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Janthir Wilds Spear Beta Event Feedback: Warrior [Merged]

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18 minutes ago, Kitty.4806 said:

while I mostly agree with you, they did not implement a damage factor on spear range. They decided it would cleave more the closer you are (aoe gets bigger)

You're right, i'll edit that, ty

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I think that Warrior should burrow the melee mechanic that Thief also has. When you are in melee the warrior will stab with the spear instead of throwing it. The suggestion would be to have AoE effects on ranged attacks, but when used in melee you stab your foe (single target) for maximum damage. That way there's a gimmick to how you position yourself with your foe. Long range for swarms of enemies, but melee for single targets. I think that along with fine tuning some casting times would make the weapon much more enjoyable and unique.

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What is this weapon trying to be? it's ranged but all the benefits come from being melee, where it does less damage than every other weapons.

Spear Skills:

    Auto: Feels counter intuitive, it should hit more targets at range and then as you get closer hit less to encourage you to swap to a melee weapon.
    Maiming Spear : Again more damage in melee but its a minuscule damage increase at best and the shockwave animation is so boring.
    Spear Swipe: Feels okay, maybe make the knockback further and remove the jump back. But cc and evade are nice.
    Disrupting Throw: Cast time is too long. Also maybe put the immobilize on spear swipe so these can be used together easier?
    Spearmarshal's Support: again better in melee and the tracking sucks.
    Burst: Harrier's Toss: yup its a boring burst.
    Primal Burst: Power version of Flaming Flurry with even less utility. The casting time doesn't work well with heat the soul. animation is odd.

The concept of the weapon being ranged but all the benefits are in melee doesn't make sense to me. It's a ranged weapon and that's where it should shine.
The skills are all very basic and don't create an interesting play experience. If I'm auto attacking, using skill 5 or primal burst it all feels exactly the same. The whole weapon just feels like an auto attack.

The weapon would greatly benefit from some skill combo's (see hammer Fierce Blow + Backbreaker) or Daggers (Disrupting Stab + Wastrel's Run). This would take a boring weapon and add some character and play to it. Along with flipping the concept so that the aoe elements do more damage at range.

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Wow. I'm going to keep it clean, but let me say that this is a disappointment, second only to the June 28th 2022 banner 'Rework' and that was so bad that Anet had to publicly apologize.

@Roy Marks.7689, @Cal Cohen.2358, @Trig.5103, guys this is pretty bad. I don't want to completely disparage your work, so I'll start with the good things.

  • Evades on Core F1 and Spear 3. Those are nice. Real nice. Once the rest of the kit is fixed these will stand out as amazing.
  • Potential for pulsing damage from range. This was missing, and when fixed it will be great and allow for great gameplay.

That's where the positives end though. The best way I can describe this weapon is that it is mediocre at everything and great at nothing. That is a design problem. There is a lot that is wrong, but since I believe that the overall design is baked in at this point, I'm going to give you feedback and advice on how to make it function given it's current state.

  • It does to little damage overall. This is especially bad since Rifle, one of the worst ranged weapons in the game, is consistently better at the job from further range.
  • This mixed melee and range abilities rob the weapon of an identity leaving it disjointed.
  • The lack of boons is detrimental.
  • The radius on some of the abilities make thing functionally useless in PvP/WvW.

All that considered, this weapon will be dead on arrival in all game modes unless some serous changes are made before release. Given the above points, and that I think the design is mostly set, the feedback I can give to you to save this weapon is as follows:

