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[LF][NA][PVX]New player looking for a casual guild


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Hey guys,

I'm a new player to GW2 an am taking my time leveling to enjoy the game for what it's got. That said I would like to find a guild before I get to max level, and am looking to see whats around. I'm looking for something that caters to a more casual croud, as there's no guarantee I'll play even in a given week. My wife would also want to join and she is even more casual of a player than I am. Community is something that's important to me - I want a guild I look forward to logging in to, even if it's just talking for an hour, and not doing much of anything. That said, I come from a background of MMO's and loved raiding in WoW, and having all sorts of null-sec fun in EVE. Hopefully theres some guilds like that out there that just want to relax and enjoy the game.

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I am Squeeks, recruitment officer for Remnants of Hope.

We are a multi game community that has been around since 2009 with a huge focus on community.We have daily events in all areas of the same (PVE, PVP, RP)

You can find out official recruitment post ->Here<-

We do have an application and trial process, its not as scary as it might sound its just how we make sure you will be a right fit for our guild. We do not have any play time requirements, play when you want, how you want.

I hope you will check us out!

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