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No Heart of the Obscure

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In Janthir Wilds, I was doing the story line "Diplomacy and Discovery", tasked with, use the "Heart of the Obscure to track and close Rifts in the wilderness near Moon Camp". Much to my surprise I had no such item in my inventory. I checked out Wiki found out something but nothing on why I didn't have HO. (short for, Heart of the Obscure). I found out I was supposed to get it from "Vanak" in the prier story line. I don't know whether I lost it, sold it, or never got it. Has anybody run up against this problem? My next step is to report it.

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My thanks to both eyelogix.1654 and alteriel valie.4751 for your replies'. To be honest, I didn't think I would get any reply at all, because of my fear of not explaining it well enough. I finally found what you two were talking about, and it worked fine except it took me quite a few tries to understand what was happening. It took me by surprise, but my pee brain finally worked things out... I think, LOL time will tell for sure.

Edited by duiepyle.3154
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