  • Mighty Throw: Remove the mixed range functionality, make the melee range version the version at all ranges. Give it might on hit for 5s. Speed up the velocity on the throw by 25%. The damage is on the low end, but with removing the mixed range mechanic it becomes an AoE at range, so that is balanced.
  • Maiming Spear: Make the after shock radius 240-300 radius at all range increments, not sure which works best, but it should be able to strike a target running with swiftness. I strongly advise you to put fury on it, 4s is enough in PvP/WvW and 6s in PvE. The 120 radius will never catch an enemy running at max range. Consider decreasing the time from the spear launch to the spear's landing, but that is lower priority over the change in shock radius. Lastly, either remove the ground targeting or remove the LOS requirement.
  • Spear Swipe: As is, this runs counter to the design of the rest of the weapon, but since I am advising to remove the melee dependence this skill is mostly fine. You could even turn it into a 900 range launch. There is some desire for a meaningful launch to be added back into warrior for PvE, again though, if you follow my advice on nixing the melee dependence on the kit this is lower priority.
  • Disrupting Throw: This is supposed to be an interrupt, but the 3/4s cast time, travel speed, and ground targeting stop that from functionally happening outside of breakbars. Reduce to a 1/4s cast, double the projectile velocity, and remove the ground targeting. If I'm trying to interrupt something important, lining up the ground target will waste precious reaction time. This is a good skill in theory, but it is heavily crippled by it's implementation.
  • Spearmarshal's Support: This was the biggest disappointment. Remove the mixed range element, make it 1/2s delay at all ranges for consistency. Either speed up the impact of the spears so that they hit a running target, or increase the radius on the strikes to 240, which ever is easier for you to do. Otherwise this skill is absolutely useless outside of stationary bosses, it cannot hit a moving target as it is right now, see the video from @Captain Crapface.7528 above for evidence of that.
  • Harrier's Toss: Ele Spear 2 on fire is the same animation, but mobile. Port that mobility to this skill, otherwise anyone who uses it is asking to get spiked upon landing. Make the damage the T3 version at all tiers all game modes, have it grant self quickness on hit that increases based on adrenaline spent, 3s/4s/5s. The tool tip is also bugged and never shows the damage increase at higher tiers.
  • Wild Throw: This takes too long to cast. Make each hit happen at 1/4s intervals leaving the total cast time at 1.75s before after casts. Other than that I think it will work fine. Putting a projectile block on it might be needed, keep an eye on that.
  • Overall: Having 1 skill at 1200 range and the rest at 900 is bad. Consider making them all 1200 range. Warrior does throw with a strong arm after all, so it would make sense.
  • Lastly, since I am advising to get rid of the mixed range functionality as a mechanic, let me propose Maiming Spear's Shockwave to recharge Spearmarshal's Support when it strikes a crippled target. This will help with the poor adrenaline gain.

Thank you for hearing this feedback. I am under no illusion that you will use any of it, but please listen to the collective feedback, and implement as much as you can, because as I said, this weapon as it stands is completely dead on arrival, mostly from the mixed range elements, the poor execution time on some strikes, and the important skills being able to be merely walked out of. As is, functionally only the AA, Spear 3, and  F1's work at all in real use cases, and F1 will be dodgy against good players and Spear 3 makes the rest of your skills worse after using it.

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Hey Anet! Ty for giving us the opportunity to give feedback. Here are some thoughts on warrior spear:

(Note that this is all from an endgame PvE mindset)

Overall the animations timings and SFX feel good and seeing a ton of spears fall from the sky with spear 5 is pretty fun. Unfortunately the good stops there. A big problem is that this weapon doesn't really work for Spellbreaker or Bladesworn. Bladesworn is kinda half ranged already so not as big of a deal but I do think the fact that BSW can only really use axe/sword and pistol shows some big flaws with the design of that spec. It's very unlikely that any new weapon will be useable for it while also being useable for the rest of the profession without each skill doing a million things. Spellbreaker suffers from a similar problem because spear only gives one stack of attcker's insight. I could maintain 3/4 stacks w/hammer as my other weapon but the current dmg tuning isn't worth taking this over dagger/axe and just losing uptime. I think the damage is a close to a good spot but is currently low. I also remember something in the livestream about tier 3 bursts having more cleave or something maybe? So Spellbreaker just gets kitten even more. It really feels like this was designed with berserker in mind and that's it.

