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[200li] Spirit Of The Raiders [RAID] Is new raiding guild totally focused on raiding! Have fun!


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- Spirit Of The Raiders [RAID] is new guild, with 12 members already, and requiers 200li to join!

  • 75% Representation
  • 200 Legendary Insights
  • 1 Week inactivity will result in kick
  • Have meta build and gear for class you are going to play
  • Be friendly, communicating, and respect others.
  • Static Groups

    - Something more for our guild!We will (maybe) make Guild Missions as well, if guild members want to,and do CMs fractals, and we are also dad and son as leaders!

    -We also need officers for our guild!Requires:500 Legendary Insight or more.100% Guild RepresentationMinimum 2 days inactivity.Have Commander's Tag

Want to join? There are few ways to do that!-Write an text for guild application on discord text channel, with XP, class, how much time you are playing, etc...Discord: https://discord.gg/pgAjSpQ-Contact us in game:FrozenNike.5701AsanTheBeast.7315-Or Contact one of officers:[No officers yet]

-We will also make static groups for beginners, but after we make guild with 100 members!

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