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Guardian: Auto-attacking when using Retreat

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The Guardian Retreat utility skill is triggering an auto-attack. To me, this seems to be a bug since the Retreat tooltip says it only grants swiftness and aegis, presumably to "retreat" rather than "attack". Specifically (as a DH), when a Scepter is equipped and within range of an enemy, casting "Retreat" immediately begins auto-attacks. Is this the intended behavior? If so, then I think naming this skill "retreat" is misleading since it actually engages enemies -- even ones that aren't attacking.

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Yes, I have criticized this many times in the past, but it seems ANet doesn't want to change anything about it. It makes no sense to me, either. I mean, after all, a retreat means for you to stop fighting and save yourself, no? So auto-attacking and thus slowing yourself down in my eyes is completely beside the point.

@onevstheworld.2419 said:I swap to a melee weapon when I'm running past mobs with Retreat. The shout only causes a single swing, and you only get into combat if you swing hits, so I'm able to avoid combat almost all the time.

While this is an excellent workaround, it still messed up your choice of weapons. I wish they would simply adjust the skill.

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