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GW1 Titles Revoked


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Logged on to GW1 account as i am stil guild leader there went to hall of monuments historian clicked show legacy correction i have 46/50 with legend of the mist, closer to the stars titles HoM is full everything show there. As i said never had GWAMM. Took 10 minutes to get logged into GW1. Been trying for 2 hours to log back on forums. Still get error connecting to GW2 client.> @CaelestiaEmpyrea.2617 said:

ANet has a big problem with their servers right now. Many players can't log in, and there is NO communication between GW1 & 2 servers. Once things are fixed, titlesand AP should reappear.This has happened with my APs before but not this bad filed a ticket got can you send a screen? Who takes daily screens of their APs? No One!! These and my titles need restored as obviously its a Big Mistake on ANETs end and I do want my titles and APs restored no excuse's.....

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it's a temporary problem due to the servers being unavailable temporarily.

Short story: it will fix itself later today.If you want to accelerate the process, logout of the game, and either boot up GW1 (and start at least one character) or use the hom calculator.

Longer story: due to a really horrid bug that was hard to track down and gave people credit who hadn't earned HoM or GWAMM, the system has been changed to periodically check with the GW1 servers to confirm status. That works great 99% of the time and fails when there are server issues. It always resolves itself (because the checks are fairly frequent). It's scary & annoying, but not ultimately meaningful; no accounts were harmed (just their owners).

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:it's a temporary problem due to the servers being unavailable temporarily.

Short story: it will fix itself later today.If you want to accelerate the process, logout of the game, and either boot up GW1 (and start at least one character) or use the hom calculator.

Longer story: due to a really horrid bug that was hard to track down and gave people credit who hadn't earned HoM or GWAMM, the system has been changed to periodically check with the GW1 servers to confirm status. That works great 99% of the time and fails when there are server issues. It always resolves itself (because the checks are fairly frequent). It's scary & annoying, but not ultimately meaningful; no accounts were harmed (just their owners).

The GW1 server check happens every 6 to 8 hours or so, am I right?

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@evilsofa.7296 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:it's a temporary problem due to the servers being unavailable temporarily.

Short story: it will fix itself later today.If you want to accelerate the process, logout of the game, and either boot up GW1 (and start at least one character) or use the

Longer story: due to a really horrid bug that was hard to track down and gave people credit who hadn't earned HoM or GWAMM, the system has been changed to periodically check with the GW1 servers to confirm status. That works great 99% of the time and fails when there are server issues. It always resolves itself (because the checks are fairly frequent). It's scary & annoying, but not ultimately meaningful; no accounts were harmed (just their owners).

The GW1 server check happens every 6 to 8 hours or so, am I right?

I don't know actually. I would suspect it's far more often, but I don't see anything close to enough data to check.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:it's a temporary problem due to the servers being unavailable temporarily.

Short story: it will fix itself later today.If you want to accelerate the process, logout of the game, and either boot up GW1 (and start at least one character) or use the hom calculator.

Longer story: due to a really horrid bug that was hard to track down and gave people credit who hadn't earned HoM or GWAMM, the system has been changed to periodically check with the GW1 servers to confirm status. That works great 99% of the time and fails when there are server issues. It always resolves itself (because the checks are fairly frequent). It's scary & annoying, but not ultimately meaningful; no accounts were harmed (just their owners).

I'd like to know where you are getting your information since you are not a moderator.

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@atheria.2837 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:it's a temporary problem due to the servers being unavailable temporarily.

Short story: it will fix itself later today.If you want to accelerate the process, logout of the game, and either boot up GW1 (and start at least one character) or use the

Longer story: due to a really horrid bug that was hard to track down and gave people credit who hadn't earned HoM or GWAMM, the system has been changed to periodically check with the GW1 servers to confirm status. That works great 99% of the time and fails when there are server issues. It always resolves itself (because the checks are fairly frequent). It's scary & annoying, but not ultimately meaningful; no accounts were harmed (just their owners).

I'd like to know where you are getting your information since you are not a moderator.

Because this isn't a new issue.

https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/3uxwul/hall_of_monuments_achievements_lost/ - 2015https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/4ham3q/my_hom_achieves_titles_were_revoked/ - may 2016https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/4k8zlt/wrongfully_revoking_gwamm_hom/ - june 2016https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/6g8c37/gwamm_and_500_ap_gone/ - july 2017https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13436/gwamm-title-and-ap-got-taken-away - oct 2017https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13440/gwamm-and-all-related-achievements-removed - oct 2017

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@Evolute.6239 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:it's a temporary problem due to the servers being unavailable temporarily.

Short story: it will fix itself later today.If you want to accelerate the process, logout of the game, and either boot up GW1 (and start at least one character) or use the

Longer story: due to a really horrid bug that was hard to track down and gave people credit who hadn't earned HoM or GWAMM, the system has been changed to periodically check with the GW1 servers to confirm status. That works great 99% of the time and fails when there are server issues. It always resolves itself (because the checks are fairly frequent). It's scary & annoying, but not ultimately meaningful; no accounts were harmed (just their owners).

