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October 8 Balance Update Preview


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44 minutes ago, senna.9563 said:

Please do not remove the teleport from scourge in PvE, it's the only reason to play heal scourge, without it, there is no reason to take that class anywhere ;-;

If that's the only reason then you have a personal problem as I fail to see they're bad despite having insane barriers and good boon coverage. They struggle with Stability. Pair them with a Herald and that issue is solved.

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14 hours ago, Nero.7369 said:

Huray cele nerf. finally.
Next step: nerf heal + tank gear like ministel
Step after: (perma) invis nerf, give it the ranger spear invis treatment, each weapon skill will reveal the castere on starting the animation.
Step after: remove all those stacking multiple damage reduction modifier. and nerf willbender cleave with nerfing power coefficient on whirling light and crushing courage. 

Next step: remove all overtuned dmg from the pvp and wvw mode. Its a mmorpg not a shooter. So the time to kill should be accordingly longer !

Did i mention "fix the thief sword 2 abuse in wvw"? Because that hasnt been mentioned enough as it seems. Porting inside keeps with that bug is just game mode breaking. (


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21 hours ago, patrickmaciel.1876 said:

About Ranger... Spear is terrible in PVE. Any future update related to that? Or ranger spear is good in your opinion? 
I craft a legendary spear to my main Ranger and... I didnt use =/ Not worth it.

I think part of what makes it bad outside of what you mentioned in your full post, is the fact the flip side of the skills share a cool down. I can't think of any other flip over skills that share a cool down in the way ranger spear does. I almost wonder if they removed the share CD part, if that would fix most of the problems. At the very least, by default it would see a damage increase by that 1 simple change. Simple in concept, not sure about coding it

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On 9/13/2024 at 2:34 PM, Joie.6084 said:


  • Extirpate: This skill no longer inflicts Extirpation and instead inflicts weakness.
  • Transfusion: This trait no longer teleports downed allies to the user. This trait no longer increases the cooldown of Garish Pillar in WvW.

We JUST GOT Extirpate, and y'all are already removing it??? Why? Please explain.
As for Transfusion, I feel it's...fine. I don't like further stripping interesting mechanics from a class instead of making (or at least showing) an effort to rebalance the class mechanic. Or maybe even move the ability to another slot/trait. Personally, I'd look into reworking MH dagger into a support weapon so Necro has a more interesting support weapon option. Or perhaps considering improving the meme that is the current state of warhorn.

Looking forward to hearing more on these patch notes.


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16 hours ago, Titan.7853 said:

I propose that new players to WvW have get a special protection, like a light halo above them, that exists and everyone can see.  They cannot use their offensive skills or do damage without other players on their team around them (within a very large radius), and likewise they cannot take damage by enemy players when alone.  This would really help ease new people into the game mode.  They even appear on the map as a separate color dot.  This special protection goes away when they earn their Warclaw - or they can optionally turn it off earlier.

Remember, WvW is like ranked PvP where all skill levels from bronze to platinum play together - including the newbies.  This would give new players the time to learn the game mode, without getting brutalized and harvested.

New players going to into a fractal solo would probably get "brutalized and harvested" too, but why is that not a problem? Again, this isn't an issue with balance, but rather an issue with the game not steering new players towards tags and guilds. New players should not ever been alone in WvW. Period.

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As someone who enjoys playing heal scourge, the Transfusion changes sting a bit. 😬

However, if the current version is deemed too powerful and will be changed as previewed, I think this would be the perfect opportunity to give heal scourge something back in return that makes them more competitive in comparison to other healers.

Here are some thoughts for improvements:

  • if transfusion looses the teleport aspect, improve it in some other way, like making  it heal and or revive more in return
  • scourge lacks access to group swiftness unlesss they use a specific relic. An easy solution would be to make the swiftness from Warhorn skill 5 affect 5 targets.
  • scourge has the argueably worst group stability skill in the game in form of trail of anguish. Possible solution: change trail of anguish to apply stability in an area around the scourge.
  • for a healer, heal scourge has very few options to actually heal and could use a few more options. Possibilities for that are plentiful. Things like reworking staff, warhorn and/or dagger to offer more healing and boon support come to mind, or maybe a trait that makes wells apply healing or barrier or more boons, or….

I would argue that some of the above things (like group swiftness and stability) should be addressed regardless of whether or nor transfusion gets changed. If transfusion looses the teleport as planned I would be in favour additional improvements to balance things out a bit better.

P.S.: Oh, and while we're at it, can we PLEASE change the sandstorm shroud visual so it doesn't look like a boss mechanic and I can finally stop dodging my own AoEs? 😆

Edited by humfrid.2615
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8 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

In a previous post, I suggested that transfusion could remain as it is and become a utility skill that enables the Life Force of the Necro to be transferred to the targets. The overwhelmingly negative ratio of that post shows what Necro mains really wants.


I don't agree with you at all, i'm not talking about tradition at all, an identity of a class is the spells and capacities of the class we know and love and used a lot.

Something that define them.

A tradition is something people do in a community, and create among themselves as a tradition. The class and the use of spe is unique to any player so you're wrong there really.

