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What's your wish for warrior in GW3?


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Learning from the mistakes of the development of this class in GW1 and GW2, what would you like for this class in GW3?

I think that the adrenaline mechanic is outdated, i heard that warrior was about to get a different style of adrenaline mechanic, that works for every single weapon skill, not just for the F1, kinda like GW1 but better? So, based on this, i would like to suggest a design based in Pantheon from League, its mechanic is based on filling bars with its weapon skills or just autos and enhance every single weapon skill like that, it's 5 bars, each bar is 1 skill or auto, not 30 whole hits like the current warrior to fill all 3 bars, the first skill deals more damage if all 5 bars are filled, the second skill is a mobility skill (that needs a target) and deals CC after landing, the skill fills 3 bars, but can't remember what it does when enhanced, the 3rd skill is a block + small multi hits damage and gives movement speed when enhanced, the ultimate kinda reminds me to spear F1 in GW2, but way cooler of course, since it's an ultimate, it drops its spear pretty far and slows the target, deals hybrid dmg and can move pretty far from its current spot (you get invul frames while you're on air and can also cast it on melee).

I just think that this mechanic could be great for warrior in GW3 as some polished and updated way for an adrenaline mechanic, and would fix a lot of problems tied to adrenaline on warrior, in GW2 it's probably too late to do this, but not for GW3.

"Guild Wars 3? what?" yes, it's under development but we don't know really much outside of that meeting and their obvious hirings for GW3, like "We're looking for developers to make a fantasy rpg in UE5" yeah, it's pretty obvious.

You can find more about GW3 here.

Back to the topic i would love to see the adrenaline mechanic polished in this game, so we don't get in the same loop of giving more access to adrenaline in certain things while you would just have something else in that spot, without sacrifing much, and ends up with mandatory discipline or sacrificing something, such as mobility or a stunbreak in a game with bunch of stuns and crazy mobility. You tried to fix this by giving just 1 bar to get filled on berserk, just 2 on spellbreaker that just consumes 1 and bladesworn having passive adrenaline genetarion as soon as gets in combat, and the bladesworn thing SHOULD've been a thing for core warrior since a while, like the adrenaline elite signet.

But anyways i guess it's too late to address this issue on GW2 because something something too late, something something spaghetti code, something something gated behind paywalls.

Edit: forgot to mention this; Pantheon weapons are spear + shield, the spear is melee AND ranged, it's what spear warrior should've been, it's good right now, but it's fully ranged, a weapon with no mobility, no boons, 3 skillshots, just does dmg, and was called bloated anyways, meanwhile mesmer and guard spear pretending to not exist, blaming the whole spear warrior for the sins of defense spellbreaker in PvP, it was nerfed and surprise, spear wasn't the problem.

Edited by Zekent.3652
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