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more support options?


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so far thief has a mediocre heal kit with decent stability uptime.  i'd like to see focus offhand that could give more boon support instead of heals to maybe pair with specter or quickness deadeye.

if thief had more access to protection or heal per block like warrior's bullet catcher in the form of a shield or focus offhand, it might be a little easier to be supportive and thus be taken in a group in all kinds of content.

what i want for a focus offhand: a block like guardian's focus that pulses heals per successful block which could be detonated for a burst heal.  also maybe have a ground targeted skill that pulses protection and quickness on the focus kit.  as for the dual wield skill (with scepter), it could be like protector's strike, and activating the skill would form a protective bubble around allies to absorb the next incoming attack, which would then grant boons and a small amount of healing.

i think if thief had more access to boon support people might start taking it in group content.  so far my favorite playstyle has been support thief, which sadly is lacking what it truly needs to be taken 'seriously' as a potential spot in a comped squad, even if it's a smaller squad.   some more useful defensive boons on a successful steal would also be nice, such as protection, regeneration, resolution, maybe even stability.  giving thief the ability to generate stability through more than just one source might give the class what it truly needs to be part of a group instead of just being the designated ganker.

i just want my main class to shine in more than just ganking.

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4 hours ago, Lightsbane.9012 said:

i just want my main class to shine in more than just ganking.

Then find another class for an alt to contribute on. If you want to drastically change the identity of a class, you might as well play another class. 

The reality of Thief's design is that it's a class that has its roots in stealth, speed, mobility, and impact. They aren't exactly a class designed to be a Boon pulsing, Heal vomiting superhero that keeps their team alive through conventional means, rather they support their team with more subtle and underhanded methods like providing Stealth Blast Finishers, group Stealthing, Portals and Venom sharing. 

Adding a new weapon would not change the fact that Thief is still going to be a fragile gank class that relies on their innate design to get an edge over their opponents. (and people will start using the "support weapon" as part of their ganking kit anyway) 

Edited by Jobber.6348
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