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Hackers in pvp


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@MUDse.7623 said:

oh i do identify hackers, but stuff like that doesnt happen to me.

i just let this speak for its own

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:So... in a nutshell... Arenanet defends cheaters and punishes those who point out the cheaters.

sadly offender protection is always a high priority with those companies or in general to avoid scandals. its way easier to silence and ban those who dare to speak up, then those who actually did the deed. cause they are obviously easy to identify and the genuine root of the problem since they dare to shine the light on it.

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@Juidodin.5829 said:

oh i do identify hackers, but stuff like that doesnt happen to me.i just let this speak for its own

only cause i dont whisper to anyone that beat me that he is using 3rd party software...like i heard you did just yesterday..

its just that i can explain what my opponents do pretty much allways and you make it sound like: hackers, hackers everywhere!

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Looking at the posts, I clearly realize that some here aims to challenge facts that are clear, obvious and seen by many, including reports to Arenanet itself, not to mention the internet itself with vast material ...Yes, you are here solely and exclusively to generate controversy and covertly reverse a fact into a lie.In one of the posts it is said that 'laughed a lot'... but here nobody is telling jokes. And since you're dealing so lightly with such a serious matter, it seems clear to me that you're only aiming to upset.In fact, someone comes here in the futile attempt to deny a FACT that is aware and consciousof who participates in the events and of ARENANET itself, it seems to me only an act of childishness or despair to hide their own actions ...I dispense with your comments and politely ask you not to participate in this discussion, since your interest is not to add but to denigrate those who seek and find a solution to a chronic problem in the game.

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@EnderzShadow.2506 said:

@Balmung.7804 said:Unfortunately both pvp and WvW are full of bots and hackers. This is ridiculous! It does not have 1 day that does not report on average 15 players with bots and hackers. Arena.net needs to automate this ban ... it's becoming impossible to play honestly in competitive modes.


sure. Sure you do, you report them from what? Bronze?

I did not understand the bronze ... even because I'm silver just so you know. Spoken one of those who support these bots / hackers

you sound like someone who blames losses on bots and claims everyones hacking.You report 15 players a day... you're just bad.

Good man, if you think I'm bad, that's your problem. I do not need to prove anything to players like you. Just like me, several others report as many bots / hackers as I do. If you're bothered about it just get out. And another, if you play because here we are charging Arena.net what is important, because you are probably one of those who support and use a Free account to stay here talking nothing with anything.

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@"TheQuickFox.3826" said:Still waiting for the first ArenaNet reply, something like:HGW057Y.jpg

Everything is under control, contact support if you want to report anyone. (The last thing you should do indeed, don't post personal info here, reports are still being read by ANet but problems cannot always be solved instantly or totally)

Rsrsrs... Good!

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Nothing has to be shown to you or anyone else here ... what has to be shown is for Arenanet which is in my understanding the one responsible for maintaining a quality game and free from hacks and hackers ....I will make it very clear to those who come here to post: give up trying to transform the facts that this post addresses, known to Arenanet itself, in lies, because this intention for me means that you are part of exactly those I accuse. So, please, go find something useful to do instead of come here to disturb who takes this criminal situation seriously.Your efforts to want to denigrate this post is a fragile attempt by those who are afraid of being exposed ... you are wasting their time.

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It seems that it is difficult to make yourself understood these days ... if you look at the original post, you will see that at no time was mentioned classes, professions or whatever ...Hackers , they are a fact of general knowledge, and Arenanet herself knows this. Contrary opinions only show naivety, lack of observation, incompetence, or attempt to conceal a truth.The FACT holds within itself an immutable truth or it would not be a FACT. It is FACT that Arenanet knows of their existence, since in the past already expelled 1 ...The problem that arises here is that since then nothing else has been done of FACT to prevent such actions from repeating themselves.Those who are bothered with my post, who knows why? and try to turn it into a situation of improbability, ignorance, inability ... are wasting their time.