I'm sorry yet again you're still wrong i'm mesmer main, and play all classes. ^^ But i'm still one that don't want that change for a lot of different reasons. It's not that i don't want changes, i did love virtuoso coming and i accepted mantra changing or anything, but this one is a no-go definitly.

Like the removal of portal on mesmer would be if they would take that harsh and lazy decision same as transfusion.

8 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

Your counter-argument is also the fallacy of an argument for tradition and taken absurdum ad reduction many things were changed for the better despite arguments of "it has always been this way." It should never have been the way (MANY mechanics in GW2 are like this) it was and Transfusion also only really became popular when the option to healScourge became a thing. Else it was only used in edge cases, like Boneskinner.

Again, this time i don't agree at all. Maybe you or other people you know only play it on boneskinner before, but that wasn't our case at all, you're alone on that sorry. So still heal can disappear, i won't like it but it won't brother me as much as transfusion. 😉

Edited by Hikaru.6704
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1 hour ago, Khalni.3864 said:

Anet. Please, give us a decent Power Mirage build. We've been asking it for ages, jet another balance patch with no love for power mirage. PLEASE.

If the traits wont be changed, it wont make any difference. Current mirage traitline doesn’t have any power modifier. Empowering mirage ambushes brought power mirage a point from not existence. But not enough. 
I’m still waiting patiently to buff sword mh. Autoattacks are good but skill#2 and skill#3 are lackluster. It is unbelievable dagger is stronger than sword even it has 1200 range and sw is melee. 
According to their balance philosophy, sw mh should be stronger than dagger. 

Actually they started to buff power mirage in very good way to change Dune Cloak (was garbage trait before). New Dune Cloak relies on shatters which is in synergy with illusions trait. Like mirage traitline, illusions traitline is suffering from bad power damage modifiers. (Actually all core traitlines need rework, they are too outdated). 

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58 minutes ago, Hikaru.6704 said:

I don't agree with you at all, i'm not talking about tradition at all, an identity of a class is the spells and capacities of the class we know and love and used a lot.

Something that define them.

A tradition is something people do in a community, and create among themselves as a tradition. The class and the use of spe is unique to any player so you're wrong there really.

I'm sorry yet again you're still wrong i'm mesmer main, and play all classes. ^^ But i'm still one that don't want that change for a lot of different reasons. It's not that i don't want changes, i did love virtuoso coming and i accepted mantra changing or anything, but this one is a no-go definitly.

Like the removal of portal on mesmer would be if they would take that harsh and lazy decision same as transfusion.

Again, this time i don't agree at all. Maybe you or other people you know only play it on boneskinner before, but that wasn't our case at all, you're alone on that sorry. So still heal can disappear, i won't like it but it won't brother me as much as transfusion. 😉

One definition of tradition is something something we create, another important and contextual definition of tradition is something we're used to. You can look at any old organisational hierarchy of a company. We never created it. Those who did are dead or have retired, yet, we maintain it, regardless of how effective it is if it works. For what reason? It's tradition.

Thinking that words can only have one definition is either deliberately dishonest or a show of a lack of knowledge that makes one invalid to participate in the debate.

Nothing is an identity if others can do it as well. Transfusion completely killed 50% of all challenges from Boneskinner, it's bad for the game as well, if it's the defining thing for Scourges then it's sad as you unintentionally want to keep the spec unviable by keeping this design abomination alive.

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3 hours ago, H K.4057 said:

New players going to into a fractal solo would probably get "brutalized and harvested" too, but why is that not a problem? Again, this isn't an issue with balance, but rather an issue with the game not steering new players towards tags and guilds. New players should not ever been alone in WvW. Period.

Maybe because the boss on the fractal won't throw a siege on your dead body or spamm emotes while you are downed?   

In all seriousness, those sugesting ways to prevent players to play by themselves are not being realistic. Most people WILL play by themselves most of the time. Even those who eventually find a group/guild probably started out by themselves untill they buildup the confidence and will still play alone sometimes because of timing. That's how "open world" works in a game... if you wanna force group content you make it stanced, and we all know how the engagement numbers are doing there. Let nooblets get rekt on their first few attempts, it builds character! 🙂  

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I detest that Extirpate change. How boring.

the transfusion change is game changing but I thought it was weird since the teleport was added. Appreciated but weird.  Why not tune up the revive percent now though?

Reaper is just dominating PVE right now and I don’t think this will change that.

Edited by Matt H.6142
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3 minutes ago, Matt H.6142 said:

I detest that Extirpate change. How boring.

the transfusion change is game changing but I thought it was weird since the teleport was added. Appreciated but weird.  Why not tune up the revive percent now though?

I would like to know this as well. I do not WANT to get more barrier or stab in compensation for the identity of the class, but at least buffing our other rezzing power MIGHT be something to preserve it's feel. Stripping us of the one reason to bring necromancer just because of wvw balance/ seemingly a bunch of people angry about 'undeserved' kills without even bothering to compensate just feels mean spirited. 

