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Push... just needs a Dolyakk


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Change the capture point into a Pack Dolyakk and everyone will instantly understand what to do.

Push could have themes from other game modes and reuse assets from those modes... WvW theme, SAB Theme. Holiday Themes for each holiday.... so much opportunity here!


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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I like the cloud. Choya is also suitable for it. 

Also, people not going to the point is a deeper issue of game sense than using the wrong icon.

Agreed, but is also a design issue.... in the sense that creating something intuitive for the target audience is the responsibility of the designers.

In other words, design around the shortcomings of the average player so it is harder for them to misunderstand.

Edited by sinican.9250
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Push unironically should've been implemented in WvW or at least EotM on a larger scale instead of the camp system they have now.  Would have made for far more interesting gameplay/strategy choices for servers and roaming guilds.  But that makes too much sense  (or involves too much work) for WvW, so  we get the month-long, textureless beta (pre-alpha) version.

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