The bigger problem is the weapon has no interplay with itself. Spear 3 gains distance but the weapon wants you to be in melee for more cleave? Nothing interacts with each other like every other spear for the other professions/no mechanic to the weapon. Being closer to do more aoe dmg is not a substitute for not having clarity for mesmer, or combo skills for thief, or empowering skills for guardian. It really feels like warrior keeps getting the "it's meant to be simple" treatment when the warrior player base doesn't even want that. Things like this really feel like a slap in the face. "Oh look at all the cool things every other class got while my weapon is just press buttons on cooldown." We want to feel like warriors. Masters of weapons, tactical leaders, raging berserkers, tanky frontliners that can support the team. Currently I don't think spear accomplishes a fantasy. 

What if you leaned into the shockwave fantasy more? What if we had to time using like spear 5 or something else with the shockwave to do more damage and CC? Or what if spear 3 is a gap closer and using skills closer to your enemy reduces the CD of spear 5 or changes a skill like spear 3 into a huge dps nuke? Just some ideas but the weapon needs something besides just being "ranged power damage."

Thank you for your continued support of the game!

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Damage is pathetic, and the animation locks on the 3 skill and f1 are putrid. You're making all the same mistakes you made on Rifle.

What I'd recommend:

1. Give the weapon some baseline adrenaline similar to what you did with staff. Don't make it a gigantic hassle and tedious to be able to use f1/f2.

2. Speed up the the 3 skill and the f1 skill to make it feel smoother and more aggressive.

3. Add a new mechanic to the weapon where after using the f1 or 3 skill, you get 1 second or so of evade. This would feel much better because you could time your attacks to feel more potent and deadly while afterwards being able to mitigate some damage. Right now the evades during these attacks feel like happy accidents and don't amount to much at all. Having very small evade frames after the attack would be more useful in competitive modes.

4. Spearmarshall's Support needs more damage. It also should actually hit moving targets in pvp. That would help. Harrier's Toss level 2 and 3 bursts should have extra attacks with extra evade frames. Not just more damage per bar of adrenaline. Stop being lazy with level 2 and 3 adrenaline bursts! They can't just be marginally more damage, they need to add more spice to incentivize the save up!

5. Spear Swipe needs a flip over skill that throws another wave of damage at range after casting the first attack. If the first attack lands the second attack from the flip over should be made available. This skill is too boring and generic to be taken seriously.

6. Remove the animation lock on the f1! Let us slightly move/strafe while the ability is being used. This kit needs more QoL!

7. Spear Swipe should charge the Warrior forward not backwards. You're incentivizing the 2 skill to be up close to the target but the 3 skill pulls away?? Just incentivize close quarters ranged combat by letting the 3 skill move the player slightly forward.

8. The auto attack incentivizes close play also. So again, what is the point of an evade backwards with a cc attack?? It should evade moving forward with the cc being a very short knockdown or daze not a knockback. Ridiculous.

9. The 2 skill shouldn't be a ground target skill. It's making some of the throws miss (unless you use magnetic lock on targets which most people don't use!)

10. All of the spear skills should have some small condi's to incentivize a condi variant or at least add more flavor to the kit. This weapon is garbage atm.


In summary this weapon is a massive disappointment. You went from the best warrior weapon made in years to easily the worst. There's no consistent vision and no spice or flavor on the kit at all. Going from staff to this weapon is like enjoying a large seafood dinner in a jumbo jet private airplane then all of the sudden losing power and nosediving towards the Pacific Ocean without the captains taking any notice. 

You better fix this kit because right now it's unplayable and unenjoyable on almost every level. 



Edited by Yerlock.4678
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34 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Wow. I'm going to keep it clean, but let me say that this is a disappointment, second only to the June 28th 2022 banner 'Rework' and that was so bad that Anet had to publicly apologize.

@Roy Marks.7689, @Cal Cohen.2358, @Trig.5103, guys this is pretty bad. I don't want to completely disparage your work, so I'll start with the good things.

  • Evades on Core F1 and Spear 3. Those are nice. Real nice. Once the rest of the kit is fixed these will stand out as amazing.
  • Potential for pulsing damage from range. This was missing, and when fixed it will be great and allow for great gameplay.

