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Unarmed Combat as Weaponmastery

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listen, its super "simple" everyy race gets and Unarmed Combat Style. Give it dmg values based on your level. it may be less time consuming if  you develope it for 5 races instead of 9 klasses. An soft Integration of the class would be of course always better. 

nothing big nothing crazy but maybe an idea for the devs if they don't know what to bring next

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1 hour ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

but... Why? 


So we can look like Brahm fighting as Primordius's champion 😂

Also they could sell fist weapons.  And Charr will just crush you flat and take off your face.  

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3 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

listen, its super "simple" everyy race gets and Unarmed Combat Style. Give it dmg values based on your level. it may be less time consuming if  you develope it for 5 races instead of 9 klasses. An soft Integration of the class would be of course always better. 

nothing big nothing crazy but maybe an idea for the devs if they don't know what to bring next

Lovely idea .

Also they should do something about  fishing + reduce the non-raid legenderies grind, and the majority of the problems of the PvE side (including raids) will be have dosminish

Edit:Reduce the Hp grind of OW bosses


(Then it's time for PvP+WvW. Or simply we will leach resources from WvW.

Edit2: also old gg , inv the "we should spent resources elsewhere" population in PvP .
Lock some +5/7% meelee damage in PvP , just for fun 😛 )

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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Now that they are introducing weapons individually, I think this would be very doable.

I actually had an idea a while back to base it on armor class:

Heavy: Sentinel/Tactician - more about defense and area control/lockdown through minions/turrets.

Medium: Martialist/Brawler - traditional hand-to-hand combat, some forced movement, DPS rewards for positioning/combos.

Light: Chanter/Dancer - AOE buffs/debuffs and big summon spells.

And then the skills could have variants for each of the three professions. For example, Warrior skills could utilize rushdowns and artillery, Guardian could lean into walls and counter shields, and Revenant could have quick repositions through mistporting.

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It would still need a weapon, even if the skin were invisible.  Then you would have skills and animations. I guess the exotic and ascended versions could be knuckledusters, claws,  animated glow effects, ect.  I don't know how well those would work with gauntlets or if they would just show instead of your gloves.

I suppose they would be a two handed weapon.   

If they were two separate  weapons it could be cool or weird.  Sword and fist, fist and sword?  Occasionally folks in movies will kick their opponents while fencing.  It has Potential, but implementation would be long and involved.

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13 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

listen, its super "simple" everyy race gets and Unarmed Combat Style. Give it dmg values based on your level. it may be less time consuming if  you develope it for 5 races instead of 9 klasses. An soft Integration of the class would be of course always better. 

There is a reason why race skills are so bad that they are nothing more than a gimmick.
Anet don't want the choice of the race to affect anything combat related. And that's a kitten good decision.
There is no way Anet would create a literal new set of race skills.


13 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

nothing big nothing crazy but maybe an idea for the devs if they don't know what to bring next

A half backed feature is the worst they could make out of it. Even without the race part.

It requires much work to extend the combat system to allow new stuff (like land spears or unarmed skills).
Going through all this work, just to create nothing more than a neat gimmick, would be a huge waste.
Even if they go the lazy way and implement an invisible weapon, it would still be a waste of ressources.

If anything like unarmed combat is finding a way into the game, then it would/should be a proper feature of a new expansion on the same level as new weapons from Soto/JW.


11 hours ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Also they could sell fist weapons.

Well... OP talks about unarmed combat.

Fist weapons are... weapons.



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I wouldn't mind fist weapons, if only to recreate the old combat style I had from PSO.  Back in ye olde days, there wasn't a big emphasis on timing balance and DPS and all that.  Because of this, an odd quirk of the game was that the highest DPS that a male wizard could get was with barehanded casting.  The speed was faster.  There were also a very rare glove weapons, which maintained barehanded casting speed while giving you a substantial offensive skill.  Having all of those together created a character who looked like they were so powerful that they didn't need a weapon.  

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On 6/25/2024 at 2:48 PM, Noidea Incognito.9607 said:

An interesting idea, but why stop there. Imagen you can cut trees with a Karate chop, mine Ore nodes with a roundhouse kick or harvest Flax with your "Aura of Intimidation". o7

Okay, even if we never get an unarmed combat style/weapon.
I now want martial gathering tools.

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I really like this idea. 
They could introduce brass knuckles, Bagh Nakh /kakute (claw style weapons), cestus or any other fist-loaded weapon. 
I mean Gw2 is kind of hurting for a new class or specialization and there is so much potential  here. 
You've got the seeds of it in Willbender.

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Posted (edited)

i'm honestly suprised that we haven't had fist weapons yet.

it'd be a perfect fit for:

Thief, getting martial arts style skills, rapid punches and kicks.

Warrior, getting slow hard hitting brawler skills like haymakers, pounds and slams. (HULK SMASH!)

Guardian could get palm strikes like wise master monks.

ele could infuse their fists with elements and change styles, water fists would flow fluid like a shaolin, lightning fists would focus on rapid hits, earth fists would offer a more defensive boxing style and fire would be a more furious offensive style.

ranger could go full feral with swiping claw attacks rapidly inflicting bleeding and poison in a wide arc.

Mesmer would probably use illusionary fists giving them great reach.

i'm not too sure about necro and rev though,

perhaps necro could get vampiric claw swipes and rev could maybe summon spirits that also punch the target when you punch!


Edited by Liewec.2896
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Posted (edited)

Nope, avoid binding performance to the race (and that's without even touching the idea of same skillset interacting with 9 different class traitlines). If they wanted to add it in the first place, they could/should add a two-handed "no weapon"-weapon, if only so there's still the possibility to pick stats and apply upgrades. Personally I think it's stupid, so I don't want it -using weapons is better.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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