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Engi Spear - Feedback Changes


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Hey Engi fans, we've just been blessed with a feedback update, please see here if you haven't:

Feeling positive about the changes:

  • Focused animations have been improved for better clarity.
  • Cast times have decreased across several skills.
  • More conditions across skills (No details).
  • Devastator (skill 5), the speed has increased, range has increased and the aftercast animation has been fixed.

Though we don't know a few things:

  • Does quickness correctly speed up skill 3 and 5 now?
  • Have they fixed the targeting on skill 3 flip-over, Electric Artillery (to be omnidirectional)? Also, it definitely needed to be longer range.
  • The autoattack was quite short, has the range increased?
  • Skill 2 leapfinisher was buggy and didn't work all the time. Also the range was too short.
  • Is there anything defensive going to be added, at all? The kit didn't have anything! 😮
  • Mech's rocket punch didn't work so hopefully they fixed this too.


Edited by Melumi.6432
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4 hours ago, Melumi.6432 said:
  • Does quickness correctly speed up skill 3 and 5 now?
  • Have they fixed the targeting on skill 3 flip-over, Electric Artillery (to be omnidirectional)? Also, it definitely needed to be longer range.
  • The autoattack was quite short, has the range increased?
  • Skill 2 leapfinisher was buggy and didn't work all the time. Also the range was too short.
  • Is there anything defensive going to be added, at all? The kit didn't have anything! 😮
  • Mech's rocket punch didn't work so hopefully they fixed this too.


Pretty good list. Skill 2 also had this issue where it basically didn't move you at all when you didn't  have a target. I don't know if it was this way by design (a la thief underwater spear 2), but it felt terrible. Spear 3 was also weird in that you couldn't get full stacks unless you hit more than 1 person in the aoe, but that's not good design for a weapon that focuses on single target. I personally don't mind having no defensive skills, but they definitely need to up the mobility. I think someone mentioned before that having the main mechanic of the weapon also be on it's main mobility skill is just not great.

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Cussing aside, creative feedback mode on, instead of implementing a completely new mechanic out of your aśśes, we could get e.g. a gadget or 2 onto the spear.

Make skill2 into a gadget, like "when skill 2 lands, latch a tracking device to the enemy".  Make it pulse reveal (since ranger gets so much stealth, it makes sense to introduce more reveal in the game) like 1s reveal every 5 seconds. Suddenly this mechanic makes so much more sense thematically, and when we kill that enemy we "retrieve" the device thus refreshing the skill.

Slap another Gadget on some other random skill, and suddenly boom, we have a long-desired buff to gadgeteer.


I know it's not gonna happen but I'm in a good mood wanted to dream for a moment.

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5 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Dang, I'd missed that rocket punch wasn't working on skill 3. Kinda pushes it into mostly being a condi holo weapon if that isn't fixed.

welcome to bug wars 2, how may I take your order?

until numbers change, it synergizes so much with condi holo it doesn't change how sad it is that mechanist is left out due to rocket punch not being triggered by spear 3; that will be a huge missed opportunity for CCing an upcoming/active defiance bar.

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11 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Dang, I'd missed that rocket punch wasn't working on skill 3. Kinda pushes it into mostly being a condi holo weapon if that isn't fixed.

It'll go in the pile of broken things that never get touched again, I'm sure.

just leave it for years, lock the thread, and stop caring

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