I'd like to know where you are getting your information since you are not a moderator.

Because this isn't a new issue.

- 2015
- may 2016
- june 2016
- july 2017
- oct 2017
- oct 2017

If it isn't a new issue, why isn't it fixed by now?

The GW2 database - what's wrong with it?

The GW2 servers - why are they making these mistakes over and over and over?

Thanks for showing me links - that's not a small problem, that's big one.

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Sorry @atheria.2837. I used to copy/paste a longer post that included links. I thought I'd try a shorter post today.The original bug (that gave credit where none was due) and its reappearance were explained in part by a dev. The solution ... we don't know exactly how ANet handled it, so it's a little bit reading between the lines. We know that they run spot checks and we know that those fail sometimes. Every time they have failed (to my knowledge) has been when there have been server problems, maintenance, or some other reason why the GW1↔GW2 would be expected to miss a call.

That is to say: we know that the devs tried a couple of time to fix a bug that gave people too much credit and we know that the new system can remove credit from anyone (deserving or not). We have observed that this produces false positives and we have seen that it always fixes itself and that this can be accelerated by logging into GW1 (which forces a check) or use the HoM calculator (which also forces a check).

I hope that explains where I get my information from and why one doesn't have to be a moderator or a dev to answer technical questions.

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@atheria.2837 said:If it isn't a new issue, why isn't it fixed by now?The existing issue is frustrating, but ultimately solves itself. That's better than the old problem, which didn't solve itself and was unfair.

The GW2 database - what's wrong with it?There was nothing wrong with the database. There was a change to the AP system which granted HoM/GWAMM credit to people who hadn't earned it. They never explained the particulars, but we know they made at least two attempts to fix it that made it to the live code. Neither succeeded, which is how they ended up with the kludge used today.

The GW2 servers - why are they making these mistakes over and over and over?They aren't making mistakes over and over. They no longer store data about GW1.

Instead, there's a subsystem that checks with GW1. That works perfectly, except when there are other issues that affect the game. Today, for example, there was a problem with players logging on at all. That also affects the GW1↔GW2 communication, and so the HoM check fails, because GW2 can't talk to GW1 (just like we had trouble logging on).

Thanks for showing me links - that's not a small problem, that's big one.Well, depends on your perspective. It's a much smaller problem than the old one and it entirely prevents people from getting HoM or GWAMM who haven't earned it, which the old system did not (even before the bug).

So it's a problem, sure. It's just as lesser problem than we'd have without it.

It might be clear, but I don't like this solution: it's clearly a kludge and it has a major point of potential failure that will come up every time servers drop lines of communication. That doesn't happen often, but ideally it shouldn't be a problem at all.

However, the alternative is for ANet to go back to the drawing board and pretty much overhaul how AP is setup, granted, and maintained within the system. That's a huge chunk of QA attention on something that ... well it resolves itself. The good thing about this solution is regardless of how many false positives occur, it will always fix itself. Always

In short: this solution is like democracy. It's a really horrid option, except for being better than all of the alternatives.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

The important things to note are that we're aware of this problem, and that it is a temporary issue that will right itself, normally within 24 hours, usually within an even smaller timespan.

If you find that you still are missing titles after 24 hours, you may reach out to Customer Support via a ticket and I believe they will investigate your account. However, please do wait at least a day, because with logging out, and then logging back in, I am nearly certain that you will find that all is well, and everything is back to normal.


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@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:The important things to note are that we're aware of this problem, and that it is a temporary issue that will right itself, normally within 24 hours, usually within an even smaller timespan.

If you find that you still are missing titles after 24 hours, you may reach out to Customer Support via a ticket and I believe they will investigate your account. However, please do wait at least a day, because with logging out, and then logging back in, I am nearly certain that you will find that all is well, and everything is back to normal.


Could you please pretty please ask the development team to make a change to the HoM achievements in GW2 to make them locked/stored in the GW2 database instead of being hot-linked to the active GW1 servers? The removal and restore already happened a few times earlier, and the first time I freaked out because it took me so many years to get the GW1/HoM achievements in the first place.

Why not make it one way: GW1 HoM achievements can be registered by GW1 to GW2, but not removed. Players don't lose their GW1 titles anyways.

What happens if eventually GW1 will be discontinued? I hope this never happens but it would be much safer if the GW2 HoM related achievements would get stored in GW2 once they have been unlocked. Please. It took me 10 years of playing GW1 to

this year so I hope to never, never lose it.

Thank you very much.

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It has to be linked to the GW1 servers because first off, that's the only way to know that the points were obtained, and secondly, it's needed so that when things go wrong and people get credit for titles they shouldn't have, those titles can be removed. This has already happened before, which is why the hot-linking exists.