That's where the positives end though. The best way I can describe this weapon is that it is mediocre at everything and great at nothing. That is a design problem. There is a lot that is wrong, but since I believe that the overall design is baked in at this point, I'm going to give you feedback and advice on how to make it function given it's current state.

  • It does to little damage overall. This is especially bad since Rifle, one of the worst ranged weapons in the game, is consistently better at the job from further range.
  • This mixed melee and range abilities rob the weapon of an identity leaving it disjointed.
  • The lack of boons is detrimental.
  • The radius on some of the abilities make thing functionally useless in PvP/WvW.

All that considered, this weapon will be dead on arrival in all game modes unless some serous changes are made before release. Given the above points, and that I think the design is mostly set, the feedback I can give to you to save this weapon is as follows:

  • Mighty Throw: Remove the mixed range functionality, make the melee range version the version at all ranges. Give it might on hit for 5s. Speed up the velocity on the throw by 25%. The damage is on the low end, but with removing the mixed range mechanic it becomes an AoE at range, so that is balanced.
  • Maiming Spear: Make the after shock radius 240-300 radius at all range increments, not sure which works best, but it should be able to strike a target running with swiftness. I strongly advise you to put fury on it, 4s is enough in PvP/WvW and 6s in PvE. The 120 radius will never catch an enemy running at max range. Consider decreasing the time from the spear launch to the spear's landing, but that is lower priority over the change in shock radius. Lastly, either remove the ground targeting or remove the LOS requirement.
  • Spear Swipe: As is, this runs counter to the design of the rest of the weapon, but since I am advising to remove the melee dependence this skill is mostly fine. You could even turn it into a 900 range launch. There is some desire for a meaningful launch to be added back into warrior for PvE, again though, if you follow my advice on nixing the melee dependence on the kit this is lower priority.
  • Disrupting Throw: This is supposed to be an interrupt, but the 3/4s cast time, travel speed, and ground targeting stop that from functionally happening outside of breakbars. Reduce to a 1/4s cast, double the projectile velocity, and remove the ground targeting. If I'm trying to interrupt something important, lining up the ground target will waste precious reaction time. This is a good skill in theory, but it is heavily crippled by it's implementation.
  • Spearmarshal's Support: This was the biggest disappointment. Remove the mixed range element, make it 1/2s delay at all ranges for consistency. Either speed up the impact of the spears so that they hit a running target, or increase the radius on the strikes to 240, which ever is easier for you to do. Otherwise this skill is absolutely useless outside of stationary bosses, it cannot hit a moving target as it is right now, see the video from @Captain Crapface.7528 above for evidence of that.
  • Harrier's Toss: Ele Spear 2 on fire is the same animation, but mobile. Port that mobility to this skill, otherwise anyone who uses it is asking to get spiked upon landing. Make the damage the T3 version at all tiers all game modes, have it grant self quickness on hit that increases based on adrenaline spent, 3s/4s/5s. The tool tip is also bugged and never shows the damage increase at higher tiers.
  • Wild Throw: This takes too long to cast. Make each hit happen at 1/4s intervals leaving the total cast time at 1.75s before after casts. Other than that I think it will work fine. Putting a projectile block on it might be needed, keep an eye on that.
  • Overall: Having 1 skill at 1200 range and the rest at 900 is bad. Consider making them all 1200 range. Warrior does throw with a strong arm after all, so it would make sense.
  • Lastly, since I am advising to get rid of the mixed range functionality as a mechanic, let me propose Maiming Spear's Shockwave to recharge Spearmarshal's Support when it strikes a crippled target. This will help with the poor adrenaline gain.

Thank you for hearing this feedback. I am under no illusion that you will use any of it, but please listen to the collective feedback, and implement as much as you can, because as I said, this weapon as it stands is completely dead on arrival, mostly from the mixed range elements, the poor execution time on some strikes, and the important skills being able to be merely walked out of. As is, functionally only the AA, Spear 3, and  F1's work at all in real use cases, and F1 will be dodgy against good players and Spear 3 makes the rest of your skills worse after using it.

He is so kitten right, thanks for your post!

