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quick and easy sword redesign


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1 chain 2 Crippling Thrust: hits 3 targets, up from 1, cripple duration from 2 to 1 sec


2 Hornets Sting - leap to your target (like Warrior sword 2) dealing light damage and immobilizing the target for 1 sec20 sec CD600 range1 target


3 Mongoose Strike - strike the target for high damage and gain quickness and superspeed for 2 secs15 sec CD130 range3 targets



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Why should Crippling Thrust's cripple be reduced when Thief's sword AA has a 2s cripple and weakness while striking 3 targets? It's not like Warrior's sword AA that has a 1s cripple since it's paired with an 8s bleed - Crippling Thrust has nothing else to offer but a mediocre power strike with a coefficient to match. Just up the number of targets.

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@Fluffball.8307 said:Those are evades, not attacks. I always use sword 3 to evade things because dodging will put you out of position unless you're dodging into a wall. Plus it's just fun to evade with the sword instead of dodging like a peasant.

Yes they are evades. One has bad tracking and a huge animation where only the last 2 thirds are evasion and it hits 1 target.The second is a disengage with a delayed evasion too and a gap closer that has to be used in 4s or you have to run back into combat.

Keep #2 and #3 both as evades but improve accesability connectibility and speed would benefit all gamemodes.

Serpent strike is so well displayed that pretty much every person with some degree of reaction can dodge it.

Hornet sting has a huge forecast and you can be interuppted while casting. The evade only sets in after the forecast.Monarchsleap is only used after you evaded an attack and the enemy knows exactly that you either run away or jump back in.

Its unflexible, flawed and a huge dps loss in PvE just because of to long animations and bad tracking.

No misunderstanding here, i like sword because if the evades and the flavor but it doesnt help that i only can use it as a backup if things get ugly instead of my main weapon.

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@Fluffball.8307 said:Why bother though? Sword has always been one of if not our best weapon. Good for condi, good for power, good for competitive, good for PvE, fun to use.

Sword was and still it is a very good weapon in combination with warhorn for PVP too. I don't know from where did you get the idea that it is only for PVE?You trade sword+warhorn with greatsword for evades+unblockable+might+speed with more damage+block+huge leap. Both setups works with Power build.I don't know if they should change sword skill like it works now, because seems to be ok for me.

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