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I tried climbing up to top 25 BUT the win trading make it impossible .

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I've been in top 100 for the pass couple of seasons so i want to challenge myself and rank up to top 25 but their is no chance what so ever .

Every time i see the god of the arena title on any team the opposing team get DC player 

Its frustrating . their is no PvP at all . just win traders 

Every time this happen i log out and try to log in another time just to see these shenanigan's one more time

So please make it that every time a player DC neither team get points or end the game and start another queue 

Or make a better scoring system to the better players and punish afk player of traders

For ex. a scoring system i saw in another game was "

Winning team : get a fixed score  depend on their  performance in the match :

no.1 player get 30% of the score 

no.2 player get 25% of the score 

no.3 player get 20% of the score 

no.4 player get 15% of the score 

no.5 player get 10% of the score 

And same goes to the losing team get a losing score but opposite :


no.1 player get 10% of the score 

no.2 player get 15% of the score 

no.3 player get 20% of the score 

no.4 player get 25% of the score 

no.5 player get 30% of the score 

the players ranking in each team depend on each player damage ,kills, no. of death, heal team member ,revive  , and many other things 


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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, DragonFury.6243 said:

So please make it that every time a player DC neither team get points or end the game and start another queue 


In Overwatch the game will straight up end if there's a DC on any team. Idk why gw2 hasn't adopted that.

At this point I'm willing to bet that Anet hasn't attempted in fixing or bettering pvp with little changes like the above because they don't want to throw money at pvp anymore... with the exception of the next expansion, which is mostly a marketing ploy. A lot can be done but they just won't do it.

Edited by Saiyan.1704
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I have plenty of seasons that I had one account solo q within top 25 just by playing the game... only for top 10 did I have a duo. One season had a solo q account ranked 12-13 ish. Learn to play the best builds for rank for each season and swap to what is best according to what enemy comp is.

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I see a lot of players complaining about it being impossible to climb or saying there is no difference in skill between p1 and p3 , but I also never ever see those players practice duels and testing meta match ups in server for hours. Coincidence? 

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5 hours ago, DragonFury.6243 said:

Winning team : get a fixed score  depend on their  performance in the match :

Oh I forgot to mention in my other post that GW2 has no accurate way of figuring out an individual player's performance in any given match, unlike say, CS:GO. There's just too many variables and Anet isn't going to spend the resources needed to make something like that happen. They would need to program it into the game, something that is much more enduring than simply editing an elo algorithm.. which by the way, could still use work.

Besides they can't even prevent AT from getting bugged so how are they going to add some new innovative "player performance" system in pvp lol.

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^ yup , stats are too often misleading and would reward bad plays. People would stop playing to win but play for stats, like staying 3 to cleave downs over rotating, double capping, etc.

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, DragonFury.6243 said:

So please make it that every time a player DC neither team get points or end the game and start another queue 

Players will just afk/throwing game instead of DC, it will not solve the problem.
The only way is human check on report but it cost.

Edited by viquing.8254
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7 hours ago, DragonFury.6243 said:

I've been in top 100 for the pass couple of seasons so i want to challenge myself and rank up to top 25 but their is no chance what so ever .

Every time i see the god of the arena title on any team the opposing team get DC player 

Its frustrating . their is no PvP at all . just win traders 

Every time this happen i log out and try to log in another time just to see these shenanigan's one more time

So please make it that every time a player DC neither team get points or end the game and start another queue 

Or make a better scoring system to the better players and punish afk player of traders

For ex. a scoring system i saw in another game was "

Winning team : get a fixed score  depend on their  performance in the match :

no.1 player get 30% of the score 

no.2 player get 25% of the score 

no.3 player get 20% of the score 

no.4 player get 15% of the score 

no.5 player get 10% of the score 

And same goes to the losing team get a losing score but opposite :


no.1 player get 10% of the score 

no.2 player get 15% of the score 

no.3 player get 20% of the score 

no.4 player get 25% of the score 

no.5 player get 30% of the score 

the players ranking in each team depend on each player damage ,kills, no. of death, heal team member ,revive  , and many other things 


GW2 conquest can't have a consistent individual player score like other games - most of the ones that do have a consistent score are deathmatch or at least Kill/Death/Assist based (such as League of Legends) where your positioning on the map during and in between fights can be more directly correlated to performance. Here as others have mentioned we have downed states, rotations (which can be very non trivial to resolve) and point defense vs offense, all of which are not properly captured with any of our existing top stats. It's insanely easy to get top damage, top healing and top offense (even in relation to the enemy team in fact) in a match where your team lost 500-100 for example and you can still be the unambiguous cause of the defeat by rushing in while your team actually tries to get an objective, just to mention one possibility.