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I've tried out the spear beta and this are the changes I would do. Be aware this is just my opinion.

Skill1:  (Mighty Throw) Immobilize on third hit

Skill 2: I don't like skill 2's (maiming spear) animation it looks rough...give me a leap that either grants barrier or protection and might move it to skill 5

skill 3:  (spear swipe) should be skill 4 so that you can combo the knockback to the new leap 5

Skill 4: (disrupting throw) moved to skill 2

Skill 5: (spearmarshall's support) this should be moved to the burst and given a much wider radius and the animation should have a lot more spears

so you have

1: Mighty Throw

2: Disrupting Throw

3: Harrier's Toss

4: Spear Swipe

5. Maiming Spear Leap

Burst: Spearmarshall's Support aka Hundred Spears (with Berserker spec this should be flaming spears)

Edited by Sio.1325
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6 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I have not found a single purpose for the spear yet.

Dmg wise, its worse than Rifle.

The 2.5s cast time of the Primal Burst kills the weapon for me in openworld as it is not possible to keep up Selfquickness via Heat the Soul.

(Without major Boon Duration. 50% is not enough for example)

I see no reason to play it on spellbreaker over something like Dagger/Mace in openworld.

Its also not fun to play at all.

You never want to press Spear Swipe as it moves you away from the enemy.

Harrier Toss is another self root.


For me, its a purely worse version of Rifle.

Which as we all know, is already in dire need of buffs.



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The fantasy of being a bad-kitten warrior or soldier is completly gone with this weapon. I can get the concept of impaling multiple foes with a spear, but what the heck is spear shattering? Is the warrior carrying thousand of spears in the same place that he carries rifle ammo? Why would I throw a spear at an enemy 2 feet in front of me when I could just stab them? Does the warrior just leave broken spears everywhere? Why does it seem like all the other classes got WAY more love with thier spears than warriors did?

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Need to test it out more but here are some thoughts after about 30 minutes:

Skill #1: Autoattacks need a longer distance and slightly. If we are really chucking a spear so hard that it EXPLODES, I would think it could cover more than 900 range. Also I think if we are incentivized to go in closer for the benefits of our other skills, having a melee auto chain would help us out since Warrior is also supposed to be a master of all weapons right? I would assume they know how to use a spear in close range.

Skill #2: The burst is quite slow and feels slightly clunky to use. Half of the time, enemies can walk out even when I lead them. I think the range mechanic of being close is cool though it does feel very slow.

Skill #3: I may be in the minority but I REALLY like the 3 skill. It feels smooth and is a great cc skill. (I know I am in the minority please don't hate me)

Skill #4: I like the speed of the projectile and I have no other complaints. I think this is probably the best skill on the kit in terms of feel.

Skill #5: I have mixed feelings about this one. I think that its great for stationary targets for some decent damage. That's about it. Its cool but maybe to track targets, instead of dropping spears on them, its in a larger area and more spears are dropped, akin to a tighter (360 radius?) range meteor shower of spears that tracks the target so it will do AoE damage too.

Burst Skill: MORE DAMAGE! It feels so bad and unrewarding to use and the activation is so slow. Speed it up. Also moving would be so nice since it locks us into place I feel like the dodge is nice but as soon as that's done you're going to die due to AoEs... let us move while we leap up into the air and that would be perfect.

Berserk Skill: The berserk skill is also such a long channel there's no point in using it vs sticking to another weapon.

This is a superficial look but I feel REALLY strongly about having an option for a melee auto attack chain if we are being incentivized to go closer to our enemy. I would add more range to the auto as well. Overall, skills need to be a little faster activation, ESPECIALLY the 2 skill and burst. One of the best parts of GW2 is the combat which is so dynamic with movement. Some of these skills feel like they are at a disadvantage because of that fact or punish us and make us stick to a single spot.

Edited by MunkeeBreath.9165
Forgot burst skills.
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Spear is the dumbest Weapon in any game I've ever touched, period.

 And I am 100% convinced this was designed deliberately by someone WHO HATES WARRIOR but WANTED IT TO LOOK CLEVER ON PAPER.


