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[NA][EST][LFG][Dragonsbane] New Player(s) looking for home


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Gaming couple recently coming to GW2, really enjoying ourselves so far but looking for a friendly group to do stuff with/chat with. We always like to have a community to be a part of when we play so looking for that here now.

We decided to get out of sub MMOs since we both work full time and it just didn't feel worth it and randomly decided to give GW2 a shot a few days. Currently I'm a 54 Human Thief with an 80 Mesmer I boosted to unlocked mounts, she's currently F2P and an 18 Necromancer.

Not entirely sure how the guild system works here, or if F2P can join but we'll be buying the game for her as well soon enough anyways. Feel free to add us ingame Zanumas.1548 and smoak.6804 !

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