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[EU] Returning player (1,5 years) looking for raiding/fractal guild

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Some info:

  • 28 year old male from Belgium, working as a land surveyor.
  • Quit after wing 2 hit the game. Completed wing 1 and 2 multiple times. (64 Li) No knowledge about the new wings yet.
  • Lvl 80 in all classes but not all fully geared with ascended. Currently DH/BS/SC fully geared and druid missing some trinkets.
  • I try to be but i can't be online every night. I have a job, a gf, play football and go out in weekends. On weekday evenings i can be online most of the time.
  • Personal fractal lvl is 100. Although it is 100 i'm not that experienced yet in the new fractals.
  • I have discord/mic/whatsapp
  • Looking for a semi pro/casual guild to do daily fractals and raids and learn the new wings.Feel free to ask anything you like.

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