I guess ANet saw all the feedback about people complaining about the Delay they added to Dragon Trigger 2 vs 1&3 and how that's an absolute nightmare to play with or against (becayse it's the same animation but different attacks) and went "What if this was a whole weapon!?"


1 -- Fractures in close Zerg engagements, so you end up having all 5 shots reflected and CLEAVING YOUR ENTIRE OWN PARTY. My WvW commander literally stopped running this morning and waited until all the Warriors with "beta" tags to leave/swap after they figured this out. -- Target cap is just an awful way to balance power scaling btw. So is AoE size. (See below.)

2 -- Same problem as above ^ but with carrying AoE size at specific, unknowable cutoff points. So good luck being either able to plan your set-up or dodge it when fighting against Spear Warrior.

3 -- Knockback should be at the start, evade should travel further & this is the only place where the proximity distance escalling knockback' actually makes sense. But it's conspicuously absent.

4 -- Not actually a "fast projectile" as Taylor claimed and has a 3/4s casting time (AND it's a 1200 range skill shot, on an otherwise 900 range weapon because!?) As such by the time you line-up + cast your skill to interrupt your target(s), you've been interrupted yourself and probably made quite dead.


5 -- Worst place to put power damage over time debuff (with varrying delay.)


F1 Shouldn't lock you and shouldn't evade. Damage on evades is dumb for everyone involved, even if it's Warrior. ESPECIALLY on spam able skills. >> Look at infinite dodge thief in PvP rn.

Berserk F1 -- Why is this just Falming Flurry but worse because it takes longer to cast & doesn't block projectiles!?!?


Even if you ignore all of this, there's no gap-closer anywhere on the weapon that supposedly "Rewards you for being up close."


Also, side-note, isn't this exactly just "Putting a Hat on a Hat"? Warrior already has 2 (albeit quite awful ranged-powrr weapons: Rifle (1,200) and Gunsaber (900 sort-of.) Since CmC himself is on-recorf as saying that Longbow is a Melee Condi weapon (and a bad one at that excpet for the F1's) wouldn't a hybrid mid-range weapon, or Joko-Forbid, a Utility Weapon be better at "Filling a Hole in a Role"????

 I am 100% convinced that this was done as a deliberate-afterthought. And I will not be buying Janthir Wilds. Already made the mistake of picking up an expansion based on "How the Warrior thing Previewed" (i.e. Bladesworn back when it wasn't unplayable garbage.) And look how that turned out.

& ANet, if by some miracle you get someone better in charge of Warrior Design I have one tip: "Just pretend it's ranger but without a pet." I think you'll do better with that. Or maybe the new person will actually have experience in game-design or passion for the class they're working on, and know not to make these mistakes.


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I had some expectations, I’ve like the point of ranged weapon with evades  but right now it’s a big NO NO

No damage, less than a wet noodle, counter intuitive mechanics and clunky AF. As you said feels FAR worse than rifle. ( and rifle is not good, a meme fun weapon  in the best case) but spear is not even funny.

from Pvp / WvW perspective.

AA would be OK if it would do some damage but it don’t. 

2 and F1 have small areas and takes ages since u press the key to the moment when the effect occurs in the selected area so usually thebenemy is there anymore when the effect occur and is a waste. At least F1 should be damaging the target instead of the area to solve the problem of people moving during the evade frame.

3 is OKish. A bit more travel distance and swiftness shouldn’t hurt but at the moment is “the best” skill on the current weapon set

4 3/4s cast time interrupt that also need travel time, aim and small contact point. Completely useless against anything that moves.

5 quick cast time but sloooooow dps.  And with a delay if you used at range. Takes about 2s to actually complete the skill if you add to that the weird mechanics based on distance
~>1/2 cast + 1.5 delay if us far + 2s =4s

active means that takes 4 since I’ve press the button until the skill actually finish. That’s ridiculous. 

Additionally no cool mechanic, no cool animations ,no boons ( not even swiftness), o any soft condition of unblocables to compensate the projectile… this weapon not provide nothing new worth.. Nothing. 

this weapon on its current state doesn’t feel good to play. Don’t have a fluid play style at all.

