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[Suggestion]Option to disable lens effects.


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The new lens effect in the Ring of Fire map that plays every time you turn towards the sun makes the game completely unplayable to me.I don't know why this was added,the previous increase in brightness was bad enough,as it was not gradual but went frommin to max immediately,but this new effect is horrible.It's a huge orange circle that covers most of the screen.I just hope that this was not added as part of the upcoming expansion.Give us an option to disable this please.I wanted to replay the season 3 story before PoF,as it is now I can't play that map because the lens effect is beyond unbearable.

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@Demeth.5816 said:Literraly unplayable

Well,it is to me.If you don't mind a huge orange circle going on and off on your screen as you turn the camera,great,all I'm asking for is an option to disable it,because I sincerely can't play that map or any other map whilethat effect is on.Unfortunately I can't post a screenshot in these new "improved" forums.And as I said above,I just hope this effect is not another "improvement" taken from the new PoF maps.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:Not a fan of it, either. It literally blinds you, even from angles where it makes no sense. I liked it better the way it was before.

Before,the brightness effect was too intense and the increase in brightness was not gradual,it was a very amateurish and badly implemented effect,but at least you had to move your camera upwards a bit for it to trigger.This one triggers whenever you turn the camera in the general direction of the sun,and it literally is a huge orange circle that covers all of the centerviewing area on the screen.Especially if you engage in a fight where you have to change the camera direction rapidly and continuously,it's horrible.

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@Aenaos.8160 said:Especially if you engage in a fight where you have to change the camera direction rapidly and continuously,it's horrible.

I also find it annoying during gliding, be it ley-line or not, when you attempt to collect unbound magic orbs or try to land at the right spot for some collection achievement. It is just completely painful to the eyes in any case. You are right, it was always bright, but only when you stared into the sun; now you don't even have a chance to avoid the headache.

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I add this link to a screenshot to show the effect,and how it does not even require you to look up and towards the sun in order to trigger.In fact the sun is nowhere on the screen.I've turned my camera looking completely down and I play the map like as if it had a isometric camera view.If this is a thing in the PoF maps,I'm rekt.


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