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Make Sun & Moon Style apply its effects to all weapons, but at a reduced potency for non-Daggers.


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I've been enjoying playing Spear/Hammer Spellbreaker, the only problem I have is if you're not wielding a Dagger than Spellbreaker's entire middle trait column is dead in PvE. My suggestion to to tweak Sun & Moon to work more like Forceful Greatsword, making it grant 5% Damage and 2% Healing baseline, with the bonuses doubled while wielding a Mainhand and Offhand Dagger respectively. Hopefully this could allow non-Dagger Spellbreaker builds to be relevant in PvE.

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Sun and Moon style, like many Weapon specific traits, are old fashioned in design. 

Anet should really do a pass on all Weapon specific traits once and for all and either demote them into minors in exchange for a more impactful major or rework them to be more usable for the traitline design but decoupled from a specific weapon style. I think utility specific traits also need a pass for similar reasons. 

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