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[NA-PST, PvX, Blackgate] New Player


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What's up lads and lasses ,

I'm new to GW2 on the Blackgate server and looking for a guild to join. I'm usually active from 8 PM PST to 12 AM PST and on all day/night on my days off.I work 10 hour shifts so when I get home and hop on I'd like to have people to bs with.I'm playing a Druid currently and working my way through the Personal Story and hoping to get into fractals, raids, and some pvp with new guildies.

I don't always see my whispers so if you whisper me and I don't reply send a mail to Mesima Devereaux

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we always welcome people who are interested in spvp since quite a lot of us are wanting to form a group or two to get big spvp guild mission done =pwe used to do fractal training daily and raid training weekly. used to. since can't form enough people for a squad and have to lfg 80% of the squad, which is a no no. hopefully we'd recruit more faces and get things going again with enough people showing interests.feel free to take a look and see if we're to your liking.


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