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Commander Tag Suggestion


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We all know tags are expensive and sometimes we have people in our groups who know a lot of things and might want to lead a group but can't afford the cost of a tag. It would be really cool if Commander's of a squad could lend their tag out to other players for Raids or Open World, it would help some things be less confusing because people generally know to stick to a tag but if you need someone else to lead and you give them a marker, suddenly there is too many markers. The commander would likely still be in charge of the group, but it would be like allocating a Lieutenant and then being able to visually just give them the tag to lead.

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Iam confused.  Commander can assign sub tags to anybody in the group. Why didn't they use that for this reason?   

 I been a big advocate for that in WvW Squads but it never gets use. Assigning a unique tag to healers so players can have better visual for where to stand (between Commander and Healer) which the gap will stay small on paper but in practice it never 1 to 1 coordination because of a number of factors.

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1 hour ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

Iam confused.  Commander can assign sub tags to anybody in the group. Why didn't they use that for this reason?   

 I been a big advocate for that in WvW Squads but it never gets use. Assigning a unique tag to healers so players can have better visual for where to stand (between Commander and Healer) which the gap will stay small on paper but in practice it never 1 to 1 coordination because of a number of factors.


1 hour ago, Gop.8713 said:

I wouldn't have any problem with this as long as the actual commander stays in the group, but I think this is already fairly common and most ppls find targeting or using existing markers sufficient. Could be wrong . . .

My issue with just giving out squad markers as tags is that the tag is still always active. I want to have someone in my group wear my tag and let them lead without forking over money. It would ideally only stay as long as that actual Commander is in the group. It would just be visually passing over the tag.

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3 hours ago, EnferReine.8043 said:

We all know tags are expensive 

Are they though in 2024?

Sure if a player rather spend those 300 gold on their next legendary or something else, then lacking those 300 gold makes it expensive. That's one way of measuring value: opportunity cost.

Something being expensive can also be measured in how easy and/or fast it is to acquire it, and in that regard 300 gold are not expensive any longer.

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1 hour ago, yoni.7015 said:

They are not expensive 

I won't spend 300 gold on a tag.

Way too expensive - for that I'm allowed to serve others.

There should be a reward track for that and done. Or a new ability line to skill (everyone beyond rank 1300 has too many points used for nothing anyway)

Edited by Lucy.3728
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2 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

I won't spend 300 gold on a tag.

Way too expensive - for that I'm allowed to serve others.

300g for the ability to magnetically attract any players on the map to help do the event or meta that you want to do, at any time 😄 

Also for the ability to be in charge of raid or strike squads, to use markers. Makes it easier to get your own group going than hoping for some other commander to be wanting to do the content you're looking to do.

It gives you more agency and freedom, as long as you're confident enough to somewhat lead. Dang no squad around for the DE meta that I still need for weekly .. oh well, can just start it myself.

Of course it's up to the individual if that's worth 300g to them or if they'd rather spend that on something else. But the wizard's vault does make it rather easy to get that much gold together without a huge time investment.

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7 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

I won't spend 300 gold on a tag.

Way too expensive - for that I'm allowed to serve others.

There should be a reward track for that and done. Or a new ability line to skill (everyone beyond rank 1300 has too many points used for nothing anyway)

Then don't spend 300g on a tag. But you also won't get a tag. It's like saying "I won't spend 300k on a Ferrari. Way to expensive." Sure, don't, but you won't get a Ferrari. Do the thing to get the thing... or don't if you think it's too expensive/time consuming/hard. But you won't get the thing. That's the "price" of your decision.

The reason there's not a reward track or quest or anything beside the gold price is because it's designed to be a gold sink. It's a gold sink, something players are expected to sink gold into. Could it be designed differently? Sure. Does it have to be? No. The price is fine, especially given that there already is a "free" tag available through masteries. So instead of making the comm tag free, I'd rather have the apple tag expanded in its functions.

And for what OP is suggesting, we don't need it. If there's a comm present, they can mark the knowledgeable players with ten different symbols so people can follow. Also there's squad-chat, people can communicate.

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7 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

liability not ability

If that's "liability" then your proposal to include it as a track "reward" doesn't make sense. Why would you want to be rewarded with a liabiltiy? 😱 

Anyways, great choice, you're allowed to play without a tag, but at the same time it's weird to complain about it while you're writing what you're writing here.

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5 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

You and everyone else probably and then maps would be covered in tags with no one knowing who is leading what or even if some tags are leading anything at all.

No. Why do you say that? Many people have the commander tag. And there actually is a lack of people tagging up. Why do you think that is?

