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[YB][NA/OCX/GMT][PvX][Mature 18+] Ascended Khaos, is Recruiting and Wants YOU!


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Ascended Khaos [AK]

About Us:

Ascended Khaos is a newly formed guild looking for like-minded individuals that want to help us grow and have a good time. We’re an International guild, so we’re active around the clock. We have members with varying backgrounds and interests, so there is always someone to do something or chill with. We’re helpful, and welcome new, old, and returning players who just want a chill environment and cool people to game and be social with.

Guild Goals:

Our goals differ from the traditional guild, meaning we don’t have any! We all believe in having a good time, and being relaxed. Having goals just adds stress to what is seen as a hobby, beyond keeping the guild progressing in levels, and working on individual strengths. We believe community and having fun with one another, is bottom line.

What We Offer:

We offer a chill atmosphere to game and socialize in, no unrealistic expectations, no pressure to be, “Uber Leet”, and prefer using builds we have fun using, opposed to the “Muh META”, mindset. We also have a Discord Server, and a Website/Forum where we discuss guild events, future upgrades, and side hobbies.

What We Expect and are Looking for:

Mature individuals that are interested in helping us grow, willingness to help each other out, respect one another, and of course have a sense of humor.

Guild Schedule:

Saturdays and Sundays: Guild Missions (Start Time is When we Have Enough Interested Member to Meet the Requirement.)

Wednesdays: Guild Events (Currently Map Completion and Other Shenanigans.)


Be 18 years of age or older.Representing the guild is only required during missions/events, other than that, represent when/if you want to.Members are expected to donate materials or gold towards guild upgrades.Members are heavily encouraged to help out with guild missions, this helps the guild grow, and rewards you too!Be active, but real life does come first, and we respect that.Have Discord handy, for communication/socialization purposes.Have fun, joke around, and feel free to ask questions.

Contact Us and Join Our Online-Family:

GM:Odokuro.5049 Nickname: Phelix (Feel Free to Mail me, With ANY Questions Relating to the Guild.)

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