I don’t think that the toolset is bad…. Definitely not cool nor flashy but as a concept for PvP WvW small scale environment could work but it need some changes in numbers (damage, area and specially TIMING and targeting)

Additionally the weird distance mechanics is not helping the weapon at all (See Captain Crapface video)

I can’t see any reason to buy this expansion at this point. I would buy it if I were a necro main (OP  AF), or Ranger or guardian with cool mechanics and play styles but I’m a warrior main so …..

Let’s see on the next beta but right now is a waste of money for me.

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I think the kit needs a leap gap closer since it does more damage up close so a flip over skill if you hit on Maiming spear or Spearmarshal Support would be good. Leap gap closers feel like the warrior special thing potentially like symbols for guardian as activator for traits so every main hand getting one could be nice. So you can have the in out gameplay in combination with Spear swipe.

The kit has allot of finishers but no combo fields so a lightning field on  Spearmarshal Support or Maiming Spear would work fine, maybe even different fields based on elite spec.

Harrier's Toss needs 1 token boon removal just for the RP and some synergy with spellbreaker.

Disrupting throw should probably be like Deflecting shot for dragon hunter with slow projectile that has good telegraph but also stronger effect. Or instead of that a pull skill like the underwater spear or increase the range of  activation on magebane tether. 

Spear Swipe needs more range on the projectile, should also probably work like Point blank shot on ranger the close you are the stronger the knock back to keep with the Melee mechanic.

Kinda needs more damage and larger AOE. 

Maybe a King of Fires type of trait where you stack spears or something and then explode it with a skill.



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I agree with a lot of the the spear doesn't feel fun to play, it's slow, you have most skills that want you to be closer to hit more targets, you have a skill that moves you back away. It's very counter intuitive.  A glaring bug I noticed is that harrier's toss fails to hit when the enemy is on a higher elevation than you are, it hits the ground before getting to the target.

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5 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

That right there. That was my worst fear about spear 5...

By Balthazar's Beard... *sigh* I am actually not looking forward to getting off of work soon...

I haven’t tried it yet, but that’s pretty inexcusable of an implementation, especially when other similar skills exist (guard focus 4, ranger warhorn 4) and don’t have that issue:

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Thoughts on warrior 

1. Mighty Throw - Give a Range to Melee instead of the "closer more cleave" with a simple chain, while hitting harder than the range variant, can give swiftness on third hit(stay closer). Take the underwater chain at least, let the Range portion "cleave" or "Pierce" up to 3 targets at all range.

2.  Maiming Spear - Make it a thrust that is range (pierces x5 targets) still, but does more damage at closer range. (from current range limits for it's current aftershock)

3. Spear Swipe -Make it a gap closer instead of gap maker, with first target hit gets the "swipe" knock down effect applies around said target.

4. Disrupting Throw - Shorten cast time slightly, fine otherwise

5. Spearmarshal's Support -  Concept I like, though think it'd be more interesting to have it same concept as recommended in 2. make the spears "fall down faster" at all ranges, just more damage closer you are.

F1. Harrier Toss - Make it a skillshot would be my preferred flavor, but overall like it

F1 Zerker. Wild Throw - Make throws come out faster, otherwise fine as is.

So gives the "Range" to warriors while rewarding being in melee.


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A mainly damaging weapon that deals bad damage and has bo boons to it

1: auto attacks are slow and deals pathetic damage 

2: you are not going to hit nobody with that skill that is farther than 300 range. (which is crazy since is a ranged weapon)

3: is good i guess but the dodge is small and the projectile is buggy

4: 3/4 cast on a skillshot that is also slow moving... need i say more?

5: bad damage and can be avoided with walking without swiftness.

f1: Self root and again 1300 damage on a 30 adrenaline use is insulting 

primal burst: the only good damage skill on the weapon but sword primal is way better and has less cast.


Is clear you guys made warrior skills last using the the interns to come with ideas.

i didn't buy the expac and already want a refund.