Should the unthinkable happen and Guild Wars 1's servers are taken down, I imagine they would revisit the scenario then. But there's no point in speculating about that when Guild Wars 1 is not going to be taken down within the foreseeable future.

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Another reason it has to remain linked is because it's still possible to obtain points in GW1 HoM to go towards those achievements in GW2. Not too long ago I went from 31 points to 36 just by dedicating some minis. Others have gone back to GW1 to unlock skins. Unless ANet decides to shut down GW1 entirely they need to keep the games linked.

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@TheQuickFox.3826 said:Why not make it one way: GW1 HoM achievements can be registered by GW1 to GW2, but not removed. Players don't lose their GW1 titles anyways.

They remove your link rewards if your GW1 account gets banned. I'm guessing that's also why this happens, where the server fails to get a response, so it assumes the account doesn't exist.

@TheQuickFox.3826 said:What happens if eventually GW1 will be discontinued?

GW2 would go down with it. GW1 is kept alive because it's not really using anything; it's borrowing from GW2. If they did have to take it down, they'd just disable the HoM updater.

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@TheQuickFox.3826 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:The important things to note are that we're aware of this problem, and that it is a
issue that will right itself, normally within 24 hours, usually within an even smaller timespan.

If you find that you still are missing titles after 24 hours, you may reach out to Customer Support via a ticket and I believe they will investigate your account. However, please
wait at least a day, because with logging out, and then logging back in, I am nearly certain that you will find that all is well, and everything is back to normal.


Could you
please pretty please
ask the development team to make a change to the HoM achievements in GW2 to make them locked/stored in the GW2 database instead of being hot-linked to the active GW1 servers? The removal and restore already happened a few times earlier, and the first time I freaked out because it took me so many years to get the GW1/HoM achievements in the first place.

Why not make it one way
: GW1 HoM achievements can be registered by GW1 to GW2, but not removed. Players don't lose their GW1 titles anyways.

What happens if eventually GW1 will be discontinued? I hope this never happens but it would be much safer if the GW2 HoM related achievements would get stored in GW2 once they have been unlocked. Please. It took me 10 years of playing GW1 to
this year so I hope to never, never lose it.

Thank you

Pretty sure they used to be locked on GW2... remember a few years ago where people who didn't even have GW1 linked to their acc. were getting the GWAMM title among other things unlocked? There were some exploits to be had there with that system.

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@Sojourner.4621 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:The important things to note are that we're aware of this problem, and that it is a
issue that will right itself, normally within 24 hours, usually within an even smaller timespan.

If you find that you still are missing titles after 24 hours, you may reach out to Customer Support via a ticket and I believe they will investigate your account. However, please
wait at least a day, because with logging out, and then logging back in, I am nearly certain that you will find that all is well, and everything is back to normal.


Could you
please pretty please
ask the development team to make a change to the HoM achievements in GW2 to make them locked/stored in the GW2 database instead of being hot-linked to the active GW1 servers? The removal and restore already happened a few times earlier, and the first time I freaked out because it took me so many years to get the GW1/HoM achievements in the first place.

Why not make it one way
: GW1 HoM achievements can be registered by GW1 to GW2, but not removed. Players don't lose their GW1 titles anyways.

What happens if eventually GW1 will be discontinued? I hope this never happens but it would be much safer if the GW2 HoM related achievements would get stored in GW2 once they have been unlocked. Please. It took me 10 years of playing GW1 to
this year so I hope to never, never lose it.

Thank you

Pretty sure they used to be locked on GW2... remember a few years ago where people who didn't even have GW1 linked to their acc. were getting the GWAMM title among other things unlocked? There were some exploits to be had there with that system.

I just hope GW1 will NEVER shut down or ArenaNet will come up with a solution in the unfortunate case they (or NCSOFT) decide to pull the plug on the original game.

I may be worrying too much for now. It is a bit in my nature to do so, but I'm old enough to have gone through the experience with companies discontinuing older stuff. Remember Tabula Rasa, City of Heroes and Auto Assault. All NCSOFT MMO games who have shut down. What happens when the NCSOFT management sees that GW1 hardly brings in any revenue anymore? Will they give ArenaNet the suggestion to end it?

True, all speculation but when the time is there I'm afraid that the animo may not be there to start coding a solution for keeping the GW1 HoM/GWAMM achievements in GW2. I keep feeling uneasy about this with my GWAMM and 6000 hours over 10 years in GW1. A once-in-a-lifetime achievement for me at least. I yet have to see any promises that either GW1 will stay online for the life of GW2 or that a solid solution will be made for the unfortunate case GW1 will get discontinued.

Don't get me wrong, I do not ever want GW1 to end, but I am realistic when knowing that the games are ran by commercial organizations that have to keep looking at their bottom lines.

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