Do you see apple tags in pve in masses?
Everyone has it.
Why's not everyone running around with it? I rarely use it.

I think quite a lot of people have a commander tag. In wvw I mean. And the ones who don't have one, think it's too expensive. Or have no interest in a tag.
Sometimes I can persuade one to tag up private so we at least can see our combined supps.



36 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

If that's "liability" then your proposal to include it as a track "reward" doesn't make sense. Why would you want to be rewarded with a liabiltiy?

For uses as stated above. Private tag for friends. Not open, and not leading.
Personally I like so see our dots on the map and our supps.


1 hour ago, Omega.6801 said:

It's like saying "I won't spend 300k on a Ferrari. Way to expensive." Sure, don't, but you won't get a Ferrari.

Why do males always come up with car comparisons? They are also very flawed and not comparable at all and only risk going off topic and discussing some car topic, followed by more bad car comparisons. Have you never noticed that before?

I don't even want to drive a Ferrari, let alone buy one. Not even for 50. (Unless to sell it again because money)

I can't even name you something I'd buy if it was much cheaper. Things that are expensive, in real life, have always another issue that I don't buy them.

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5 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

For uses as stated above. Private tag for friends. Not open, and not leading.
Personally I like so see our dots on the map and our supps.

Then divide the cost of a tag between that friend group, with just 5, the cost becomes 50 gold so right about how you wanted it to be.

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6 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Then divide the cost of a tag between that friend group, with just 5, the cost becomes 50 gold so right about how you wanted it to be.

^ This is pretty much what we did in a guild I was in back in 2020/2021. We'd help people get their tags. 

WV makes it easier than ever. 90g straight up + you can sell mystic coins/laurels (light/medium crafting bags) for even more gold (let alone the 35AA /1g exchange), and those are available to any "paid" account.

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9 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Why do males always come up with car comparisons? They are also very flawed and not comparable at all and only risk going off topic and discussing some car topic, followed by more bad car comparisons. Have you never noticed that before?

I don't even want to drive a Ferrari, let alone buy one. Not even for 50. (Unless to sell it again because money)

I can't even name you something I'd buy if it was much cheaper. Things that are expensive, in real life, have always another issue that I don't buy them.

You don't know my gender (not that it matters).

Sure, have it more formulaic: It's like saying: "I won't [pay the cost in whatever resource is asked for] on [a given goal or item]. Way to [expression of high amount of, relative to aforementioned resource]!" Better?

You complain that "males" always go for cars and that the discusion gets sidetracked by discusions of cars. Yet you are the one making your answer two thirds if not more about cars (or other costly things) while not adressing the argument being presented. The argument being that a given item in this game has a given cost and while these costs may be up for discusion, imho the commander tags cost are fine. Players are free to not wanting to pay that cost, the item is in no way, shape or form neccessary to play the game, but players not wanting to pay the cost will not receive the item. Instead of answering or countering the argument, you inform us about your spending habits IRL or wether or not you would want an expensive car.

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First let me give you my point of view from a semi casual gamer now.  I don't play often, don't have a guild or friends (sure you can say well make some, I'm done dealing with people too many toxic people in games hence going solo most of my gaming experience for the past 11 to 12 years). With that in mind I make gold by either doing dragonfall meta or fishing and I usually keep a rainy-day fund of 30g on me at all times. Back during vanilla gw2 the tag was 100g that was a lot back then, people complained about the price of TPing and mentioned they should add mounts to keep the cost down. 
I don't play as much or often as most likely everyone commenting on this thread, I come in due to the new expansion stay for a while get items do some, most or all new masteries (maybe even finish some old ones).  I'll do a few achievements and spend time doing a little gold farming after that the game becomes boring.  (I have 10 characters, 12 character slots still have 2 level 80 boosts I have all 10 characters level 80 ranging with decent to good gear and I have all 9 professions)

For other's comments saying the tag is worth it due to people flocking to you the lfg system and so on.  I don't use the lfg system if I'm doing a meta, personally I feel like not a lot of people use it unless it's for raids or dungeons and maybe wvw.  Plus people flock to those with the mentor tag as well since people figured that person might be doing x, y, and z.  On top of that I believe not a lot of people join up on the tagged person in a squad/group. 


1 hour ago, Mithral.8516 said:

300g is not that expensive. Period. The tag is worth either doing a little farming or a little saving up. There are flaws with the commander tag system, but I don't think cost-to-acquire is one of them.