The solution to wintrading being an issue is to repeatedly ban known wintraders who keep creating new accounts (which are known) and remove incentives and in-game tools that assist wintrading, such as DuoQ and the ranked pip system. The pip system of course does not incentivize wintrading directly, but it does provide a pool of farming, non-competitive players who would like to play PvP with the most rewards non-competitively but are still "forced" to join ranked otherwise they are straight up losing out on substantial rewards - all of which could easily be moved to unranked queues.

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On 7/6/2024 at 8:25 AM, youle.5824 said:

I have plenty of seasons that I had one account solo q within top 25 just by playing the game... only for top 10 did I have a duo. One season had a solo q account ranked 12-13 ish. Learn to play the best builds for rank for each season and swap to what is best according to what enemy comp is.

this is one of them folks, do not listen to them,

typical answer when you question them, "im on alt, idc...tehee"

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On 7/6/2024 at 9:24 AM, maxwelgm.4315 said:

The pip system of course does not incentivize wintrading directly, but it does provide a pool of farming, non-competitive players who would like to play PvP with the most rewards non-competitively but are still "forced" to join ranked otherwise they are straight up losing out on substantial rewards - all of which could easily be moved to unranked queues.

I'm really kinda surprised they didn't change this with the introduction of Obsidian Armor, or even recently with the cost reduction.

Obsidian Armor exists largely as a set that, if you play enough, you'll eventually have the mats for it (the non-buyable ones, to be clear) even if you're more or less afk in open world. Honestly if you just played like Herald or something and flipped facets you could probably do it without ever fighting.
Why would anyone ever look to the SPvP legendary armor again when open world lets you get a set just by breathing, essentially? WvW's the same way just the tiniest bit more attention required.

I think you could easily change the ascended shard system to exist in such a way that queueing enough matches of unranked/ranked = legendary armor and you wouldn't harm the mode at all. Heck you'd probably gain players overall. Maybe ranked sees less players, but who really cares at this point lol, if it dies it dies

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It's either wintraders or sweaty duos with really boring meta abuse builds at obnoxious hours.

And the pepega matchmaking...

We need a soloQ mode, let the sweaty duoQ guys that almost never plays without duos in their game, even if their Qs lasts 20 minutes, i don't care, if they wanna play the game, they'll do the Qs or move to soloQ.

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On 7/6/2024 at 3:14 PM, Saiyan.1704 said:

In Overwatch the game will straight up end if there's a DC on any team. Idk why gw2 hasn't adopted that.


Giving all players the ability to end matches on command sounds abusable. 


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Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:


Giving all players the ability to end matches on command sounds abusable. 


Is it not quite literally better than what we currently have?

Present: Any player can dc, causing the other team an instant win. Game still carries on wasting time for the team who is down a person. DC player gets dishonor.

ProposalThe game gives the dc player 40 seconds to return to the game. If he never returns when the dc timer end, the game ends immediately. No one gains or loses rating and everyone can queue the moment the match ends. DC player gets dishonor.

This doesn't fix wintrading, it's more of a big QoL fix that PvP could use.

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Posted (edited)
54 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

No one gains or loses rating and everyone can queue the moment the match ends. DC player gets dishonor.


But that would mean you could prevent someone from gaining rank points. 

The match is 300 to 450? And you don't want person X to gain rating? Just DC. 

Or just pay someone in that match to DC for you. A little bit of dishonor is not really a detergent. 

In theory, you could stall games for someone else all day and then close the games as soon as they get close to winning. Wasting as much time as possible of someone. 

Preventing someone from making progress at all. 

Is that practical? Most likely not. But possible. 

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

But that would mean you could prevent someone from gaining rank points. 

Every season I see people sync-queue with a fresh alt account to dc for an instant gain of rank points a person on the opposite team who's wintrading. Again, this method doesn't deter other wintrading shenanigans but at least no one is benefiting on free rating points when some one dc's.

Just dcing by "preventing rank points" isn't really a thing in other games that has this same system. The dishonor system still remains. The account that constantly dc's will have an extremely long dishonor timer per usual.

Edited by Saiyan.1704
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Just now, Saiyan.1704 said:

Every season I see people sync-queue with a fresh alt account to dc for an instant gain of rank points for the person who's wintrading. Again, this method doesn't deter wintrading shenanigans but at least no one is benefiting on free rating points when some one dc's.

Hust dcing by "preventing rank points" isn't really a thing in other games that has this same system. The dishonor system still remains. The account that constantly dc's will have an extremely long dishonor timer per usual.

I wanna add that I do not disagree with the idea. 

I just think it's still as abusable as what we have right now. With the main goal being to fight wintrading/gaming the system. 

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No matter how clever your system is, someone is going to find a way to exploit it. 

Yet we still try to think of the perfect self-policing system because we all know Anet isn't going to police their own game.

