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Janthir Wilds Spear Beta Event Feedback: Mesmer [Merged]

Rubi Bayer.8493

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ooommmgggg............after playin others so boring...this is soo refreshing

all attacks are fluid, skil animation looks natural. balanced.

this weapon feels abit op. no.1 has might and weakness, no2 has finisher whirl!!!!, and its easy to combo it with 4 n 3 empowered without thinking much. 3 has invul?!?! and high dmg n heal!??!?!? op. 4 has finisher and mobilityyyyyyyyyy. no5 is a teleport to target!!!!! and finisher......i feel its abnit tooo much too op. love it. feels soo fast n fluid and powerful, even as a melee.....feel like flying everywhere hitting everything.


best one so far by a mile.

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46 minutes ago, sephard.2470 said:

Unsure why Mind the Gap's CD was increased to 8 seconds from 5. That doesn't help with the flow of the weapon.

Should be reversed to the initial 5s CD again.

What do you mean? Is this a wvw change or something? That sounds horrible but my internet is down lol

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14 minutes ago, Noro.2879 said:

What do you mean? Is this a wvw change or something? That sounds horrible but my internet is down lol

Sorry I should have specified, it's 8 seconds in WvW, yes. I don't see a particular reason for this either tbh.

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Just now, sephard.2470 said:

Sorry I should have specified, it's 8 seconds in WvW, yes. I don't see a particular reason for this either tbh.

I didn't even notice that it's 5s in PvE since I haven't played it outside of competitive. But I agree, I see no need to increase the CD in WvW given spears current state.

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After playing it in WvW I can honestly say that the weapon needs work. 4 & 5 skills are problematic because they will move you in the enemy zerg. Make 4 a 2 phase skill. First phase spawn the phantasms, 2nd phase teleport to your target. Just like sword 3 does. In WvW we want the Clarity buff on 5 to hit all the time so either remove the restriction or make getting Clarity less gimmicky. 3 is like the GS on Necro, a bit slow at 3/4s, should be 1/2s. Cooldown on 2 should be 6 seconds not 8. The cooldowns are the same as GS, which is a ranged weapon. On GS it is fine to not be able to spam clones from a distance but on a melee weapon, where the risk is much higher, clone generation should be better and since skill 2 is the only way to get Clarity it makes sense this to be a low cooldown fast hitting skill.

The damage coeficient is underwhelming.

Ambush skill is too slow and way too low damage to reward you for wasting 1 dodge when being so close to the enemy. It's not even worth it for a damage dealer where we are already sacrificing personal sustain for higher damage. 

I have been running full Marauder gear (legendary) and with all the damage modifiers in Domination and Mirage traitlines. 

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First of all it has more stealth sources than ranger does. Secondly mesmer stealth is unique so balancing would have been easier (giving a ranger mesmer stealth aka "hide in shadows" doesnt activate their special spear skills) and lastly mesmers dont do much with it, it can be useful in pvp sometimes but in pve it doesnt really affect gameplay. Maybe another weapon in the future could have stealth mechanics for mesmer if not spear.

Also I wish dash distance of the spear to be doubled cuz 450 feel like too little.

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29 minutes ago, andreiblue.8231 said:

First of all it has more stealth sources than ranger does. Secondly mesmer stealth is unique so balancing would have been easier (giving a ranger mesmer stealth aka "hide in shadows" doesnt activate their special spear skills) and lastly mesmers dont do much with it, it can be useful in pvp sometimes but in pve it doesnt really affect gameplay. Maybe another weapon in the future could have stealth mechanics for mesmer if not spear.

Also I wish dash distance of the spear to be doubled cuz 450 feel like too little.

Dont axe already do this for mesmer?

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I was a little worried about the positioning since that can be hard to get right. While I was relieved to find that it's only skill 2, I have to mention Clarity. I find it cool that it lasts 15 seconds yet I can easily see somebody else wondering why none (or at least most) the new mechanics don't last that long.

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3 hours ago, sephard.2470 said:

Sorry I should have specified, it's 8 seconds in WvW, yes. I don't see a particular reason for this either tbh.


3 hours ago, Noro.2879 said:

What do you mean? Is this a wvw change or something? That sounds horrible but my internet is down lol

So unsure what possessed them but there are 3 versions of the skill cd. PVE is 5 secons, PVP is 6 amd WVW is 8... go figure. im not sure why they said oh no we need to add that extra second for balace for pvp...

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Also I do need to clarify that Clarity is used up, meaning if you have the buff it WILL disappear if you use a skill that utilises clarity. Which ... doesn't really make sense. Why is it 15 seconds if it's going to disappear on the next use?

I would also maybe recommend to use the flipover skill mechanic to differentiate between a Clarity-enhanced skill and a standard one, it's really difficult to spot when you have clarity simply because the boon-bar is already incredibly cluttered and the eye symbol is right ontop of your virtuoso blades AND your commander tag, sometimes making it impossible to see.

Edited by sephard.2470
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i would clerify in the traits, that the 15% damage buff is strike damage only.
people are stuppid, and i already made that mistake, when you read the buff it does say strike damage, but the traits only say damage.
i was stuppid.
thinking i could make a hybrid bleed mirage with spear.
people will read the trait, but those same people rarely read the buff, that can lead to confusion.

Edited by yoeri.9275
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17 hours ago, Geronmy.3298 said:

You get more damage camping sword.

i agree, the spear in the beta is extreamy weak.
it is a fun weapon, but buffs are defentnly needed for release.
give me my mirage to play, buff the spear.

