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day 1 spear review and tips


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soloq rank 25 warrior here

AA: nice AA cleave that's also ranged, finally, warrior is actually able to cleave without taking all the aoe in the face.

2: nice ranged aoe damage that's also not a projectile that's similar damage to aura slicer or cyclone axe, again, finally able to range aoe cleave and not get wrecked by projectile hate and not take all the aoe in the face, like the other classes

3: evade is an evade, evade + cc, pretty decent, projectile could hit farther tho. maybe backroll could use bigger range,

as i suspected, it is the same as rifle 4, which you can deselect the enemy and outface to use as gap closer instead and target before the projectile activate, so the projectile will still hit the enemy.

4: nice damage, cc, can be casted at any direction without the need to face there. downside it's so hard to hit, could use a bigger projectile hit box like DH has..this is literally too small

5: mini hundred blade that doesnt require you do actively casting it, like volley or axe 5, thus you can combo it with like 2/burst skill for damage total bigger than hundred blade in range, big cleave big combo skill

burst skill: tier 1 damage better than tier 1 kill shot, aoe, evade, blast also proc all burst traits without needing to hit enemy just like longbow


feels like they finally give warrior that's on par with other classes, noticeable nade kit, rev hammer, necro staff which are all top class weapons

may warrior finally able to team fight in spvp and be useful. but still lack adrenaline tho to truly free up utilities..probably going to use the same utilities as all the melee warrior, adrenaline generation built into defensives are unmatchable, even when you don't need the defensive, you still need the adrenaline

still requires burst skill to be complete tho, rip bladesworn

Edited by Lighter.5631
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I believe it is slightly undertuned and in need of some might generation to be a truly good weapon. Might an AA per target hit, 3 might on the second strike of skill 2 per target hit, might on Harriers toss (5 might per target struck). 

then obviously make the 5 skill actually hit moving targets…that parts pretty bad.

But that’s just my opinion, you are free to disagree 🙂

Edited by oscuro.9720
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WvW meme glass warrior here.

The spear somehow fits my playstyle lol. I thought it would blow. But the way I play by bursting people at ranged actually benefits from spear.

Spear #2 - I agree with your take

Spear #3 - Agreed that both the knock back and the evade could benefit from increased range.

Spear #4 - I agree with you on its accuracy difficulty. I can sometimes hit with it because I've become somewhat proficient at weaver's Plasma Blast and ranger axe pull Path of Scars, but wow. That is one narrow hit box 😅

Spear #5 - It's like dressing on a salad. It just brings a damage burst together.

Burst Skill - I'm hitting it regularly without trouble but as a personal preference, I would like for it to be an evade AND a leap, a leap that you can control which direction you move in. I've saved myself with burst a couple of times thanks to the burst's evade, but an added leap would be as sweet as apple pie 👩‍🍳 😘🥧

Your comment on bladesworn and spear is 100% accurate.

My own final thoughts: I thought spear would be trash but it actually compliments my playstyle to a surprising degree.



It also needs more damage. Also, spear #5 needs to be either way wider with its aoe or they need to change it to where the target just can't just walk away from the damage.

Also, synergy between skills would be great, like one skill flows into the next. And I mean a more dependable synergy besides the set up of spear #4's immobilize and daze

Edited by Verdict is Vengence.6912
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