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Homestead feature wishlist

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On 9/7/2024 at 5:44 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

"Instant casting"? What's that supposed to be?

In options you can select at combat/movement part " ground targeting. You get then 3 options, instant makes combat a lot faster but with decorating the F-2 skill for decorating existing pieces won't allow it then untill you set it back to normal.

So for decorating, ground targeting on normal and when you go in combat for content, put on ground targeting instant

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Just now, GeraldBC.4927 said:

I would like to repeat what I posted elsewhere about what appears to be several severe bugs with the decoration system. 

When you place an item and then after confirming its placement, go into the F2 skills, select it and then try to make changes to it, every time you press the 'confirm changes' button it undoes the changes before confirming, so it doesn't add the changes you made at all. So the only way to make changes to a decoration is to remove it and then re-place it with the right adjustments. 
F2 2-5 as well as the 'confirm changes' button would not exist if there was not an intent to allow people to make changes to a decoration AFTER it was placed. Something is obviously wrong here. 

Wrote same at the same time :')

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4 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Wrote same at the same time :')


On 9/7/2024 at 3:32 PM, Demeth.5816 said:

I don't know if someone mentioned it earlier but decorating doesn't work with instant casting turned on. 

Oh, is this related to smart casting/instant casting/whatever it's called in this game? I will test that out tomorrow and report the results. 

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More requests:

1. When modifying decorations, allow the player to 'Toggle X-Ray Vision'.  However, since the skill bar is already full, then either move the 'Toggle X-Ray Vision' skill or another skill ('Flying Mode'/'Ground Mode' or 'Select Decoration') to the F4 key.

2. Change the position of the 3 exit portals: move the portal to Lion's Arch more to the left, move the Lowland Shore one to the center and the Wizard's Tower one more to the right.

3. For the garden plots, there are 3 plots on each side. Can the crops layout be changed from a 1-4-1 layout to a 2-2-2 layout?

4. The gardener is always Gardener Morris (human), Can the gardener change based on the current character's race? or maybe be random?

5. Can the desert fox (present in Sun's Refuge) be moved to the homestead? Same for the baby siege turtle (haven't finish the collection yet, so I don't know if the turtle is already in the homestead).

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3 hours ago, GeraldBC.4927 said:


Oh, is this related to smart casting/instant casting/whatever it's called in this game? I will test that out tomorrow and report the results. 

It is yea, I can use it now and I could finally alter certain already placed items to a slightly better spot without removing it 🙂

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On 8/27/2024 at 5:34 AM, kiwipearls.5237 said:

Ability to leave our alts where we park them ie sleeping in a bed, sitting on a couch, sitting around my big table I created.  In the kitchen cooking some eggs.  etc etc


This is the very first thing I tried with parked alts 😂 . I so join my voice to this one.



On 9/5/2024 at 12:47 PM, Huoyan.6538 said:

The X-Ray Mode should be available in the "Edit Mode" and not only in the "Deletion Mode"


This is the first thing which annoyed me when I started decorating. I also join my voice to this one.




On 9/7/2024 at 1:03 AM, roederich.2716 said:

- give a possibility to preview a decoration in crafting terminal. a preview like it is with armor and weapons skin already. i want to check what i build first.


The second thing which annoyed me when I started decorating 😁 . I also join my voice to this one.

Additions :

[Bug] grass LODs don't work : I removed all grass but they still show up when far (and obviously disappear when I move closer)


  • Exchange Wizard's tower and JW doors or LA and WT
  • Closer Gardens so that the glyph of reaping works
  • Add roller beetle tracks please  🥰
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I tested it and they were right, the bug that prevents 'confirm changes' from working is tied to instant-casting. If you switch ground targeting to 'normal', it all works just fine. 

So after playing with it a little I felt like the assortment of available furniture is a little basic. Maybe I haven't unlocked them all, but I visit all the heart vendors and re-check if I bought all the furnishing plans regularly. I not only feel like there's room to expand on homestead furnishing, I can even see exactly where, maybe they laid the groundwork for it on purpose. So there's a general theme going on with a lot of it. There's a lot of regular furniture that is 'kodan style', and fit the aesthetic of the lowland kodan and then there's a lot of furniture that's 'elonian style' and of course all those are based off designs found in path of fire. Could there have been an idea or intent to add more 'furniture styles'? For instance with JANTHIR wilds, there's definitely an occasion to add White Mantle Style furniture. Imagine a White Mantle bed, white mantle drawers, white mantle cupboards, a white mantle kitchen, white mantle banners, those statues you see both in JS and wing 3, and it's all made of marble with gold ornaments and red bands. Or maybe an 'Iron Legion' style where all the furniture is made of shoddy metal, painted black and covered in spikes. Or an 'Ascalonian style' and it's just normal occidental furniture you could expect in any western medieval fantasy environment. 

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Homesteads are already a nice addition to the game

But I feel like they could be more

I used the housing system in Path of Exile quite a lot

In this game, your hideout is used for forming parties and trading

So people will come visit your hideout a lot

So your hideout serves a big role in the game

I have no idea though what could be done for GW2 .They are very different games afterall

Maybe as a start we could maybe be able to PvP in the homesteads? 

