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Disable Glider / no Glider on.off option in game or change of glider deployment offered.


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I would prefer if we could keybind glider deployment because breaking the habit of years of gaming is not a good "work around" to this situation. Seriously. We need the ability to keybind glider deployment or have a check box to disable glider on the menu. Or Both options! All these years of GW2 and I still have issues with this to the point that I hate gliders during jumping puzzles. This crap needs to be worked on cause it is ruining the fun of Jumping Puzzles for me and many others.

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@"sorudo.9054" said:i wonder why they even did the "hold space to glide" thing, i am used to double tap space.

Double tap to glide is a nice option to add too. Anything is better than hold space to glide at this point. We need options. "Get good" is not a solution to a gameplay control mechanics. Simply adding options on how we choose to activate glider, eliminates these issues for all. Let the players decide what works for them when it comes to this and everyone is solved.

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@DreamyAbaddon.3265 said:

@"sorudo.9054" said:i wonder why they even did the "hold space to glide" thing, i am used to double tap space.

Double tap to glide is a nice option to add too. Anything is better than hold space to glide at this point. We need options. "Get good" is not a solution to a gameplay control mechanics. Simply adding options on how we choose to activate glider, eliminates these issues for all. Let the players decide what works for them when it comes to this and everyone is solved.it's not something to add, it's already in-game.

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Don't forget holding down a key is like continously typing that key. (check in word or texteditor) So yes the double space is already in.

You can change the delay in windows 7 like this. (superuser.com)

Check in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\KeyboardThe KeyboardDelay property indicates the length of time after a key is pressed and held down before keystroke repeat messages are sent by the operating system.

This value is in the range from 0 (approximately 250 millisecond delay) through 3 (approximately 1 second delay). The actual delay associated with each value may vary depending on the hardware.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@"DreamyAbaddon.3265" said:I would prefer if we could keybind glider deployment because breaking the habit of years of gaming is not a good "work around" to this situation. Seriously. We need the ability to keybind glider deployment or have a check box to disable glider on the menu. Or Both options! All these years of GW2 and I still have issues with this to the point that I hate gliders during jumping puzzles. This crap needs to be worked on cause it is ruining the fun of Jumping Puzzles for me and many others.

Same here. I have about 4 decades of muscle memory of what key to hit to turn and jump and such. On one hand it is great, minimal lag for me to react to do a certain movement. Then I run into something like this and want to scream.

Side note: this also messed me up the first time I played the game: the default movement keybinds are set differently so I needed to stop and change them. Even further aside, this is why I did not play ESO after one session: I could not change their movement keybinds.

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@Nokomis.5076 said:

@DreamyAbaddon.3265 said:I would prefer if we could keybind glider deploymentStrangely enough I remember an option, a checkbox, where you could enable/disable gliding if you hold space. But I just can't find it anymore..

That's a bummer... They should re-add that option. I'd love to disable gliding for space key being held down. It's better than no option that's for sure.

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  • 1 year later...

I couldn't even figure out why my glider was sometimes deploying and sometimes not despite me only pushing space once until I found this thread. The thought that holding space bar was doing it didn't even cross my mind. No other game that uses space to jump uses holding space for anything beside jumping farther/higher. I seriously thought the glider was bugged and deploying by itself....

All these people in here saying variations of "just don't hold space, retrain your muscle memory". I counter you with the fact that mounts require you to hold space to jump farther/higher. Holding space to jump farther is part of the game. It might not work for the character's jump, but it's there and very widely used on mounts, so telling people to retrain their muscle memory is a very bad argument. They can't train away from muscle memory that the same game is training them into...

Holding space to jump farther is also an instinctual thing to some degree and/or a hold over from other games. Also, even if I know that holding jump doesn't make me go farther in a given game and I usually do just tap the button, if a given jump is really dicey (ie jump puzzle jumps) I instinctual hold the button. It's like... part of clenching? xD

Overall having holding space bar deploy the glider is VERY unintuitive and counter to habits that gw2 itself enforces via mounts, which means forcing it on players is bad game design. I wouldn't mind if they left an option for it since others might be used to it and taking it from them would then affect their muscle memory, but it should definitely be an option that those who don't like it can disable.

EDIT: Just realized this particular thread is a year old not a weak old... oops...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I fully support this movement. I'm having the similar problems with a certain jumping quest I've tried near 20 times. Especially longer jumps needing swiftness the timing is so tricky without setting off the glider and veering off target then needing to restart the puzzle from the beginning :s It makes a fun puzzle become unnecessarily difficult and infuriating. If the devs can make this happen that would be great!

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  • 4 weeks later...

@jumblecaper.3470 said:I fully support this movement. I'm having the similar problems with a certain jumping quest I've tried near 20 times. Especially longer jumps needing swiftness the timing is so tricky without setting off the glider and veering off target then needing to restart the puzzle from the beginning :s It makes a fun puzzle become unnecessarily difficult and infuriating. If the devs can make this happen that would be great!

To be fair, I'm not entirely up to date on this, but I thought all JP was made to be possible without swiftness, at least the core ? the 25% or swiftness can help some of them for sure though.

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@joneirikb.7506 said:

@jumblecaper.3470 said:I fully support this movement. I'm having the similar problems with a certain jumping quest I've tried near 20 times. Especially longer jumps needing swiftness the timing is so tricky without setting off the glider and veering off target then needing to restart the puzzle from the beginning :s It makes a fun puzzle become unnecessarily difficult and infuriating. If the devs can make this happen that would be great!

To be fair, I'm not entirely up to date on this, but I thought all JP was made to be possible without swiftness, at least the core ? the 25% or swiftness can help some of them for sure though.

and the length of a jump depends on the forward movement key not the jump key

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I'd like to see this implemented by allowing us to activate/deactivate masteries. This would be especially helpful when helping newer people who do not have certain abilities unlocked, to just match their mastery level. The advantage would be, for example, if you're helping someone new through Heart of Thorns, and they don't have all gliding masteries unlocked. With all masteries unlocked, you do not use any endurance while gliding unless you are leaning forward, while the other person has their endurance running out. Or, removing the upper masteries on the Springer, limiting yourself to the basic jumping height, etc. And, of course, being able to quickly turn off gliding all together for jumping puzzles, etc.

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@Khisanth.2948 said:

@jumblecaper.3470 said:I fully support this movement. I'm having the similar problems with a certain jumping quest I've tried near 20 times. Especially longer jumps needing swiftness the timing is so tricky without setting off the glider and veering off target then needing to restart the puzzle from the beginning :s It makes a fun puzzle become unnecessarily difficult and infuriating. If the devs can make this happen that would be great!

To be fair, I'm not entirely up to date on this, but I thought all JP was made to be possible without swiftness, at least the core ? the 25% or swiftness can help some of them for sure though.

and the length of a jump depends on the forward movement key not the jump key

Yes I know, I've even said the same thing in this thread. But I believe all the JP's (at least the core original ones) was designed so that you could accomplish all of them without speed boosts, they can still make some jumps easier by giving more leniency though.

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