more than some set dressing to give the expansion a little spice to help reverse the dwindling interest in the game. If they actually cared about what the community wanted they would have given us housing years ago and made it a focal point in a larger expansion. But it's looking to me that introducing this feature so late in GW2's life is just too little too late in a desperate attempt to sell this expansion after how underwhelming SoTo was.

But if I'm wrong and housing in GW2 can hold a candle to what ESO has provided and cultivated for their community for years and actually took a vested interest in, I will eat my own underwear.

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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1 hour ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

But if I'm wrong and housing in GW2 can hold a candle to what ESO has provided and cultivated for their community for years and actually took a vested interest in, I will eat my own underwear.

I did the same when it came to mounts. In every other game, mounts are floaty, weird, and overall unimpressive - I was absolutely certain that Anet wasn't capable of anything better. But after PoF launched, I was very happy to be proven absolutely wrong, and I am quite open about having been proven wrong.

Here's to hoping that housing will turn out for you, the way mounts turned out for me.

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Honestly, I have to agree on the late thing specifically for those who have been around for longer time. By now, in a guild hall, we have built an entire house with all bells and whistles and it's been hovering in the clouds...both deco and social aspects I expected from this kind of feature has already been experienced. I understand the smaller scale and more convenient appeal, so in that regard I also hope that everything from the current home instance will be transferred to homesteads, and I mean everything, including MOX, master cooking station with plots, cats collection, nodes, chests and gem store unlocks etc.🙃

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On 6/15/2024 at 10:06 AM, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

All of my friends who played GW2 with me since launch have already long quit the game. Housing is something we all wanted at that time. Now what's even the point? I have no friends I can invite over.


On 6/15/2024 at 2:51 PM, Zebulous.2934 said:

I have noticed that as I get older I don't make new friends.  I realize that is a problem.  Friends just feel more like a burden, an obligation...

Well, I can't argue with these folks  personal experiences but I can talk about my own experiences in Tyria. I started playing GW2 in 2018. In the years since then I've had a number of friends leave the game, most often because things changed for them irl. Some have kept in touch outside of Tyria, others haven't. Over that same length of time I've made new friends, even as old ones were leaving. These days I'm a WvW main, running 2 hours a day, 5-7 days a week, with my WvW guild. I've already gotten everything WvW has to offer except for a few of the harder to get titles. The reason I keep running with that guild so much is because I have friends there. Our runs consist of laughing, joking, teasing, sometimes getting serious when people have heavy irl stuff going on, all while we attack, defend, and go through some intense fighting. Heck, we even sing at times.

For me, the ability to make friends is not age-related. I'm 74 years old, currently residing in an assisted living facility, and I'm still making friends both irl and ingame. What has changed for me as I've gotten older is being more thoughtful about who I become friends with. People who are a burden are not the folks I want to connect with anymore. 

On 6/16/2024 at 5:24 AM, Manpag.6421 said:

Sometimes, people see others as "toxic" because they themselves are negative people, and through a combination of attracting similarly toxic people and frustrating others to the point of lashing out, they justify their perception of the world/game...

In my years on this planet, I've seen a lot that shows me the truth in this last statement. People generally get back reflections of what they put out. There is a resident in this facility who complains incessantly that no one here likes her, that she has no friends here. What she doesn't see is that people don't like her because of her abrasive, unlikeable presence. She puts out a steady stream of toxicity and then can't understand why people act so negatively toward her. Me? I learned a long time ago not to feed the trolls. I don't fight or argue with her, I simple don't engage with her toxicity. Instead, I spend my time with the residents here I do like. It's the same for me in Tyria. There are toxic folks in this game but I choose to spend my time with the Tyrians I like. To me, it really is that simple.

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7 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

In my years on this planet, I've seen a lot that shows me the truth in this last statement. People generally get back reflections of what they put out. There is a resident in this facility who complains incessantly that no one here likes her, that she has no friends here. What she doesn't see is that people don't like her because of her abrasive, unlikeable presence. She puts out a steady stream of toxicity and then can't understand why people act so negatively toward her. Me? I learned a long time ago not to feed the trolls. I don't fight or argue with her, I simple don't engage with her toxicity. Instead, I spend my time with the residents here I do like. It's the same for me in Tyria. There are toxic folks in this game but I choose to spend my time with the Tyrians I like. To me, it really is that simple.

You'd probably be upset too if you were having trouble making friends. But it sounds to me like you lack the empathy to relate with another human beings frustration. That's a reflection of your personality more than a reflection of hers.

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