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Achievement Points seem stuck

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@Ok I Did It.2854 said:

@"Haleydawn.3764" said:I also agree here, I made a few posts on the old forums about this when the Daily AP cap discussions are brought up, yet 'the daily AP keeps vets playing'. No, it doesn't regular and repeatable rewarding content keeps vets playing.

AP kept me and some friends playing, we loved to grind out AP are part of our game play for some competition, now that some of us are capped, and some aren't, we have lost some of that interest, but its not all bad, it allowed us to go find other games to invest in =) so win win I guess, point is, don't try tell others what keeps them playing and what doesn't, just because you don't want to be an AP hunter doesn't mean others shouldn't,

Maybe Anet should have put an option in game,

Be capped at 15k daily, gain 2g per day from doing themDon't be capped at 15k, gain 0g from dailies but continue getting AP,

Which open do you think people would take.

That would cause a big difference between new players and old players. Gaining a "free" 2 gold would make old players much richer. Which could cause thing in the trading post to become to expensive for a new player. With the 2 gold a day. The difference only changes based on farming. Which new players can do as they reach lvl 80

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@CharterforGw.3149 said:

@"Haleydawn.3764" said:I also agree here, I made a few posts on the old forums about this when the Daily AP cap discussions are brought up, yet 'the daily AP keeps vets playing'. No, it doesn't regular and repeatable rewarding content keeps vets playing.

AP kept me and some friends playing, we loved to grind out AP are part of our game play for some competition, now that some of us are capped, and some aren't, we have lost some of that interest, but its not all bad, it allowed us to go find other games to invest in =) so win win I guess, point is, don't try tell others what keeps them playing and what doesn't, just because you don't want to be an AP hunter doesn't mean others shouldn't,

Maybe Anet should have put an option in game,

Be capped at 15k daily, gain 2g per day from doing themDon't be capped at 15k, gain 0g from dailies but continue getting AP,

Which open do you think people would take.

That would cause a big difference between new players and old players. Gaining a "free" 2 gold would make old players much richer. Which could cause thing in the trading post to become to expensive for a new player. With the 2 gold a day. The difference only changes based on farming. Which new players can do as they reach lvl 80

I think they meant that instead of adding the 2g reward to dailies, they should have asked "we want to boost dailies - which would you prefer: 2g for Daily Completionist or removed AP cap?"

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The 10 AP for the daily could be a way to keep people active, even for few minutes per day (and in a very casual game like this, it might be important). If this makes easier to gain some skins, I have no problem.But these AP are not really "achievements" indeed. They are separated as permanent/dailies if you hover the mouse on yours, but you see the total on other players. Maybe the new players could find it fairer if the info shown when you are in group were the permanent AP.It's all just a matter of bragging oneself in the end. No one cares if someone has 50k and unlocked a fully flaming skin. It's when someone sees that he won't never be able to have the same numbers, no matter how he plays, that disheartens.

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@TheQuickFox.3826 said:It would be nice if the dailies-for-AP system would get extended for one with diminishing returns. like:

Complete three dailies:0-15000 - 10AP /day15000-20000 - 5AP /day20000-25000 - 3AP /day25000-30000 - 2AP /day30000+ - 1AP /day

This would keep AP hunters happy while not mess up everything too much.

AP hunters is why we have the cap at the moment.

They asked anet to change it when they could do 12 dailys a day for 1 ap each. We got do any 3 and get 10.Again they dident want to be forced to login daily to gain said Ap we got a cap of 15k ap.

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@Linken.6345 said:

They asked anet to change it when they could do 12 dailys a day for 1 ap each. We got do any 3 and get 10.Again they dident want to be forced to login daily to gain said Ap we got a cap of 15k ap.

Which is why the more valid option of asking Anet to split daily and monthly AP reinstate monthly achievements with its own cap/thresholds/DR is better.

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