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Remove Defence Events from Wizards Vault


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Given the changes to defence events can we remove them from the Wizards Vault dailies and weeklies?  Defence events have long been rather tmepremental to complete and now even more so would make sense to remove these so that WvW players can actualy complete their dailies/weeklies.

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Yeah.. i think it's more about the requirement.. as far as I have been told .. only the enemies that killed the guards (those who will get credit if their team captured the tower/keep) will yield a defense point if you killed them. If it can be relax a little bit.. e.g. any enemy inside or in close proximity will count toward the defense point if you killed them will make this achievement easier to do.

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I have the vault set to PvE only but I can confirm (at least for keeps) that defending doesn't track here. (Purely cosmetic and to show the lord's health and the cap circle status - the event in the UI.) Noticed this whiel the timer ticked to 0 multiple times (and I am sure I participated in killing at least 1 enemy - participation timer refreshed) but the weekly didn't register it. Is at 0/3. (At leas there are enough other weeklies to get the 6 for the reward boxes with the keys.)

Did they fully disable it or is it so you only get a reward if the timer runs out and the enemies are pushed back? (Not contesting the objective anymore.) I know the old system always was bugged already - you had to stay close buy and participate in kills somehow (or ... back then repairing when that was still possible) otherwise it would not register even if you participated (gotten a kill near the objective to defend) but when the timer ticked to 0 while you were outside of the objective's area.

Not clear how it works atm. Since I do not play WvW a lot. (Taking the opportunity to "enjoy" it a bit while getting a GoB for the legendary spear in preparations of JW. :D)

Edit: Upon winning while defending ... it seems I got credit. Objective still contested and enemies nearby. I guess that the people you kill need to be "attackers" is a thing. Just not sure what counts here. (Anything that gives them attack credit?) And obviously you are more likely to kill one of them when your team wins the fight. (Vs losing and you managing only to kill a few of them:) I would have preferred if any kill counted. It is okay to have stuff like repairing removed for the defensive credit. For farming they should just maybe add a debuff so people just can't get a random kill every 3 minutes to get credit often in a long-term battle.

Maybe one debuff type per objective type (not for every single objective - would be too much). If you got credit once ... the debuff for like 10 minutes. (Only after that you can get credit again.) But making all enemies near the objective count. Killing more/fasterb (or someont that counts as "attacker") maybe could allow to actually reduce the debuff timer instead. So that in a really big battle it still could work every 3 minutes. Maybe this is possible to implement?

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Remove wizards vault, it just asks me do all the worst content in the game and shows me how power crept the game is.

World bosses that die in 30 seconds and pose zero threat.

Strikes(awful content).

Kill 100 mobs that pose no threat in some obscure area.

Jumping Puzzles I just friend teleport to.

All this, for what? You cannot buy battle pass progress for gems, there's no premium battle pass. How are you making ANY money off this? You're spending resources on skins and cosmetics that could be in game rewards from doing actual fun content or in the gem store.

What are you gaining from this feature? Zero, you're actually losing money from it.

The battle pass is a big "ME TOO!" that has no financial benefit and doesn't actually add anything for the player(annoys them to do boring/bad/buggy content for rewards) 

It's a lose/lose feature.

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It seems to get defender (for Towers and Keeps) you need to kill the player that uses siege or players that hit the lord (ordinary guards do not seem to count any more).  For Camps its a bust as most roamers can get far enough away to be outside the event zone if you do kill them.  For Towers and Keeps in theory you have a chance to kill the player using siege, but in ultimately the odds are increased if you wait until the enemy are on the lord which is rather risky and not somthing you can rely on other players to do.  In addition if the enemy are hitting the North West Tower with catas from outside the event zone and your group goes out and kills them no completion, same with the North West Tower if the enemy trebs from the North East Camp.

At the momen its just very rare to get it, changing the perameter to killing any enemy in the event zone would help but at the moment there is little incentive to try and defend low tier stuff which is not helpful when the Wizards Vault is giving you dailies or weekies.  Given the odds of a succesful defence lots of players are not even bothering.

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The wvw dailies in general are not really comparable to the pve dailies. There are a few that are as quick and easy as pve dailes, but not many. Defense and kill three players are the biggest offenders. Kill three ppls isn't bad if you log on during zerg v zerg times, but if you're a player who logs in to a ghost town you can go an hour without even seeing three players to fight ; p

For wv defense daily I'd recommend the time honored ganker's tactic of lying in wait at a camp. Getting credit for that is much less hit-or-miss than tower or keep defenses, tho again it does depend on an enemy player actually attacking your camp, which can take a while. And ofc this does nothing for the wvw weekly tower and keep defense cheeves . . .

I'm okay with wvw wv dailies being a little bit more time consuming than pve, given that we do get the reward track boost from them. But I would argue they are too unbalanced atm . . .

But at the same time the whole wv thing seems skewed to pve. We've never had a pvp or wvw wv special, for example, not even during pvp rush week . . .

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You know that you don't have to do all daily/weekly tasks, right? Idk how having less choices benefits anyone?

I still don't have much difficulties getting defense credit even tho there are less defense events happening now.

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Camp defense is still very easy, and now you actually have time to respond to contested camps. I do agree that tower defenses, and keep defenses to a certain extent, are much harder to get now. They should just make change "defend 8 towers" to 4 towers, or just make it generic defenses for all objectives.

