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WvW World Restructuring System Poll

WvW World Restructuring System Poll  

451 members have voted

  1. 1. Your feelings on where you came from and where you ended up with the WvW restructuring system.

    • I came from a dead server, and I love the new WvW restructuring system.
    • I came from a fairly active server, and I love the new WvW restructuring system.
    • I came from a very active server, and I love the new WvW restructuring system.
    • I came from a dead server, and I am undecided.
    • I came from a fairly active server, and I am undecided.
    • I came from a very active server, and I am undecided.
    • I came from a dead server, and I hate the new WvW restructuring system.
    • I came from a fairly active server, and I hate the new WvW restructuring system.
    • I came from a very active server, and I hate the new WvW restructuring system.

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I am interested on people's perspectives and where they came from and how they feel about the new system. Because I believe where you came from distorts one's perspective of this new WvW system.

Edited by Lionwait.4815
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The only problem with this is that a lot of players will base their perspective solely on the hours they primarily play. For example, Ehmry Bay was very active during NA primetime, had a small SEA/OCX population and no EU population, so while for me (being an NA primetime player) it was a very active server, another Ehmry Bay player who only played during EU hours would consider it a dead server.

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I'm guessing that all the overpopulated teams facing underpopulated teams will be voting that this is great because they get to k-train everything with little resistance.
What they don't realise that their opponents will gradually stop playing until next "team creation" so they won't have anything to k-train any more as everything will be their colour.

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I only had one evening experience with the new system, but I felt like the battles were on average more fun and more interesting than what I've previously seen.  I also think it's way too early to be passing any real judgments, and we'll need a couple of weeks to really see how things shake out, but early polls are still fun lol    

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37 minutes ago, DoctorOverlord.8620 said:

I also think it's way too early to be passing any real judgments, and we'll need a couple of weeks to really see how things shake out, but early polls are still fun lol    

Exactly. This team creation is bound to be inaccurate, because 

1. It's based on player data from the old servers, which does not fully reflect the way people play now (only to a certain degree) 

2. We don't have any data to adjust post-WR balancing yet. It will take at least until next team creation to fully take the intended effect (perhaps even longer) 

3. Players most likely are also playing differently than usual due to the system being new. Meaning: previously more active players that dislike wr probably become less active, while previously less active players that are excited about it play more

4. There even may be some bugs that didn't show up in the betas (but at least not a single player from the "alliance" I am in got placed wrong, so that's at least looking good)

5. Also, people that were used to steamrolling enemies will now face more resistance on average, which may frustrate them to the point of stopping to play. Which further distorts the balancing


A good indicator of the current population being unusual is the fact that both, NA and EU each got an additional tier of matches. So we have an unusual high amount of players, if the system judges additional tiers to be necessary.

So, at least 20% of things that may look bad at first could just be caused by the players, and the majority of issues left may even sort itself out naturally. Which makes any judgement at this point in time completely pointless 

Edited by Custodio.6134
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I've been having fun, I don't belong to an active WvW guild, so I was placed where ever.  I tried it out during off hours and during peak, and had fun roaming around.  Happy to see commanders moving back and forth across maps and helping each other out.  

I am slightly confused by what happens after this...will I be put on a different team/server or will I remain on the current one next relink?  

Edit: nevermind, found my answers under another post linked to the wiki.  

Edited by Farohna.6247
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10 hours ago, Lionwait.4815 said:

I am interested on people's perspectives and where they came from and how they feel about the new system. Because I believe where you came from distorts one's perspective of this new WvW system.

It's only been like 2 days! I think people need to go through a few rounds of matchmaking before they can accurately evaluate before & after.

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4 hours ago, drubid.6482 said:

It's only been like 2 days! I think people need to go through a few rounds of matchmaking before they can accurately evaluate before & after.

so, we will see in 1 year if the metrics are fine and so on? If they really want to polish the beta system, they should not have 4 week cycles but start on 1 week and go up from there, because right now people will be "stuck" in bad state for 3 months before things "settle" down. 

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7 hours ago, drubid.6482 said:

It's only been like 2 days! I think people need to go through a few rounds of matchmaking before they can accurately evaluate before & after.

Bro what rounds? Getting farmed because our teams as like max 10 peoples and u can't even play the kitten game because of that?

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Let me guess...all the servers that have waffle stomped smaller servers for years are the people who hate WR? Of course. 

Now you will have to compete without being carried by overwhelming numbers. L2P

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39 minutes ago, One more for the road.8950 said:

 But that's what we do. It's called guilds.

But it not that fun blob with guild. It's more fun when 3 guilds and diamond rank pugs blob together in eb. 👺

Edited by Junkpile.7439
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2 hours ago, Evenge.4067 said:

Let me guess...all the servers that have waffle stomped smaller servers for years are the people who hate WR? Of course. 

Now you will have to compete without being carried by overwhelming numbers. L2P

This isn't true. I play during late-NA/early OCX. I come from Sea of Sorrows and I haven't enjoyed WvW for several years. But I'm actually quite enjoying WR. I'm glad my former server died, it deserved to. The way my server played during te last few years of it's existence was completely absurd, idiotic, nonsensical, excessive, and just plain unfun for everyone. Good riddance SoS, may you never live again.

Edited by Liam.3158
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Populations feel very unbalanced on both servers (main account and alt account). Both seem to be prime time heavy and dead at all other times except perhaps weekend afternoons. It is extra sad to me that there is so little activity on either server before lunch time on weekends.

I do not know if this is due to 6 tiers in the EU, but it feels like this is a possibility; that some populations are dilute enough due to the predicted (and unfortunately wrong) number of players.

Also, ganker builds in a cloud squad have completely taken over. It is very disturbing.

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It's too soon for a satisfaction survey.  We need a couple more match-making events before we can really see how it's working.  The last sort was working on data from the old system.  The next few shuffles will be better indicators of how well it's working.

Plus, this is a player created survey.  Anet may look at it, but it probably doesn't gather actual useful information for Anet.  This one you have to decide the level of activity of your server, which puts in a lot of bias.  "Active" isn't defined.

It is actually showing the results I'd expect at this point--emotionally driven.  Those who believed their server was active (winning) don't want changes while those that believe they were on less active (losing) servers are more satisfied or undecided because they have hope things will change.

Edited by Lupini.6938
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yeah we tough matchup we started with against SE, Rawr etc in T1.   but very curios to see like 4 months how this plays out.   So many guilds stacked on alliances curious to see as time goes if we see things fracture and how that affects the matchups

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It's obviously not been long enough to form any real judgements, but my initial impressions are very positive. I suspect this has a lot to do with me being an EU player previously on GoM (NA server), so my playtimes rarely matched up with everyone else. But these last few days I've been seeing loads of people online when I've been able to play, and as a result I've had so many cool fights. It reminded me of my time before I switched to NA (to play with friends, btw), where I was on Aurora Glade. So I definitely have a nonstandard situation but for me personally, this has been nothing but fantastic so far.

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Just now, VaporWhisp.2607 said:

My guild didn't get teamed together, so where's your kittening copium now?

Well, either you didn't pick your WvW guild like you should, or you didn't contact support as you should if you all had it rightly picked and then got spread all over.

That guilds play together in WvW is not copium, it's how it actually works now.

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