Now to you 300g is expensive because people have to weigh the value of 300g to a tag that they either deem necessary or not. To you 300g might not seem expensive to me it does, since I got bored (plus was thinking of maybe exchanging gold for gems), I went to see how much gold I can make by doing meta and fishing without spending much gold for about 12 days now I made 373g that is including some achievements items that I sold. Now that equals out to about doing 1 meta run or about 2 hours of fishing a day for 12 days.  There have been times I've thought about buying the commander tag throughout the years but the cost of it never outweighed the reason to buy it, even more so when I have the mentor tag.

Now for the OP's idea if I could give my tag to someone as a "loan" to whoever might be more willing to lead then sure I might be more leaning towards spending the 300g because then I can correct any small errors that might occur instead of having to what I call babysit a group of people. For the whole lieutenant thing I believe only people in the party/squad can see the lieutenant marked on the map so that make that point mute.

Let's go with the old hero saying with great power comes great responsibility well I say kitten no I don't want that responsibility I'm too old to babysit or deal with people.  Plus, I view the commander tag more as wvw only which was the consensus during vanilla gw2.

Edited by Cirth.1543
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300g is not expensive but it's more based on people's perception of value for the cost. It's clear that people have different goals in regards to the game and what resources the use for said goal. However, this does not mean that the tag should be cheaper or devalued because people want the benefits of the tag without having to pay.

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I'd buy a tag for under 100 gold.
Whether I'd use it is another question.
Probably for smc on a monday. First thing I do when getting home, go to EBG and drop a cata near it if it isn't our color 😁

16 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Then divide the cost of a tag between that friend group, with just 5, the cost becomes 50 gold so right about how you wanted it to be.

On 9/22/2024 at 7:51 AM, yoni.7015 said:

They are not expensive 

So, you people who say 300 gold is nothing (for me it's a lot). Send me the gold and then it will show who is just words or actions.


22 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

50? You and everyone else probably and then maps would be covered in tags with no one knowing who is leading what or even if some tags are leading anything at all.

Not playing wvw much? It can already get toxic if there are 2 tags on a map at the same time. It is uncommon to have more than 1 tag per map (happens sometimes temporary). And that doesn't mean that only a few people have tags. It's the manners and the reluctance to tag. :s

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5 hours ago, Tula.6021 said:

I'd buy a tag for under 100 gold.
Whether I'd use it is another question.
Probably for smc on a monday. First thing I do when getting home, go to EBG and drop a cata near it if it isn't our color 😁

So, you people who say 300 gold is nothing (for me it's a lot). Send me the gold and then it will show who is just words or actions.

Why should other subsidize your personal unwillingness to buy a tag? You obviously do not value the tag at 300 gold, not do you see a need for it. You value the tag as to expensive from an opportunity cost standpoint. That is fine, no one has to value having a tag, you just don't have a tag then and that too is okay. I mentioned that this is one way of measuring cost.

Today in 2024, 300 gold is equivalent to:

Wizard Vault route:

- 90 gold (540 AA)

- 112g from selling Laurels used to purchase Heavy Crafting Bags (1,500 AA)

- 22.50g from buying HCB for AA (240)

- 75.50g from selling around 40 Mystic Coins from AA (360 AA)

Total of 2,640 AA which can be acquired in 3 weeks of playing 1-2 hours per week (that's how long the weekly usually take at most), not counting ANY rewards gained in the game or loot acquired (like 3-3.5g per day from dailies alone).


Meta boss rush route:

Meta trains can exceed 20-30g per hour (https://hardstuck.gg/gw2/guides/events/meta-event-train-the-compendium/) depending on how efficient they are being run. Let's assume 15g per hour here as to take a lower number (not counting any high rng drops).

300 / 15 = 20 hours.

20 hours of pure "farming" with joining a meta train. Again, very attainable in a few days or weeks of casual play.


The fractal route:

Fractals yield around 20g per hour, 40g for fractal gods, per day. If we assume 20g per hour for a full set of T4 dailies+recs, this amounts to 15 days of daily fractals.


The savings route:

stop wasting gold on dumb kitten.


The Gem route:

300 gold currently cost 1,000 gems. 1,000 gems are the equivalent of 12,50 Euro/dollar. The value here will range between this being less than 1 Pizza and being a substantial amount in some countries with very week currencies.


All of those approaches are valued at ignoring ANY other loot and reward which might be attained while pursuing them. Suffice to say, most interact with each other and the actual time frame will be cut short for all of them (except buying gems and converting those to gold).


300 gold is attainable within a few hours of game play, or a few days of game play or a combination of both, depending on how one values and approaches the game. The most important approach here though might be the one where players actively stop wasting gold on random stuff.

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