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[NA][PvE] LFM for Static Raid Group, No Guild Req.


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[NA][PvE] Static Raid Group, No Guild Req.

The Lazy Raid Slublings [sLUB] are looking for 5 preferably multi-class raiders for a static raid group. Looking to rebuild a weekly raid clear group. The core members have already been part of full clear groups.

  • Joining the guild is NOT required – we are recruiting for a separate Static Raid Group.
  • Discord is our VoIP; we organize via Discord and it IS required. We speak primarily English but are multilingual. We also have a Brit, and everyone loves a Brit-ish accent!
  • We are a small, friendly guild that primarily raids but members participate in all areas of the game.
  • We are looking for members that are FRIENDLY, NON-TOXIC, and enjoy joking around with a touch of raunchiness (i.e., if this offends you, please do not apply).
  • Since this is a group that is rebuilding, we acknowledge and accept that it will be a process to become a smooth clear group. As such, please also have this expectation if you are interested.
  • We prefer raiders experienced with full clears or near-full clears but will consider raiders with some experience with strong mechanics that demonstrate an ability to improve.
  • We raid at 5 PM EST (currently 2 hrs before reset as of this posting) on Sat and Sun. The expectation is that members make as many weeks as possible, but of course we understand that conflicts will occur. The main members are mature, and most are in University or have full-time jobs. We have both men and women.

Please private message garqsharq on reddit (or lazypanda.7923) in game to inquire further. You may also contact tonabrix.7814 in game.

Thank you for your consideration.

Lazy Panda (on behalf of [sLUB]).

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