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[NA] [PvX] [Tarnished Coast] Any older folks made a guild out there?


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Hello all,

I'm trying my best to find a guild that suits me. And while I've found a few that have nice enough people in them, I just dont click with any of them yet. Wondering if there are any guilds out there where most of your members are 30+?

I'm a 32 year old ex-sailor, I don't mind adult humor, I don't mind salty language. I'm just not into the whole "yo lets talk bout dis dank weed," conversations. I don't begrudge the folks who do nothing but talk about that, but it's definitely not for me. I do not like elitists, braggarts, or attention whores. Everyone should be playing how they want.

I just want a guild where I can log in, chat with some folks about the game and game related things (because honestly, no offense intended, your out of game lives don't interest me), where I can run some fractals, raids, maybe some pvp here and there, and hang out in game. I don't mind discord when doing these activities, but I'm not going to be hanging out in it just chatting about random things if we're not doing group activities.

So maybe I'm looking for a guild of boring people xD

edit* quick edit, I'm medically disabled and play a LOT, as it's one of the few things I can still do :) So preferably an active guild (that doesn't mean large, I prefer small ones) that is looking for someone to join em in stuff not just be a statistic.

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