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WvW Rush Weekly Event - September 24 to October 1


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Why u making servers stacked, queues +20 in prime time on every border, not possible to raid with guildmates cuz of it, it's really time to drop wvw, wvw people wanna play!!! Make wvw great again or atleast not that stacked...

I really don't understand why u putting 4 big alliances together and nothing in other "servers" we wanna play against not with eachother

Edited by KawaiiNeko.2674
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45 minutes ago, Triptaminas.4789 said:

"Multiboxing is a term used to denote one user playing multiple accounts simultaneously. This can be done using one or more machines."

It's like 80g per acc in less than 5mins. 

Betters and alt farmers flooding in.

I know what it is, it’s just irrelevant here and irrelevant to what I said


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13 hours ago, Triptaminas.4789 said:

because it's impossible to get into any map now

The queues look like they're long, but they're moving rather fast.

13 hours ago, Triptaminas.4789 said:

It's like guys in auric basin with 7 mastery points that move in centipede formation

Somehow I don't see those "7 mastery centipede multiboxers" you keep complaining about here. But if you're sure about what you're saying here then record and report them through support ticket.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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It was nice getting a lot of gobs, so thanks. Fingers crossed there'll be some kind of pity week in the future where the game will rain skirmish tickets down upon casual bad players like me so I can finish my confluxes and never touch wvw again.

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