I can imagine people could build some really cool arenas

I don't think most will get all the gathering nodes, so whatever it might be, I just feel like they could play a much bigger role somehow

If anyone have any ideas, feel free to share

Edited by jokke.6239
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Make it remember where my characters were placed by ME. Make them able to emote.
ALso make the homestead remember the settings I put it in. An instance that resets everytime i re-enter it is just stupid.

All my decorations have reset back to the decoration inventory/default posistions more than once and i just lost steam to do it again.
Fireplaces don't remember that they were turned off, beds can't be used, nothing except chairs, doors and lamps can be interacted with.

Lootboxes cannot be used by party members even when both people have the mastery.

What is the POINT of homesteads then?

Edited by Arc.8247
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"The handiwork workbench in Hearth's Glow can now only be accessed by the homestead owner to prevent an issue that caused decoration crafting to consume the guest's materials but create the decoration for the homestead's owner."

This one change from 10th sept patch is bit odd i have strong doubts someone crafted sth for someone else by "accident" this opportunity was great to improve community interactions and friends could help me in building or improving ea homesteads.It's easier solution to forbid players from crafting and spreading gem shop or special recipes (like pre ordered one) and make profit from it but imo more suitable one could be one of those :

1)each of players must have same recipe learned to craft them in our m8 homestead

2) add option to thick ,allowing others to craft decorations in my/friend homestead , guest or host

3) big red txt poping up when using handicraft in other than player homestead "Attention wayfinder decorations You craft here would not belong to you but instance owner and would use Your materials do You want to continue ?" and at least

4) the most work demanding option for Anet divide recipes into 2 hidden groups

     A**open for all like before update system worked (all NPC purchasable via ing currencies/tokens)

     B** only for recipe owner usable only in own homestead(gemshop ones/pre purchase/adchievment locked).

All options mentioned above should work fine and let community grow and spreading kindness and friend help among players to adchieve goals and creating own homestead of dreams.

Other thematic suggestion would be adding in gemshop some bit more expensive 2-4k gems themed packs like Charr,Asura ,Sylvari,Human,Norn ready to go base sets that changing look of our homstead instantly + additional recipes that allow us to curstomize this

As many guys above mentioned looting from lootboxes in our friends homsteads would be nice and could be opened right now or after another mastery that would be a huge life improvment.

Consider adding some adchievment gated decorations recipes that we can add freely to our homstead i'd love more mr quiggles in mine or more metal legion posters or overally metal legion themed ones, also letting our our character see cooking station but let only 500 cook use it would be a nice and thematic touch.

Another thing to point out would be why our beds are just furniture and in Stoic Alder home we can sleep in his,this small option would be nice addon (also dont forget about kodan hammock 😀

Edited by Ezehel.1748
Clarify txt wall,adding some new ideast to main topic
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Anet can limit it to 20k decorations if they want but 1k is just not enough for the players, I agree. What I would also like is for Anet to give us the option to build a second house because there is so much space in the home but so few options to do anything and if Anet wants the house to be a success then Anet should change something urgently. I like it a lot but there are just not enough options to do something nice. It's a shame Anet, you could sell a lot more in the shop if you could put up a second house.

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I would like for those 3 gathering chests to be near the entrance where the other chests are so I can just farm that spot and be done with it. and even have one to gather all the chests and cloth/leather nodes, on top of the 3 gathering ones to work properly cause every day they still leave a few behind 😞


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homesteading NEEDS work on fine tuning placements! rotating objects to a level position is way harder then it should be.

and rotating from dead ahead of it almost never works. I always have to move to a 45 degree angle from the decoration to rotate it to the side. and of course when i'm at the 45 degree side angle i cant see if its aligned and have to move back infront of it to make sure. SUPER ANNOYING! 😞

Another thing i noticed at the start of the video when i rotate an object is it partially disappears if its too high up? It could be medium FX settings (that i'm set to) but weird it would show up that way. Everything should rez properly even with low settings (just not show all the details). Decorations shouldn't be invisible, right?

Edited by Kelly.7019
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On 9/7/2024 at 1:03 AM, roederich.2716 said:

i add the following:

- give a posibility to preview a decoration in crafting terminal. a preview like it is with armor and weapons skin already. i want to check what i build first.


- need more weather effects. i want it to snow from above, have a winter theme. let it rain, have a rainy theme. i want to make a dark rainy forrest etc.



Seconding this.


The Homestead should have persistent settings.

It's great that I can set Night or Day but the time will still tick. I'd rather set it to night and add rain or snow to it for maximum coziness and have those settings simply persist into perpetuity until I change them again.

On that note it's probably also worth revisiting the Black Lion Garden Plots. As it stands, once the owner themselves harvests the nodes, they turn into Growing Crops and no other players can use them until the reset. It breaks the system where anyone can gather from the same nodes and is just a bit of an annoyance. As host I either have to wait until the end of the day to pick them up or confuse other players with it.

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39 minutes ago, LuneNoire.2016 said:

 I'd rather set it to night and add rain or snow

well they do have those Snow Maker decs in guild halls they have yet to copy over, but yeah would be nice to have a homestead wide snowfall switch 😄

Edited by Kelly.7019
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  • Dusk/Dawn Time of Day setting added
  • Persistency option for On/Off-Toggles and a Time of Day choice
  • Weather options (rain, snow)
  • Snow and ice textures


  • I would totally buy any of the following Homestead Themes:
    • Some abandoned old manor or castle ruins in the snowy mountains
    • An old abandoned fishing village with a small harbor by the sea
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