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remove duo q in ranked, and lot of this garbage will stop, game mode has less than 60 active people its empty, its just the top players trolling on alt accounts, and wonder why no new influx of players want to participate in this garbage. its just common sense

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On 7/6/2024 at 11:31 AM, youle.5824 said:

I see a lot of players complaining about it being impossible to climb or saying there is no difference in skill between p1 and p3 , but I also never ever see those players practice duels and testing meta match ups in server for hours. Coincidence? 

I dunno man. I guess we are all just not as good as you.

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7 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

No matter how clever your system is, someone is going to find a way to exploit it. 

Yet we still try to think of the perfect self-policing system because we all know Anet isn't going to police their own game.

In LoL, a game that has 10x our pvp population, still goes through their own match manip issues. We can't prevent wintrading 100% but we can lock down a couple of obvious issues that's currently happening in GW2.

* Remove Guild Teams,

* Prevent rating gain/loss if there's a DC,

* DuoQ shouldn't deliberately find another duoQ just for the sake of it.

These three Algorithm items comes to mind when gamers are playing that top25 minigame system and Anet can fix these three issues overnight if they wanted to. It wont fix everything but pvp will be that much better for it.

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I feel bad for the lot thinking you can't climb to top 25 solo q or top 10 legit. No wonder gw2 community consider the forum a gathering of crazies conspiracy believers... Everyone that agree with that mindset will probably never reach top 10, since they already gave up on getting better. 

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5 minutes ago, youle.5824 said:

I feel bad for the lot thinking you can't climb to top 25 solo q or top 10 legit. No wonder gw2 community consider the forum a gathering of crazies conspiracy believers... Everyone that agree with that mindset will probably never reach top 10, since they already gave up on getting better. 

Lets pretend win trading isnt an issue and you want to be top 10, what all do you need to do to compete:

Skill based stuff to do:
Play an OP meta build with a duo that has synergy with your build
Play at the skill level of a top 10 player

Non Malicious Match Manipulation stuff to do:
- Queue on an alt account to test the waters of who is online and build a friends list anyone who could be a challenge to see when they're queuing(obviously you gain nothing from queuing into a match vs equally skilled people so avoid it)
- Both enter the queue as the same specific class to avoid bad players on at the moment playing that class and swap once the match starts (Theres a limit of 2 classes per team)
- Queue during specific hours of the day only when its statistically easiest to win
- Don't upset people so they wont throw while they're queuing on their alts(Since you Youle and other queue on alt acc's, why bother winning a match when a competing top 10 player is on your team when you're on your alt with nothing to lose especially if you dislike them)
- If extremely serious about getting top 10 or 1, keep your games played under the minimum games required until the last day and have an account name not recognized by others.

That's the basics of not even malicious win trading but just 'playing smart', since if you just indiscriminately click 'queue for ranked'  and do not take the above into consideration, you'll be a large step down from the competition. But honestly, actual win trading and malicious match manipulation is rampant. I know, because I found out a lot of people do it when I started queuing with 'good players' when I wanted to test playing support. They queue'd with me on their alts, and once  I got a list of their alts names I started seeing them fighting their own alts regularly outside of my duo queue with them. Now I'm back to solo queuing with friends because it was disgusting to see.

You seem adamant this game is 'skill based' to earn titles, I don't know if you've played other competitive games with a healthy population, but this game falls short of anything out there due to whats actually needed to give yourself a shot at titles. I was top 500 on Overwatch 1 and 2 before they ruined the game, it was great to be able to click queue and just coast off of personal skill alone to get to the top and stay there. Literally no way to do that in this game which is why every top player queues on alt accs.

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Also @Endo.1652 don't you think it's shameless to not say anything when you were litterally a witness in me and Anya spamming ranked all weekend at peak hours too while Anya was mid p3 and I was early p3 the last weekend of the season, worst possible time to q. We did like  50 games in 3 days not caring about time. According to everyone showing 'confused' reaction to me saying you can't get legit top 10, well if me and Anya had stopped queuing when we were r3 and 4 over trying to get Anya r1. We would have both been ez top 10 while spamming q at worst possible time of the season and you litterally faced us plenty of times when that happened.

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1 minute ago, youle.5824 said:

Also @Endo.1652 don't you think it's shameless to not say anything when you were litterally a witness in me and Anya spamming ranked all weekend at peak hours too while Anya was mid p3 and I was early p3 the last weekend of the season, worst possible time to q. We did like  50 games in 3 days not caring about time. According to everyone showing 'confused' reaction to me saying you can't get legit top 10, well if me and Anya had stopped queuing when we were r3 and 4 over trying to get Anya r1. We would have both been ez top 10 while spamming q at worst possible time of the season and you litterally faced us plenty of times when that happened.

What does my comment have to do with this? Your comment came off as bragging and pretentious so I decided to poke fun at it.

Never once I accused anything of you doing anything sketchy or unfair in this forum if thats what youre getting at.

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