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Open World Meta Event Reward Revamp

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In the shadow of SotO and its introduction of Open World Legendary Armour that takes a huge amount of time to grind SotO-only content for, I think there's a need to add some of the components to craft Legendary Armour to meta events on older maps.

While you're working on these sets, there's very little incentive to play previous content, which can lead to burnout through repetition, especially when it comes to Inner Nayros, which gives two per day (one flexible!), compared to the other metas' one, pretty much necessitating you spend more time there than anywhere else.

If you could play ANY meta event, yet still feel you were progressing your Legendary Armour, this would be a massive improvement, while also serving to keep previous maps populated.

I'm talking about Calcified Gasps / Clots of Congealed Screams, Pinches of Stardust / Pouches of Stardust and Static Charges / Cases of Captured Lightning in particular.
Rift essences are thankfully available in content outside of SotO, and I don't think there's an improvement needed there.

While it might not make sense to give those rewards specifically, something that could be traded in for one of them via Gharr Leadclaw or similar would make sense.

If the fear is that people could accelerate the journey through having more opportunites per day than four, I suppose you could limit the total possible per day to four.
But this would seem pretty mean-spirited, especially as there are ways to get more than four a day through exchange mechanisms anyway.

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49 minutes ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

Open World Legendary Armour that takes a huge amount of time to grind SotO-only content for

Isn't that with the other legendary armors the same?

For the wvw one you play a lot of wvw and for the other pve armor a lot of raids.

50 minutes ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

I think there's a need to add some of the components to craft Legendary Armour to meta events on older maps.

May be a boost for less visited metas if just those allow the player to choose a expac-reward-chest.

So what metas are unpopular?
The serpent one in PoF comes to my mind.

Could also be added to other unpopular things like dungeons, the steel fire thing (was part of season 5 but u actually need other people to play through that, ive an acc stuck there because no ppl) etc

The more unpopular the better the reward. So it could circle.

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Ow armor should be given to other ow events to keep the OW alive .


Clearin Ire + Dragons end + Triple Trouble , is for the 1% that enjoy it (those people  put a lot of strangle in the forums to prevent from getting it nerfed .the casuals obeyed and went in other areas . ).

All instances "fill so fast that why they perceived dead " (based on forums dwelers) , so theres no need to put anything there .


If theres is a problem , then an auto-lfg  will fix everything , with a lot of different 5-10 man instances together and invinsible give you 150 Ar to lamp the Fractals too ( people can do seperate the fractals with your own Ar for extra rewards) . And if people afk or kick others for low dps , then GW heroes and you allow other people to que with you.

More data what what works in GW3 .

Can you imagine if in GW3 the instances parts will be like pvp ...like a small niche sideproject  ?)


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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