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On 9/13/2024 at 11:02 PM, Demonlordzzz.5916 said:


Sorry if I am a bit aggressive here but why do you keep nerfing the thief over and over? My main is a thief and is less and less fun to play with. I am not talking here about open world. In open world it is fun but honestly for fractals and raid he isn't good or useful at anything. Having Helmet Breaker spamable at least could assign some utility to the thief class by providing defiance bar break. Now it is useless there as well. Power daredevil is dead and the class shall be soon dead as well. You keep creating monster of unbalanced classes that deal over 9999 damage but the thief is too op and it deserves a nerf as usual.

but you just had to leave less invisibility for him and that's it

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5 minutes ago, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

If Anet ever releases a rectifying post, I'll personally hammer every single idiot defending this stupid mistake to that post and publicly shame their ars. Can you all come up with something better than "git gud or quit"?

I would genuinely like a SINGLE person to make an argument for this change in pve to do so without obvious contempt for those they feel are beneath them, and 'ruining their runs'. wvw sure, i can see issues happening there, but every person defending the pve changes I have seen have been from sheer, gatekeeping spite.

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26 minutes ago, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

If Anet ever releases a rectifying post, I'll personally hammer every single idiot defending this stupid mistake to that post and publicly shame their ars. Can you all come up with something better than "git gud or quit"?

People have been posting responses other and better than git gud or quit all along. I would rather be shamed for approving a minor change in a video game than for failing, or being unable, to read/understand the posts of those I disagree with.

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3 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

One definition of tradition is something something we create, another important and contextual definition of tradition is something we're used to. You can look at any old organisational hierarchy of a company. We never created it. Those who did are dead or have retired, yet, we maintain it, regardless of how effective it is if it works. For what reason? It's tradition.

Thinking that words can only have one definition is either deliberately dishonest or a show of a lack of knowledge that makes one invalid to participate in the debate.

Really ? Trying to justify your wrong utilisation of words, meaning you don't try to understand us, probably because you don't understand what we're talking about in the first place isn't worth it you know ?

I was talking about identity, not tradition that you want it or not, and that your definition is or is not. Thank you.

So stop there please it's not helpful.

3 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

Nothing is an identity if others can do it as well. Transfusion completely killed 50% of all challenges from Boneskinner, it's bad for the game as well, if it's the defining thing for Scourges then it's sad as you unintentionally want to keep the spec unviable by keeping this design abomination alive.

No, transfusion didn't, 1st beacuse not all groups use it on this strike, and Bonneskinner isn't GW2 entirely. Try remember that players that are against this removal play all the game in every modes and every classes contrary of what you were saying about Necros main earlier, and you didn't even comment on. xD Ignoring half and only focusing on your way of thinking doesn't change the facts.

If it is an abomiantion why did it exist for a decade in the game exactly ? 😂 

Well i'll answer. Because it's not an abomination and never was.

It's just something we could do and that compare to other games doesn't permit to do all bosses entirely, contrary of you're way thinking i know, but it's not. Do compare with other MMOs before saying that. It is a help specially to learn but not an answer to everything.

Change your words honestly, you again, hate things when we just want to play the game for fun, you discarde everyone, me specially for now, but I don't care.

We just want to keep the game we love in the way we can have fun. And we want some things that don't change because we define them as identity if we want to. That's our thoughts, our love for the game, you have no rights to talk the way you do sorry. It doesn't please you well i don't mind but stop i beg of you, you're not helpful at all. Try being constructive for once.

And yes i love Necro, as well as mesmer, as well as gardian, in fact, I love the game ! And we used transfusion on Necro since i began playing the game ! And it wasn't a healer at the time ! It is for me their identity, that you want it or not !

Thank you.

Edited by Hikaru.6704
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15 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

People have been posting responses other and better than git gud or quit all along. I would rather be shamed for approving a minor change in a video game than for failing, or being unable, to read/understand the posts of those I disagree with.

Yeah lol nice gaslighting lmao. Another one to the pile. 

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10 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

good boon coverage

They have the worst boon coverage of any support (that actually sees play) in the game. 


You literally play the spec for Transfuse + Sand Swell, and you have to babysit it with a Herald. 

Edited by Barraind.7324
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Hello. I've been playing this game for a little over a year and I main firebrand in a WvW guild. I have pretty much spent all of my resources and gold to get ascended celestial armor over the year and just finished the set about a month ago. Though I agree with these changes, I have to admit it kinda screws my build not having concentration and expertise any more and no resources to make new ascended armor. Is there a chance you guys can do a stat reset for the newer players like me who used all there resources to get this gear when the patch drops? 

Thank you.

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34 minutes ago, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

Yeah lol nice gaslighting lmao. Another one to the pile. 

You are the one denying that something has occurred when it actually has. The exact definition of the term gaslighting derived from the movie of the same name.

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9 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

You are the one denying that something has occurred when it actually has. The exact definition of the term gaslighting derived from the movie of the same name.

Wanna quote some cause I can go through this thread and pull a BUNCH of gatekeepy 'git gud' stuff gloating about us no long getting kills we 'deserve'...Somehow doubt you'd care after I go through the effort though and anyone reading your posts can just as easily look back at the general attitude of those defending the change and see, yeah it is pretty spite driven.

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