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Spending Magnetite Shards?


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So I've managed to get around 600 of them. I'm considering buying a Demon's Gavel with them because, well, I need an Ascended Hammer anyway and it just looks totally rad.

However, I don't want to blow all the raid currency I'v'e manged to get if there is something far more important I should be spending them on?

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@hmsgoddess.3869 said:I think most people do spend it on ascended items. I do when I need them. Also, you are maximizing your returns on Magnetite shards by using the guild map bouns potion found in an upgraded guild bar correct? This will help you accumulate more (of course up to the max allowed each week) each time you get some.

I've been raiding like crazy so I'm usually topped off constantly.

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Spend them on anything you desire, especially if you are certain you will continue for quite a while. They do pile up before you even know it. I know people who are currently at 15k+ or even 20k+ and still waiting for anything special to spend them on.We could probably make a case for the Xera portal which is probably the most must-have item you can buy if you do not get lucky with the drop. All though, it is nothing more than a gimmicky item with a bit of extra utility in case you do not have a mesmer with you.

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