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[NA] [hiVe] Different Body Same Mind recruiting semi experienced to experienced raiders!


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[hiVe] is recruiting semi-experienced to experienced raiders for the sole purpose of joining us in clearing high end content and CMs eventually. Right now we have cleared all bosses on first 4 wings and the first boss on wing 5. We are looking for people who have multiple classes geared(at least 3) and are ready to raid.

Discord is required but a mic is not. We just ask you listen in when we are raiding. We are friendly and patient guild willing to teach if you don't have all boss experience. We are currently 24 members strong and are recruiting up to 40 members. We like to improve together as a team. We are not elitist in any way and will work around what classes you have to play!

If you are interested please contact Jcyph.2407 in game!


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