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Multiple Saved Specs please for the love of sanity


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It'sdriving me crazy to respec on top of gear swapping 9 different professions evertime I want to change my activity. Its nice that you can save a pvp spec with out having to remake it but what about solo pve builds, fractal dungeon and raid builds and wvwvw roaming solo builds / wvwvw group roaming builds.....see what I am getting at a couple more saved skill set ups would be nice its bad enough i have to strip all my gear when I want change what I am doing let alone rebuild my character all the time.

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Thats somethign for what finalyl a build Template System is needed to be officially implemented, because then you could eaysily switch out per button click all your Elite Specs out as you like, because they are just part of your Trait settign, that is part of your overall Build which could then be saved up in a Template which anet could let us have with the basic system like for the beginning 3 Templates to save, and if the player wants to jhave more Template Slots for the account per character, then the player could buy more template Slots from the gemstore, just like basicalyl more new bank slots, or more bag slots for shared inventory items ect...

its so extreme overdue, that this game gets finalyl an own officiall proper integrated Build Template System ...

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...and outfit/dye/character(/time of day/mood/hunger level/availability of pizza) combinations. I'd like to put an outfit on, or a piece of armor, and color it, and have it 'remember' that the next time I switch back to it. As well as being able to save 'multiple' color combinations per piece and name it, and name an entire 'set' of items as a thing. Etc, etc, ad nauseum.

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Agreed. I play a mesmer and have a chrono tank build, chrono dps build, mirage build, secondary mirage build, and open world mirage build.On a ranger I have soulbeast, open world, and druid build.On a necro I have scourge, nobody likes me in pvp or wvw, reaper, and vanilla build.On an elementalist I have a healing build, staff build, weaver staff build, weaver sword build, etc.

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