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Willbender catagorically needs a nerf


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That is all. It's unfun to play against right now, it's too strong. And spear is just the cherry on top.

"Oh but it's glass" - There's endless boon spam, resolution, aegis, protection
"It can be shutdown easily" - Blink, blink, blink all around the map. It genuinely blinks more than thief.
"There's no safety net" - They pop invulnerable and run away waiting for blink cds.
"But just dodge the combo" - You can double dodge and stun/immobile break perfectly and still die to overwhelming damage.

It does everything well or very well:

  • Absurd mobility
  • Self-booning
  • Extreme multi-target damage and downstate cleave
  • Good sustain through trait setups
  • Strong utility through inbuilt mechanics, aegis blocks, condition cleaning, boon others

Why is guardian getting buffed in the Oct 8th patch?
Why are we not seeing hotfix balance passes for specs that are clearly overperforming?

Edited by Melumi.6432
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It is a power crept version of Power Herald.
All its rewards and more, with little risk.

1. Much better cleave damage. While most of Herald's damage comes from Death Strike, which is single target.
2. Better mobility. Especially after they more than doubled Phase Traversal's cooldown, and right after they released WB, funny coincidence actually.
3. Way better utility. Has tools for almost every situation.
4. Much better activate damage mitigation and long term sustain. While Herald requires you to always be aggressive and bait your miserable 2 seconds of Infuse Light every 30 seconds.
Enchanted daggers also require you to be constantly doing something. Herald has no breathing space.

And has been that way for a very long time.
Funny how not too long ago, blue class mains were asking to get two charges for Flowing Resolve back in PvP.
By the way, WB is still giga overloaded in WVW. Both Celestial and pure Power builds.

Edited by TruthSeeker.3697
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Wb in spvp is okayish, if you know how to handle them. Sure vs an unsuspecting target the reward is relatively high with a relatively low skill investment. In wvw they are a complete different monster and indeed need to be toned down significantly. What i find far more annoying is the current necro flood happening in ranked, with constant chill and boon corruption overflow. Harb and reapers are in need of a real nerf bat imo. But yeah spvp ist just reapers and willies these days. Very bland. 

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36 minutes ago, asket.5674 said:

Wb in spvp is okayish, if you know how to handle them. Sure vs an unsuspecting target the reward is relatively high with a relatively low skill investment. In wvw they are a complete different monster and indeed need to be toned down significantly. What i find far more annoying is the current necro flood happening in ranked, with constant chill and boon corruption overflow. Harb and reapers are in need of a real nerf bat imo. But yeah spvp ist just reapers and willies these days. Very bland. 

I agree with this all, expect for the necro part.

I am not a necro main at all, but we all know necro is the best team fighter of the game period. Since core classes, no other spec or profession can fulfill necros role. Paired with a support it's just it's identity, being a big damage dealer aoe teamfighter. They simply cannot nerf it too much, I don't remember a single season where necro role was unnecessary and never was played, because it is simply needed. At super high levels in monthly tournaments among the best players this sometimes may change a bit, bit for pure conquest gameplay it is the truth. It was core, then reaper, then scourge was insane, then it was reaper again, then harbinger, then reaper again till now with some harbs coming out again. So Yeah.

But willbender monopolies and steal his role from other specs that could do good as well and needs to be nerfed in spvp and removed in wvw.

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6 hours ago, Melumi.6432 said:

That is all. It's unfun to play against right now, it's too strong. And spear is just the cherry on top.

"Oh but it's glass" - There's endless boon spam, resolution, aegis, protection
"It can be shutdown easily" - Blink, blink, blink all around the map. It genuinely blinks more than thief.
"There's no safety net" - They pop invulnerable and run away waiting for blink cds.
"But just dodge the combo" - You can double dodge and stun/immobile break perfectly and still die to overwhelming damage.

It does everything well or very well:

  • Absurd mobility
  • Self-booning
  • Extreme multi-target damage and downstate cleave
  • Good sustain through trait setups
  • Strong utility through inbuilt mechanics, aegis blocks, condition cleaning, boon others

Why is guardian getting buffed in the Oct 8th patch?
Why are we not seeing hotfix balance passes for specs that are clearly overperforming?