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37 minutes ago, Vancho.8750 said:

I think the kit needs a leap gap closer since it does more damage up close so a flip over skill if you hit on Maiming spear or Spearmarshal Support would be good. Leap gap closers feel like the warrior special thing potentially like symbols for guardian as activator for traits so every main hand getting one could be nice. So you can have the in out gameplay in combination with Spear swipe.


Spear Swipe needs more range on the projectile, should also probably work like Point blank shot on ranger the close you are the stronger the knock back to keep with the Melee mechanic.



I don't think, as many others already have stated, that we need a gap closer on this weapon. Just scrap this idea of having a ranged weapon which is stronger in melee.


First: we already have that and it's an entire spec. Bladesworn.

Secondly: the hole in our role is ranged power dps


To differentiate from rifle I think it's okay to keep the 900 range but focus on the AoE aspect. 


Go all in on that. Stop forcing the spear to be a pseudo melee weapon and upgrade our yet coolest skill with Spear Swipe to be a gap maker with a longer travel distance on our backward jump. Increase the overall damage and make it possible to hit our ranged AoE.


For more details just check again what @Lan Deathrider.5910 or I wrote previously, since it's almost the same despite being complete strangers xD

I still got hope, because the staff changes you did turned the tides for the weapon and you actually listened to the warrior community, ❤️ so please do it again!

Edited by Napster.8290
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2 minutes ago, Napster.8290 said:

I don't think, as many others already have stated, that we need a gap closer on this weapon. Just scrap this idea of having a ranged weapon which is stronger in melee.


First: we already have that and it's an entire spec. Bladesworn.

Secondly: the hole in our role is ranged power dps


To differentiate from rifle I think it's okay to keep the 900 range but focus on the AoE aspect. 


Go all in on that. Stop forcing the spear to be a pseudo melee weapon and upgrade our yet coolest skill with Spear Swipe to be a gap maker with a longer travel distance on our backward jump. Increase the overall damage and make it possible to hit our ranged AoE.


For more details just check again what @Lan Deathrider.5910 or I wrote previously, since it's almost the same despite being complete strangers xD

Holy Cow, I glossed over yours at first because the formatting wasn't great on the dark theme. We pretty much had the same take.

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In case Spear 3 gets changed, thanks to the animator that made the animation for that, you were the only person out of everyone who worked on Warrior Spear to put your soul into your work. It looks amazing.

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Can ANY of the warrior skills throw and be as impact like when we throw the dragon branded weapon in dragonfall. I want to feel the impact. I want a fun amount of javelins flying and hitting and this kinda feels like I'm throwing broken sticks.

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Spear feels like it was barely thought of for warrior. Aesthetically speaking its dull, lacks imagination and feels super detached from the Warrior Fantasy. The animations are so dry that half of the time i cant even tell what skill im using. We have a game in which many classes get followups to a single skill (Sword 5 Willbender) and we just get "me throw spear". It feels like a generic spear design in a not ready to release state.
Ok, its a ranged weapon option, but it handles better the closer you are for whatever reason which proposes a few issues:
1) Nearly everyone outranges you, at that point run longbow, rifle or even bladesworn.

2) The skills that function better the closer you are, are so easy to get out of. How do you land a spear 5 on anything other than a stunlocked npc or downed player? Why does spear 3 knock you back when you wanna be in mid range? Why does spear 2 take so long to come out? Why are there no boons? Why are there barely any impactful condis?

3) The only real viable elite spec for it is berserker, and that hurts.

A hint towards the fantasy most people would want to see would be Leonidas, Achilles, Guan Yu, Lancelot or even Pantheon from league of legends. This is so, so, SO far off from anything a warrior already does / wants to do in game, its insane.

An idea to improve would be to either shift it to a more melee oriented weapon or to boost its range and change the way that spear 2,3 and 5 work. Ideally 3 could be changed to a gap closer, 2 could come out faster or immobilize on initial impact, thus making the secondary one a bit easier to land and 5 just needs a shift in direction in my opinion.

Edited by Zackpaulou.7304
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