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I've met quite few of these hackers recently in matches and I'm getting sick and tired of them. A few of them have a cheat that make most of their skill effects turn yellow and if they walk anywhere near you they are able to load you with all the condis in the game and you die in 1.25 secs. Another must be an Engi cheat as they turn yellow too which enables them to do 6x their base skill damage (3.5 -5K per hit) while CC'ing you at the same time. Then you have the unkillable guard that literally can just walk in a circle/or not move at all on cap and tank whatever damage you can dish out. Of course don't forget the invisibility cheat of being sniped from someswhere you can't access on the map....oh actually wait a minute......those are the new elite specs. Sorry.

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@MyPuppy.8970 said:Sometimes I get reported for winning a trade on sword weaver. I don't know if I should be happy for the report system not working or be sad about the spec.

Just yesterday I got whispered and reported for beating a burn core guard as a Water/Arcane D/F Weaver. He said he had 6 skills that apply burn and said that I was hacking because he can't stack them on me. Tried being helpful and linked him Ele's cleanse traits and told him that burn guard's weakness is that it doesn't have that much covering condis so cleansing burn is easy. Then I got told that I was using macro or whatever 3rd party apps. I was like seriously? Do you even need a macro for a non fresh air weaver with that 3s/4s attunement swap delay?

I know there are a lot of hackers, have seen them a lot both in PvP and WvW. Mostly those using speed hacks/short range teleports. But sometimes, those people reporting just really don't know how their own builds work. Let alone how other specs builds work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Juidodin.5829 said:

@Abelisk.4527 said:Reportreportreport move on. As players who witness such terrible acts we seek justice against these hackerous hackers, but in reality Anet needs evidence these players are using third-party mechanics for malicious intent. Screenshots given to them is very nice.

yeah, you know that reports won't do anything, cause they don't care. also, some of those cheaters are anet employers like GM Wonder Tree. well, i cant say for 100% that it was him, just come to your own conclusion.

I met someone cheating in wvw, using teleport hack, he jumped from camp to camp, spamming skills like having no cooldown at all. I started chatting with him, asking him if he enjoys cheating, he then told me to kitten off, I told him to kitten off too, then he suddenly stopped moving and no more than 15 sec later I was kicked from the server and banned for 1 day by GM Wonder Tree for chat violation. Also, watch how a mod will delete this posting asap :) go make a screenshot

These are bold claims your making ..... Claims that sound more like rumors and fake news...

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I am rank 60 in PVP right now so i have done fair share of PVP ranked games and i have yet to find a hacker.I would say hacker who is clearly indistinguishable, he will be unkillable, will be flying, moving from one place to another in an instant, one-shot people but i haven't seen any such player yet. Yes i have seen players who will do something like spawn and keep feeding mid 1 vs 4 and won't listen to whisper or team chat. Maybe they don't understand english, maybe they are bots but its not very common. You are sounding like this game is filled with hackers but i don't agree with you.

Besides, it will be impossible for ANET to manually check every report and act on that. They will forgive 4 hackers just so that 1 person who got reported but wasn't hacking don't get falsely banned. Since GW2 is online only game simple tweaking to your core game files won't work. It has to be a memory hack and it can be easily detected if Anet implemented something like valve VAC bans which automatically detect and ban hackers on a delayed basis, its 99% accurate and VAC bans are permanent and non-negotiable in any case.

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I've never seen a Bot in pvp until 2 Seasons ago. Out of 1000 matches in the past 2-3 seasons I've only seen 3 Blatantly obvious bots. (Yet to see any blatant hacks past a bot, other than some obvious ones posted on youtube). Yes there some out there, but they're still a rare occurrence. So don't let a few bad matches sully your experience. If at worse, que dodge if possible if you are getting the same player.

Seen more people position hacking/mining nodes in Malchors Leap in one day, than years of playing pvp.

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@Noa.7490 said:Well, I just came out of a PvP match (for daily) and we stumbled on a Druid ranger who took zero dmg no matter we threw at him. We even tried 3 vs him (ranger, necro and warrior) and his hp bar would not come down, not even one point.

It's feasible for a Druid to 1 v 3. Especially if it's a High tier vs low tiers. Although you'll more likely see a 1 v 3 with Bunker guards. Would need Video evidence of the Druid taking absolutely Zero damage through the entire skirmish.

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