You are 100% correct in your assessment.

You have to take into account that the devs play Guardian and a good majority (35-40% of the total pop) of players play it too.

On this assessment you are calling out the devs and 1/3 of the player base who will contort themselves any way possible to justify what is happening and further buffs to it.

It will happen in this thread, goalpost will be moved, unjust comparisons will be made, “skill issue” will be stated and outlandish statements such as “WB is mid” will roll out like rain.

You are the minority and the majority will gaslight and punish you for trying to stating the obvious.

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100% agree about it being annoying to play against, though unfortunately it's kinda fun to play a safe, newbie friendly blink build, it might be too much to have a simple one of that kind 🙂 I'll definitely go back to bunker sidenode Spb/Druid though once they finally throw a nerf bone to WB, as on the other hand it's impossible not to play something slightly overtuned for solo play when you're just going to be matched against the top #1 and top #5 players in a duo every 3 matches in high G3/low P1.

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3 hours ago, gyravi.9632 said:

I agree with this all, expect for the necro part.

I am not a necro main at all, but we all know necro is the best team fighter of the game period. Since core classes, no other spec or profession can fulfill necros role. Paired with a support it's just it's identity, being a big damage dealer aoe teamfighter. They simply cannot nerf it too much, I don't remember a single season where necro role was unnecessary and never was played, because it is simply needed. At super high levels in monthly tournaments among the best players this sometimes may change a bit, bit for pure conquest gameplay it is the truth. It was core, then reaper, then scourge was insane, then it was reaper again, then harbinger, then reaper again till now with some harbs coming out again. So Yeah.

But willbender monopolies and steal his role from other specs that could do good as well and needs to be nerfed in spvp and removed in wvw.

I get your point and agree on it in that regard, that you have to carefully nerf bat necros, atm they are absurdly over represented in ranked an hard counter any ele or boon reliant spec.

(yeah i am a salty ele main that cant get over the fact, that chill affect’s attunement switch)

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4 hours ago, GuriGashi.5617 said:

Idk sounds to me like a L2P issue considering Willbender saw close to no play last Tournament of Legends

Willbender is not exactly a team player when it comes to PvP that is probably why it never got used

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5 hours ago, gyravi.9632 said:

I agree with this all, expect for the necro part.

I am not a necro main at all, but we all know necro is the best team fighter of the game period. Since core classes, no other spec or profession can fulfill necros role. Paired with a support it's just it's identity, being a big damage dealer aoe teamfighter. They simply cannot nerf it too much, I don't remember a single season where necro role was unnecessary and never was played, because it is simply needed. At super high levels in monthly tournaments among the best players this sometimes may change a bit, bit for pure conquest gameplay it is the truth. It was core, then reaper, then scourge was insane, then it was reaper again, then harbinger, then reaper again till now with some harbs coming out again. So Yeah.

But willbender monopolies and steal his role from other specs that could do good as well and needs to be nerfed in spvp and removed in wvw.

This idea that "X spec is only good in X role so it should dominate X role" is pretty ludicrous. Any spec that is dominating a specific role, should be toned down in that specific role, not nerfed into the ground.. just toned down. That is basic balance ethos to maintain spec representation, and something Anet has failed at consistantly <Warrior dominating 1v1> <support+necro dominating group fights>. Since they have failed to adress this issue, and then gave all specs all weapons + new weapons, then you seen the monstrosity of spear SPB/WB over performing in multiple roles. Reaper is the strongest all round necro spec I have seen, and the weapons are a sure part of it. 


Virt is one of the stranger additions. I think what happened is people kept complaining about meta specs that they themselves could not actually play. Anet nerfed most of the high skill floor/risky power specs out of existence over the years, and now things like virt, and WB to some degree, are viable and dominating as a result (I mean its fking obvious when you think about it). Now, after all of the genuine risky power builds have been nerfed out of existance, virts, and WBs have the audacity to claim they are glass, they are "risky". They don't know the meaning of it. It is ironic to me that a person playing mech engi is actually taking more risk than a virt/wb.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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I love situations where players measure a certain standard out to others then crumple under it themselves but I wont talk about that atm

1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

This idea that "X spec is only good in X role so it should dominate X role" is pretty ludicrous. Any spec that is dominating a specific role, should be toned down in that specific role, not nerfed into the ground.. just toned down. That is basic balance ethos to maintain spec representation, and something Anet has failed at consistantly <Warrior dominating 1v1> <support+necro dominating group fights>. Since they have failed to adress this issue, and then gave all specs all weapons + new weapons, then you seen the monstrosity of spear SPB/WB over performing in multiple roles. Reaper is the strongest all round necro spec I have seen, and the weapons are a sure part of it. 


