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Relic Idea


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Relic of Curiosity: After using a healing skill, gain a profession specific effect. 

(Warrior- gain 10 adrenaline, Thief - gain 3 initiative, Mesmer- reduce cd of a random Shatter skill by 7 seconds, Revenant- gain 7% energy, Engineer- reduce cd of a random toolbelt skill by 7 seconds, Necro- gain 10% life force, Ranger- grant your pet quickness for 3 seconds and reset the pet's skill cd by 4 seconds, Elementalist- reduce cd of a random attunement by 7 seconds, Guardian- reduce cd of a random virtue by 7 seconds).

Just ideas but would be cool if a relic could directly do something to the class mechanic as opposed to just a general positive thing.

Edited by Yerlock.4678
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also some new relics that improve some Utility types like this for example would be cool and funny.

Relic of Towerdefense:

Enter battle drops a Rifle Turret (25 sec cd) Using Elite skill drops a gaint Rifle turret(60sec cd) Turrets deals more damage and have their attackspeed increased (10%/25%)


this would made funny open world builds just an example how it can look like.




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I like the idea but some of your examples need tuning: 

Mesmer could just get a free Clone/Dagger.

Revenant's Energy is too little, 5 Energy is basically the cost of the Heal skill to begin with, so all this Relic does is offset an already small cost. 

Warrior is touchy because 10 Adrenaline is 1 level of Burst, it's abit much plus they don't necessarily need more Adrenaline when other skills generate Adrenaline better. Warriors may enjoy Burst cooldown much more.



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