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21 hours ago, Tom.6032 said:

Given the changes to defence events can we remove them from the Wizards Vault dailies and weeklies?  Defence events have long been rather tmepremental to complete and now even more so would make sense to remove these so that WvW players can actualy complete their dailies/weeklies.

+ OS jumping puzzle.

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11 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

Removing the defense daily would not result in fewer choices. You would still have the same number of wvw dailies, defense just wouldn't be one of them . . .

But i like having defense as choice. Because it's something i usually get done without paying attention, just by playing the game. There are other tasks i never do, because they would require me to go out of my way and do stuff i don't want to do. So let me keep my defense and just don't do it if you don't want to. There's other stuff you can do.

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If anything should be removed it would be the jumpingpuzzles in WvW. I am not loading in to WvW to do jumping puzzles. I skip this every week and i know most of the veterans players do as well because why would i want to do PvE in WvW when there is WvW to be done.

A while back there was PvE weekly removed because they where not popular but we still are stuck with the weekly jp in wvw and i miss those every week. Can we keep WvW weekly to WvW where i play WvW and not PvE.  THANKS!

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1 hour ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

But i like having defense as choice. Because it's something i usually get done without paying attention, just by playing the game. There are other tasks i never do, because they would require me to go out of my way and do stuff i don't want to do. So let me keep my defense and just don't do it if you don't want to. There's other stuff you can do.

I don't like having defense daily as a choice, bc it's both something I don't usually get done without paying attn, but also bc it is time consuming, esp compared to its pve counterparts. Instead of running around looking for ppls to fight, I'm standing around waiting for something to be attacked, which I have no control over and can take a considerable amount of time.

While I agree have to go out of my way  to do a daily like 'cap a shrine', which also wouldn't happen through the normal course of play, it's both quick and easy AND something that I can do when I choose, doesn't rely on participation from another player . . .

Let's remove the outlier, and you can still defend things if you want to, there are other dailies you can do. Besides . . :

13 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

You know that you don't have to do all daily/weekly tasks, right?


1 hour ago, Leaa.2943 said:

If anything should be removed it would be the jumpingpuzzles in WvW. I am not loading in to WvW to do jumping puzzles. I skip this every week and i know most of the veterans players do as well because why would i want to do PvE in WvW when there is WvW to be done.

A while back there was PvE weekly removed because they where not popular but we still are stuck with the weekly jp in wvw and i miss those every week. Can we keep WvW weekly to WvW where i play WvW and not PvE.  THANKS!

Now weeklies are a whole other thing. OS, eotm and pvp tourneys are the main reasons I swap back to pve for weeklies every Sunday night that I can log in and remember to do so . . .

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2 minutes ago, Gop.8713 said:

I don't like having defense daily as a choice, bc it's both something I don't usually get done without paying attn, but also bc it is time consuming, esp compared to its pve counterparts. Instead of running around looking for ppls to fight, I'm standing around waiting for something to be attacked, which I have no control over and can take a considerable amount of time.

I'm never standing arround waiting for something to be attacked. I'm running arround looking for people to fight and if i see something is under attack nearby i go there and see if there is something to fight.

6 minutes ago, Gop.8713 said:

Let's remove the outlier, and you can still defend things if you want to, there are other dailies you can do. Besides . . :

If everything that someone doesn't like gets removed, there won't be anything left ...

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We should not ask ANet to remove defense events from the weekly rotation.
We should ask them to look into, acknowledge and fix the totally broken game mechanic of registering individual contribution to a defense event!

I want them to take the dusty road to work on the problem, not go the easy way (and just remove an option like they did with the mini dungeon in Seitung, which they just removed from the weekly to satisfy the PvE complaints). 

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I have no problem with defense weeklies, I'd agree with the other poster that those pretty much happen naturally through the course of play. I do have a problem with them as a daily, and again, not bc they're buggy but bc they take a disproportionately large amount of time compared to other dailies in the wv system . . .  

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2 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

Not really looking for peak wvw experience from my dailies . . .

Is okay.

i felt like dailies should (in my opinion) open up and motivate players to do different stuff from their daily routine. (Same for weeklies).

Not saying defensive events excel at that. Optimally, if you wanna do dailies the best thing is, that you get out of your comfort zone and experience other content. Be it a pve player that goes into pvp, or a wvw player that goes into pve or whatever.

at least, that was the thing i thought dailies ought to be. And i always took it as that. The old dailies had for example some vistas / jp‘s in areas that i didn’t visit for weeks or months. It’s cool to revisit them. As long as this goal is still there, i don’t mind to change the dailies to whatever.

PS: there are days where i don’t do all the dailies. And generally the pure pvp ones i skip. No problem. Nobody is forced to do it, you don’t miss a lot honestly.

Edited by CafPow.1542
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8 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

But I'm not advocating removing something bc I don't like it, I'm advocating removing it bc it is an outlier, requiring a greater time investment than other dailies in the system . . .

How long WvW daylies take depends largely on map state and enemy activity. Defense is no outlier in that and sometimes the first that i get done.

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2 minutes ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

How long WvW daylies take depends largely on map state and enemy activity. Defense is no outlier in that and sometimes the first that i get done.


last time i tried to get a camp done for my weekly and i had to go to 8 camps until i got it. Either somebody just turned it swconds before i got there or i got steamrolled by a „roaming guild“ (lol).

sometimes it just is that way.

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