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Game alt-tabbing or flashing desktop [merged]


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I've got that little "issue" that doesn't really impair functionnality, but I'm curious about it.

When I launch the game (before character selection), the "black" screen blinks with my desktop and whatever would be opened on it. Likewise, when I switch map, I also get blinks of the desktop. I run Win 10 on my 2 PCs, and both of them do it. I'm not sure it's GC related, since they don't have the same one. So I'm a bit perplex.

On a (maybe) related topic : I can't use Alt+Tab in game : the screen goes black, blinks some time with the desktop, then goes back to GW2. Just as if the computer was looking for something to switch to, and goes back to GW2. I have to go windowed mode to be able to do something else while GW2 is running.

Any ideas about that ?

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I don't think it's anything to worry about. It's certainly not an uncommon thing with games. Basically, it's initializing the video driver and reserving the screen before it renders the character selection screen. You'll also notice that after the first blink, while you see see your desktop and start menu, you can't use the start menu or task bar. Again, this is normal.

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This issue is specifically what kills gsync for me until I alt tab back and forth after the map load. If I'm in Fullscreen, then gsync simply isnt working, as my monitor reports just 144fps even though the game is running something much lower. If I am in Windowed Fullscreen, the game runs in 15 fps presumably because gsync thinks the window focus has changed, so it's syncing with a background window or something until I alt tab back and forth again.

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  • 2 months later...

Within just the past several days my game has randomly been alt-tabbing to the desktop once in a while. Typically it only happens once per login. Has anyone else been experiencing this lately as well? I've completely formatted my computer and everything but no change. It's kind of annoying but luckily it doesn't happen much.

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@Abelisk.4527 said:Yes. Happens to me too.

My guess is it has something to do with Steam.

Well... I don't have Steam installed so.. The only things that are currently running at the same time as the game is Avast, Logitech Mouse and Nvidia Settings. And I've never had this problem till just this past week. So, idk what the deal is.

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Ah. I have this happening to me too and, yes, I also have Steam on my system. Always wondered why it sometimes tabs out. Thank you. I also use Nvidia, so the issue might be there as well.

Edit: Did a little research. Apparently, it's a combination of Windows updates and Nvidia. https://www.sevenforums.com/gaming/86193-issue-fullscreen-games-switching-back-desktop.html

Some are recommending changing the resolution. Either way, hope the above information helps.

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@"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:Ah. I have this happening to me too and, yes, I also have Steam on my system. Always wondered why it sometimes tabs out. Thank you. I also you Nvidia, so the issue might be there as well.

Edit: Did a little research. Apparently, it's a combination of Windows updates and Nvidia. https://www.sevenforums.com/gaming/86193-issue-fullscreen-games-switching-back-desktop.html

Some are recommending changing the resolution. Either way, hope the above information helps.

that´s not research, that´s timetravel :)

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@circuitnerd.5863 said:

@Abelisk.4527 said:Yes. Happens to me too.

My guess is it has something to do with Steam.

Well... I don't have Steam installed so.. The only things that are currently running at the same time as the game is Avast, Logitech Mouse and Nvidia Settings. And I've never had this problem till just this past week. So, idk what the deal is.

Ooh, interesting! That eliminates that idea.

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There are programs that can (and do) put themselves into the front of even full-screen applications. This nonsense happened to me since Win10 (I skipped Win8). For example, when I am playing Dishonored and in League of Legends the matchmaking found a match, it pauses and minimizes Dishonored and puts LoL in front. Since Flash is hardware-accelerated, this tabbing out of fullscreen applications is becoming more and more of a problem when I keep a Flash player open, e.g. Youtube while playing full-screen applications.

In Win7, no matter how pressured a program was (yellow blinking icon in the taskbar), it stayed in the back of programs run in fullscreen. Now every little mini gadget can do that, and Windows loves to pass that request and force-minimize (the "Alt+Tab" bevaviour) on everything..


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Which is why I play all my games in full screen borderless windows. Then notifications can pop while I play, and I kinda like the multi-tasking. They pop over my mini-map (in this game) which is occasionally distracting, but usually not a big deal. Plus I can Win-Tab around easier and what not. Navigate multiple instances of the same or different games easier.

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Oops. Yep, that link's a little dated. A little more research showed me that it still happens to a lot people. I still say it has something to do with Windows and/or NVidia, but I can't find proof of it. A lot of speculation, but nothing concrete.

Edit: Some are claiming this is the issue and fix: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/id-3431089/games-randomly-tabbing.html

I'll try it myself and see if I get any more alt-tabbing out. :)

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It may not be related, since I am on the Mac version, but I also have the problem of the game being bumped to the background frequently. Sometimes it's by a message saying I need to update DiVX, sometimes it's trying to get me to log into iCloud (which I don't use), sometimes it's just a moment when all my controls stop working and the toolbar icons appear on the side. It's really aggravating when it happens during a battle or JP or something where losing control means death or failure.

I don't have NVidia (I have Intel Iris.) I do have Steam installed, but not running.

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Tabbing out is caused when window focus is stolen by another program. There could be any number of programs that could cause this. My recommendation would be to get a focus logging tool to run in the background while you play, and if focus gets stolen you can look at the focus logger to see which program was being a jerk.

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@"Zedek.8932" said:There are programs that can (and do) put themselves into the front of even full-screen applications. This nonsense happened to me since Win10 (I skipped Win8). For example, when I am playing Dishonored and in League of Legends the matchmaking found a match, it pauses and minimizes Dishonored and puts LoL in front. Since Flash is hardware-accelerated, this tabbing out of fullscreen applications is becoming more and more of a problem when I keep a Flash player open, e.g. Youtube while playing full-screen applications.

In Win7, no matter how pressured a program was (yellow blinking icon in the taskbar), it stayed in the back of programs run in fullscreen. Now every little mini gadget can do that, and Windows loves to pass that request and force-minimize (the "Alt+Tab" bevaviour) on everything..


I had this happening for a while and that was back before I switched to win10 so win7 isn't much better in that regard.

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