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20 minutes ago, dead.7638 said:

Mirage ambush could have more dmg.

i would count the ambush as a spear skill, so that it can get buffed with clearity.
it is a class mechanic, but unique skill with the mirage spear, so clearity buffing it, is not going to interupt other mesmer specs.
#save the mirage.
make mirage the 41.6k dps power spec, to be on par with the 42k condi virtuosou.
insted of vitruouso getting that role as wel, #save mirage
you no longer have to worry about the bloody torment/confision breaking PvP/WvW. and other Cdps specs who utilize it.
you gave mirage the perfect weapon to become power, now make it the power spec.
let us mirage enjoyers finaly have a build with our favorete spec.
i understrand how core game necromancers felt back than, untill reaper got released with HoT

Edited by yoeri.9275
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1 hour ago, sephard.2470 said:

Also I do need to clarify (heh) that Clarity is used up, meaning if you have the buff it WILL disappear if you use a skill that utilises clarity. Which ... doesn't really make sense. Why is it 15 seconds if it's going to disappear on the next use?

I would also maybe recommend to use the flipover skill mechanic to differentiate between a Clarity-enhanced skill and a standard one, it's really difficult to spot when you have clarity simply because the boon-bar is already incredibly cluttered and the eye symbol is right ontop of your virtuoso blades AND your commander tag, sometimes making it impossible to see.

It's so that you can use 2 then weapon swap and when you come back to spear, you will have clarity for your first skill. It's actually very good design and leaves a lot of room for skill expression.

Edited by Noro.2879
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The Mind the Gap skill and the necessity to hit the enemy with the outer ring feels really bad. It feels detached from the other skills which are all melee. I would propose to make the skill give the buff by default and drop the outer ring part.
Otherwise its fun!

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I kind of agree, because clones aren't as useful without a stealth mechanic to break targeting. At the same time mesmers do have a shadowstep, boon strip, and evasion skill on the spear. Not to mention condi cleanse and a 3 second stun, if clarity is present. That's actually a lot on paper! If they traded that stun on that shadowstep for a stealth or something, I wouldn't mind it.

Edited by Quench.7091
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7 hours ago, yoeri.9275 said:

i would count the ambush as a spear skill, so that it can get buffed with clearity.
it is a class mechanic, but unique skill with the mirage spear, so clearity buffing it, is not going to interupt other mesmer specs.
#save the mirage.
make mirage the 41.6k dps power spec, to be on par with the 42k condi virtuosou.
insted of vitruouso getting that role as wel, #save mirage
you no longer have to worry about the bloody torment/confision breaking PvP/WvW. and other Cdps specs who utilize it.
you gave mirage the perfect weapon to become power, now make it the power spec.
let us mirage enjoyers finaly have a build with our favorete spec.
i understrand how core game necromancers felt back than, untill reaper got released with HoT

Even then right now power virt with spear is benching like 46k and will be easier to play than power mirage.

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Spear suggestions to make it more fluid:

* Imaginary Inversion: Cleanse a condition immediately. Under the effect of Clarity, cleanse 3 conditions instead. Keep the rest the same.
* Phantasmal Lancer: Increase leap range from 450 to 600. Gain Swiftness when leap. Keep the rest the same.
* Mental Collapse: Increase teleport range from 600 to 900. After resetting Mind the Gap, gain an additional new effect for 2 seconds. Under the effect of this new effect, Mind the Gap always grants Clarity when used, regardless hitting or not. Keep the rest the same.

This tries to solve the issues for:

* Poison can ruin the heal from Imaginary Inversion
* Mesmer needs more Swiftness in general, especially for a melee weapon. Leaping is nice, but 450 is too short, and it's a phantasm skill which we're not going to easily waste just for mobility. It has to be very good to waste the damage and effects for mobility.
* It's annoying to slightly walk backward to cast Mind the Gap after Mental Collapse. This makes it more comfortable to use and can be potentially used as an opening to gain clarity before entering the battle.

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1 hour ago, Geronmy.3298 said:

Even then right now power virt with spear is benching like 46k and will be easier to play than power mirage.

than power mirage needs a bigger buff.
it has te be within a 10% range, to be considered vaible.
that's all it has to be.
vaible, right now, it is not vaible to play mirage.
that's why #save mirage.
arenanet has no more excuses on why the mirage cannot get buffed anymore.
they changed from condi to power, and all reasons where with the condi's.
so it is now withing right to buff mirage, and make it a vaible spec.
to co-exsist with virtuosou.
so we speak about a bare minimal of 42k dps, though i would say 44.6k would be better.
or compleetly overtake power virtuosou with 47/48k dps.
or go back to condi, bu buffing the condi's in the mirage traits only.
so condi mirage will be back, without inderecly buffing other classes/specs.
they have shown they can buff specs with the traits.
cause all we want is play our favorete spec in end game, with being told to reroll or get kicked. (aka play virtuousou.)
listen to the song, necros rise from beyond repaire.
that is excely how mirage players feel right now, the first stanza.

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Bit more play and I'm really finding that it's missing a ranged option like thief and many of the other classes. Spear 1 should let you throw it if you're not in melee range. The whole aoe to try and get the buff so you can heal and remove a condition, still sucks and is totally unreliable in actual combat and not golem focused. What good is having an unreliable skill, so I can just ignore it because it's not a reliable trigger. Remove the dodgy part of the skill and it may become a good weapon for Mesmers and as was stated earlier needs to be flagged as a blade.

  • Flag as a "blade" for virtuosos
  • Make the 2 > 3 skill reliable and easier to get the buff. (condi removal and heal)
  • Add a ranged attack on the auto chain if not in melee combat

Back to other classes as this just isn't that fun.

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