Virt is one of the stranger additions. I think what happened is people kept complaining about meta specs that they themselves could not actually play. Anet nerfed most of the high skill floor/risky power specs out of existence over the years, and now things like virt, and WB to some degree, are viable and dominating as a result (I mean its fking obvious when you think about it). Now, after all of the genuine risky power builds have been nerfed out of existance, virts, and WBs have the audacity to claim they are glass, they are "risky". They don't know the meaning of it. It is ironic to me that a person playing mech engi is actually taking more risk than a virt/wb.

He has arrived.


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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11 hours ago, TruthSeeker.3697 said:


It is a power crept version of Power Herald.
All its rewards and more, with little risk.

1. Much better cleave damage. While most of Herald's damage comes from Death Strike, which is single target.
2. Better mobility. Especially after they more than doubled Phase Traversal's cooldown, and right after they released WB, funny coincidence actually.


I agree. We need to buff power herald immediately! 

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47 minutes ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

I'll let you in on a secret, you can play Wilbender right now and enjoy all that OPness that you claim it has, knock yourself out.

It gets boring after literally 1 match of playing, same for wvw roaming, yeah you hop on spearbender and win 1vs2 1vs3, but then you realize how easy it is and how much you are carried and the spec does for you instead of personal skill and you drop it, at least if you like to have some kind of gaming competition. If not and maybe you are an ape who just like winning and mashing buttons for reward, then yeah, keep playing it and have fun, you are free to play it, but at least don't be hypocrit and flex that you are skilled and high risk by playing an ape but broken spec, that's all.

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1 hour ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

I'll let you in on a secret, you can play Wilbender right now and enjoy all that OPness that you claim it has, knock yourself out.

I deleted my guard, because I wanted to make a roleplay outfit which I couldn't because passive aegis shield from guard ruining it. 


Just wanted to randomly say this


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19 minutes ago, HardStuckBronze.2439 said:

I agree. We need to buff power herald immediately! 

if it would get buffed, make it on mechanical level better and not power creep like increased damage on traits they're "trying" for it atm, because damage it doesn't lack. Like the F-upkeep skills and traits going along with it for a starter.

Same for renegade if they want to make it better. Renegade F-skills energy cost free, more usefull utility on them because stance/weapon already costs enough energy. And kalla skills being able to get placed like wells, without error it can't be placed there... .


QoL mechanical updates things most often need then straight up buffing something in power creep. If something coëfficiënt wise gets some slight nerf while on mechanical level it is still working well when too strong, then it's still working well.


A very good example guard spear, it litarly only needs a slight damage coëfficiënt nerf on certain abilites so that it still keeps functioning mike designed.

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11 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

QoL mechanical updates things most often need then straight up buffing something in power creep

That sounds great I have a few suggestions: 

1) F1 (facet of nature): does whatever it normally does when active/channeled based on your legend. When you consume it you do a 600 range shadow step to a target location breaking stun, dealing AOE damage and gaining: stability, resolution, protection, resistance and aegis. Have to give it a unique name though like “Nature’s Courage” or “Facet of willbender” 

Actually let’s just start with that. That alone already might be too broken. 

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38 minutes ago, HardStuckBronze.2439 said:

That sounds great I have a few suggestions: 

1) F1 (facet of nature): does whatever it normally does when active/channeled based on your legend. When you consume it you do a 600 range shadow step to a target location breaking stun, dealing AOE damage and gaining: stability, resolution, protection, resistance and aegis. Have to give it a unique name though like “Nature’s Courage” or “Facet of willbender” 

Actually let’s just start with that. That alone already might be too broken. 

little overexeguration 

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