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Quality-of-Life Requests and Suggestions (New for 2024)

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Few requests:


- Cosmetic templates - It is rather annoying to lose an entire design to a mistake click
- Possibility to preview / hide infusions
- Possibly to unlock infusion effect and reuse (can be legendary exclusive?)


- RNG sets, such as TQ's Hoard, Aurene's Gift etc should have a slow, non RNG way to obtain over time. Timegated + RNG is extremely frustrating.
- Sink for Black Lion consumables you don't need once you've obtained the permanent version.
- Let us swap maps using a drop down showing active maps, like it was possible to do in GW1
- Fix cinematic for ultra wide screen



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Ability to preview in world every possible craftable decoration, including placement size and rotation, save the preview as a blueprint with every placed item, be given a list of total requirements and materials to have all the decorations built and have them automatically show where they were placed.

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UI Suggestion:

Problem: The rapid nature of how boons and debuffs appear on the bar makes them move around so much that it is very difficult to mouse over and read their descriptions. It makes it more difficult to just play the game and know when and how to react to different effects.

Solution: Group together effects into three main icons of buffs, debuffs, permanent(by buff or by timer 5m+). These icons can either disappear or not. But their location should be static. Mousing over these main icons pops up a window which displays each type of buff in that category, its icon, timer, and maybe another detail window(either immediately or upon mousing over the sub-window icons(burn, bleed, might etc.).


Use the current system for food to show buffs, and debuffs that expired in a similar way. The issue with this is that while it might be easier, the icons will still jump around and it's more difficult to know what's affecting you while playing.

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I have a small QoL suggestion.
I think you need to add a quantity selector that goes up to the maximum amount/remaining quota of that item you can buy with your Astral Acclaim in the Astral Rewards shop.
Buying one at a time or 5x is sometimes slow.

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  • Update to EoD or SotO Black Lion Lockbreaker Kit  and Tyrian Exchange Voucher
  • Add to Birthday Vendor @Lion arch possibility convert multiple Birthday Dye kits ( Jubilant, Exuberant, Victorious,  Celebatory. Triumphant and Dedicated Dye KiT) to Black lion Statuete
  • Add Achievement  Something like "Convergence Conqueror" to Old world bosses /meta events  with impossbility super rare drop.  To do it 50-250 times to Get super rare Drop
  • Bring back Bonus Event with Community Goal - that was very fun
  • Legendary AquaBreather
  • Hide in Ui List of items you get when you open bags (list of items from right side of the screen)
  • Add command to chat to check emotes in the game - core, unlocked and locked
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The most recent expansions (EoD and SotO) have all added content to previous Core and expansion maps with some of their main features, such as Fishing nodes, and Rift events; this has brought some new activities to these maps and further encourges players to revisit older content.

Janthir Wilds currently hasn't added anything, which is making it feel like a smaller "stand-alone" expansion compared to SotO.

while these shared feature doesn't need to be as grand as something like rift events, adding Warclaw Sniff/Dig locations across older maps would be similar to Fishing nodes, and give players who may have only purchased JW something to do across all the content they own.

the retrieved caches don't need to contain any big rewards like Exotics, or legendary crafting materials, but some small loot bags with some of the harder to obtain tier 3 and 4 materials would bee nice.

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Please split the "goals" section in the dynamic HUD into "content guide", "current events", "achievements/wizard's vault/adventure guide", and "dynamic events".
I want to hide stuff like content guide and pinned achievements unless I hold left Alt (Show all ally names keybind), but I want to always see dynamic events.

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Tradepoint items

Perhaps it's time to remove from Tradepoint all account-bound items that weren't originally account-bound when added to the marketplace. Additionally, it might be fair to reimburse the owners for the listing fee. These items cannot be bought or sold, and they clutter the marketplace. There are many such items currently listed.

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the way I see it, there are several problems introduced or exacerbated by the proposed change to celestial gear. If you go forward with that you'll need a solution for each. But I suggest that you do something differently instead of what's been suggested. Here are the problems I've noticed so far:

  1. Players are using celestial as a workaround for slow reaction times and other issues due to disability, aging, etc. This is a disability inclusion issue and should be prioritized. (There are many posts about this it's not just me banging my disability inclusion drum.)
  2. Celestial is also functioning as a band-aid for not as many choices in condi gear. Removing expertise particularly would exacerbate the situation. This is a balance issue.
  3. Celestial is also functioning as a general beginner gear for multiple different content and builds, including in WvW
  4. Splitting the stats between PvE and WvW is apparently contrary to the design of WvW. It's also confusing, and it's not beginner friendly for WvW which is an important issue. Also people will need more equipment templates.
  5. Some classes/specs like Ele--specs which are not normally considered overpowered, probably since they already spread skills and traits over several roles--rely on cele to function as designed.
  6. People who are already using celestial gear, possibly in multiple equipment templates across multiple characters, will be seriously put out with needing to re-gear possibly with ascended gears

Since the balance team apparently knows none of this, I suggest Anet might like to make some changes there, such as mandatory training, or personnel changes.

PS, Cele is not much utilized in power builds, which means whatever problem you're trying to fix isn't related to cele being too good: if it were actually the best possible gear for so many situations then power builds would utilize it frequently too. The problems this seems to be a misguided attempt to fix seem to be either that counters to boons have been severely nerfed ruining the balance (which won't be affected much by the proposed change), or that condi gear in general has fewer choices (which will be made worse by the proposed change).  Neither will be fixed by this change. 

