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Confused about Shared Inventory Slot maximum

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I have 23 Shared Inventory slots and have been considering buying more. The Gemstore UI says "you can buy 6 more at this price". The Wiki page says the maximum is 30 slots.

Well ... 23+6=29 < 30. So which is correct? The Wiki or the Gemstore?

I plan to wait for sales, but I figure it would be smart to clear up my confusion before buying.

Edited by Adzekul.3104
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Shared Inventory Slots came/come with expansions.  If one did not purchase Heart of Thorns before it was bundled with Path of Fire (where one would get one Shared Inventory Slot, instead of one for each expansion as Heart of Thorns became free), you would have one less than the maximum amount. 

In the Wiki it is explained in'Notes':  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shared_Inventory_Slot#Notes

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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