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An exchange for the use of specialization


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With the new specializations coming out, they seem to come at a bit of an exchange for example, the spell breakers max adrenaline is reduced, necros no longer have life force to use on themselves. So could the HoT specs also have some sort of price for its use or just toning down the abilities to make it more in line with standard skills and traits...(because seriously, a repear is more of a berserker than a warrior berserker in terms of concept..) , to encourage players to rely more on their creativity when making a build as I feel in PvP everybody depends so greatly on the specialization traits (which do generally make life easier) and . I miss the dynamic builds that people would use, (even if they are meta builds... un-creative...), It would just make things more interesting.

To give a good example and be honest, how many people here know exactly what their opponent is going to do in terms of the order of skill usage, combos..blah blah blah and seeing if they are using their specialization , just base on their class without even having played their class once?..... just a constant repeat in all the matches.

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Well exactly because of this "creativity" and wide choice of mixing stuff we get builds that may end up being too strong. For me, a good build is the one that can do one thing with a very strong outcome and perhaps a half of something else. Druid for example may not be OP, but once dealt on a decent to more than decent level, it gets really frustrating to fight against or easy to rotate a fight due to what it has to offer. Maybe it's not the top notch deal of damage and mobility, but with burst healing capability a druid has too much to give and too little to pay for that (and no, I do not mean that in a way of nerfing it). Classes and builds that tend to have an access to more than two things at once may not be OP, but definitely too strong.If someone is tanky, then shouldn't be able to do damage or heal (except self heal to sustain the tankiness). If someone has tons of damage, shouldn't heal for days or have escape on demand mechanics every few seconds. Even though thanks to that we have very fast combat, but in many situation it gets confusing at times. That's why current auramancer ele is good but not too strong. It has all the support, but none of damage or escape on demand which is reasonable. All in all, in its current state many builds are too forgiving.

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@Rodzynald.5897 said:Well exactly because of this "creativity" and wide choice of mixing stuff we get builds that may end up being too strong. For me, a good build is the one that can do one thing with a very strong outcome and perhaps a half of something else. Druid for example may not be OP, but once dealt on a decent to more than decent level, it gets really frustrating to fight against or easy to rotate a fight due to what it has to offer. Maybe it's not the top notch deal of damage and mobility, but with burst healing capability a druid has too much to give and too little to pay for that (and no, I do not mean that in a way of nerfing it). Classes and builds that tend to have an access to more than two things at once may not be OP, but definitely too strong.If someone is tanky, then shouldn't be able to do damage or heal (except self heal to sustain the tankiness). If someone has tons of damage, shouldn't heal for days or have escape on demand mechanics every few seconds. Even though thanks to that we have very fast combat, but in many situation it gets confusing at times. That's why current auramancer ele is good but not too strong. It has all the support, but none of damage or escape on demand which is reasonable. All in all, in its current state many builds are too forgiving.

Good point with regards to the two things at once and I also believe that some specialization ability do too much at once. What I meant with regards to creativity, its to choose your traits according to the pros and cons and what you feel you are best suited for. Each line should be dynamic but equal in pros and cons ratio through out each trait , specializations tends to have greater benefits (in fact can anyone name any cons for the specializations?of HoT) so the idea of creating your own builds gets limited and the wide choice isn't really there. For myself, I don't use HoT and most of my build as to be defensive because of the amount of pain HoT builds gives so I find myself not being able to expand and explore my build further.

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