Edited by willow.8209
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12 hours ago, Kerbezena.3804 said:

Please split the "goals" section in the dynamic HUD into "content guide", "current events", "achievements/wizard's vault/adventure guide", and "dynamic events".
I want to hide stuff like content guide and pinned achievements unless I hold left Alt (Show all ally names keybind), but I want to always see dynamic events.

agreed, i'd like to be able to, for example, turn off dynamic events when trying to map compete, as a nearby event will overwrite the nearest undiscovered POI or whatever that would otherwise show.

We need a section for story too since if a particular toon never finished personal story, their story cannot be dropped and will overwrite other elements.

And turn off achievement when I'm trying to do events, if there are several nearby events I run out of real estate for notifies.

Edited by willow.8209
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@willow.8209 The celestial stat combination is not deleted. It got a downgrade in WvW only and stays the same for PvE. "New" players can stick to it even though it is not easy to get for a new player anyways (not taking into account the boost to level 80). A new player can just take whatever gear he gets from the hearts and enjoy PvE, in PvP there is no gear and beneath level 80 there is no gear with cele stats a new player could get for WvW.

Some time ago, maybe around 5 years(?), there were neither concentration nor expertise on the celestial gear and people still played it with some builds. I'm sure people will find new ways to combine the different types of attribute combinations to make them fit their playstyle and "ability". 

Maybe the celestial combination will not be played in WvW anymore and fall behind other combinations, maybe people will not care: since all got the downgrade and all play celestial, it is the same for everyone.



Now my QoL-suggestion/request:

I would like to have more, at least one more, target marker for PvP. To be able to signal who to attack first and who after or where not to attack. Either with different symbols or just the same marker but in a different color. That would also be good for conquest mode when there are different fights happening on the map and both could make use of the target.

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3 hours ago, Terrorangel.1526 said:

Some time ago, maybe around 5 years(?), there were neither concentration nor expertise on the celestial gear and people still played it with some builds. I'm sure people will find new ways to combine the different types of attribute combinations to make them fit their playstyle and "ability". 

tell me you play power without telling me you play power. 


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8 hours ago, Terrorangel.1526 said:

The celestial stat combination is not deleted. It got a downgrade in WvW only

While this is not what i was trying to say (and i think i tried to clarify my earlier post a bit), for WvW condi player, removing expertise is the same as deleting celestial. (In the other game modes, it's more an issue of whether you need a whole new set of gear to try a different content, and whether or not you can get that gear with core/or WV box rather than grinding some specific and usually expansion content for the ingredients, recipes, or for stat select exotics).. by referencing new or beginner player I'm not referring to pre-lvl80 player but to player who hasn't tried much content yet, if you can't bring your gear between different contents including WvW when just wanting to try them out, you're less likely to try new stuff. This would cause the biggest problem in WvW where the change is planned to occur. 

look, condi has only a few 4-stat gears that are for damage. Viper and Ritualist have no sustain, so really are not much use in WvW. Trailblazer has too much sustain {not enough oomph) to take to a zerg when you're damage (though it will work for roaming). Grieving is for power mains who may have a lot of conditions (like power mesmer, some years anyway). The others are niche cases or something you could plausibly use as an add-on (2-3 pieces) to another build using different stats when you are playing open world and just want a little boost. However most mixed stat builds should repeat most stats over both/all stat combinations. You can tell by looking at the ascended amulets in-game for when a stat doesn't have an upgrade piece: none of those have more than 4 stats altogether. Maybe you could mix trailblazer (HoT) and ritualist (EoD), but power doesn't need to mix gears just to get something that basically works, and they have lots more gear-mixing options if they're min-maxing.

Nothing with 3 stats has expertise except Bringers (festival), which has no condi. 

power has damage stat of power, and two augment stats of precision and ferocity. You can find these attributes everywhere. And to the general imbalance between condi and power, the power damage-only gear is core (berzerker), while the condi damage-only gear is not (viper, HoT). However you can run straight up Marauder (HoT) or Dragon (EoD) for damage zerg, no mixing gears required. For power roaming you still have more other options as power, that still have at least 1 important augment to damage. 

Condi has damage stat of condi, and one augment stat of expertise (though in some cases precision will have a function and power may help if there's enough and still enough condi and expertise). Because the function of codi has changed over time, the stats needs have changed as well. None of the core stats have expertise (except for Bringer and current version of Celestial, which are both counted as Core). 

I also think this particular nerf will not solve anything. So if that goes through as stated, we get all the downsides without any upside, or very little .

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5 hours ago, willow.8209 said:

Condi has damage stat of condi, and one augment stat of expertise (though in some cases precision will have a function and power may help if there's enough and still enough condi and expertise). Because the function of codi has changed over time, the stats needs have changed as well. None of the core stats have expertise (except for Bringer and current version of Celestial, which are both counted as Core).

I get your points. It seems the solution would be to release more stat combination gear, especially to support a condition focused playstyle.

To stay on topic of this forum I have a QoL suggestion:

Maybe exotic gear with free selectable stats that can be claimed by entering a WvW map once per character and has the option to reset its stats by spending WvW currency could make a start into the game mode easier for new players. Like the gear from the level 80 boost make it unsalvageable, unsellable and soulbound to the character. Combinations from expansions would need those to be available.

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