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Solo WvW roaming Holosmith Exotic build?


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@Tinnel.4369 said:The HoloRifle or variations thereof seems to be the go to. Perfectly fine to be run with exotics.

The main thing I’m worried about is not having enough crit chance without sacrificing a ton of survivability. Is there an optimized build out there for exotics which doesn’t sacrifice these things as much or is it impossible?

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Trait-wise, I'd recommend Prismatic Converter over Light Density Amplifier. Holo is weak to condi and there's plenty of condi spam in WvW even when solo roaming. Consider taking Thermal Release Valve over Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit as well because being able to dodge to vent heat becomes essential to stepping in and out of the forge to convert condis with Converter. In Tools, I've never tried Takedown Round, so I can't speak to how good it is or is not, but I find Lock On to be essential in dealing with enemy stealthers. Prime Light Beam, Overcharged Shot, and Holographic Shockwave all become ways to apply reveal with that trait, as is any attack you do while stealthed (just keep the trait's 25 sec cooldown in mind).

As far as the gear goes, I'd recommend Maurauder for the armor over Knight. The toughness is a defensive stat against power builds only and you're trading offensive stats (ferocity and power) for that 2650 armor. The armor is also of limited use against glassy burst builds as their damage will still eat up your health pool if you try tanking that damage. Avoiding it instead through stealth, rocket boots, and the elixir s invuln is how holosmith ideally survives while bursting down the thing trying to kill it.

I know you're trying to do holosmith roaming on a budget, but a few of the armor reward tracks in WvW will allow you to select any stat combo in the game. The Triumphant Armor Reward Track, the Legacy Armor Reward Track, and the Crystal Desert Reward Track all offer an armor box at their completion that'll allow you to choose any stat combo for the armor. If you plan on someday crafting the ascended Triumphant Armor, then the armor skins from the reward track are a prerequisite anyway. It'd take you a while, but no crafting/mats/gold is necessary to be in full Maurauder exotic armor.

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