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[NA] Returning player after 4 years. Looking for a new home


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Hi all! I just logged into my account after four years and am lost beyond belief! No friends left or guilds, no surprise lol. I am looking for a new guild I can call home and help me get back on my feet. At this point I am pretty much a new player. I purchased both expansions and am ready to learn! I am currently on Dragonbrand server but am willing to transfer to a lower population server. Looking forward to getting back into this game!

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you sound like 70% of our guildies =p haven't come back after at least 3 years. lol.but luckily, we're here to help and we want everyone to get back on track and enjoy the game they once loved or wanted to love. haha.check the link and see if we're a good fit for you.https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/comments/716lb0/napvxchillax_guild_intense_pleasure_mmm_lfm/

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